Chart of the I AM Presence
Understanding Your Spiritual Nature There are three figures represented in the Chart of Your Divine Self. The upper figure is
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Understanding Your Spiritual Nature There are three figures represented in the Chart of Your Divine Self. The upper figure is
Read MoreHow Angels Help You to Create Miracles in Your Life & Dictation by Beloved Listening Angel: Why should we contact angels? Simply because they are our guides, guardians and friends and simply because God created them to help us, to minister unto us…
Read MoreSaint Germain’s Prophecy Introductory Lecture: Saint Germain is our immortal friend and brother. As the Chohan of the Seventh Ray and Hierarch of the Aquarian Age, he is leading the people of earth into a new era of freedom and enlightenment.
Read MoreAMERICA, AWAKE! I AM THAT I AM from March 25, 1986. Therefore, in the new age, the land of India shall represent the “head” of such an “earth body” and the land of America the “heart”. Take notice, please, that the name “India” begins with the letter “I” and “America” with “Am”. Is this not significant?
Read MoreLecture: Introduction to the Ascended Masters from San Diego Stump Lecture given by Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 23, 1988 at the Scottish Rite Memorial Center in San Diego, California. Today again a new revelation, a new vibration. We are at the end of Pisces and the beginning of Aquarius.
Read MoreMy country, ’tis of thee – Words by Samuel F. Smith (hymn tune “America”). The Goddess of Liberty is spokesman for the Karmic Board and representative of the second ray on that Board. She is the hierarch of the Temple of the Sun, her etheric retreat over the island of Manhattan, New York.
Read MoreSong My Country Tis of Thee with Invocation: What is the United States of America? How can we believe in it if we do not know what it is? It is my opinion that most people in this country no longer know what the United States is and, therefore, they no longer believe in it. – Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Read MoreOmri-Tas Violet Flame Dispensations: Omri-Tas and Saint Germain’s Day begins today. This monthly violet-flame vigil, called Omri-Tas and Saint Germain’s Day because it is sponsored by these masters, begins on the second of each month and ends on the fourth.
Read MoreThis Reverse The Tide Service was given prior to a Dictation by Saint Germain through Elizabeth Clare Prophet. This is from The Harvest Class: Prayer Vigil to Restore the T’ai Chi of Elemental Life held at King Arthur’s Court, Royal Teton Ranch, Montana on October 11, 1993.
Read MoreDictation by Beloved Lanello: Mark Prophet ascended on February 26, 1973 as the ascended master Lanello. Mark Prophet opened the door to heaven for us all. That’s how we know what we know about the Brotherhood and the path of the ascension.
Read MoreDictation by Beloved Jesus Christ: the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, who was in Colorado Springs, delivered this dictation by Jesus Christ. Jesus of Nazareth was and is the living Christ because he was the fullness of the incarnation of the Word.
Read MoreThis dictation by Beloved Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark Prophet on Sunday, February 18, 1973, at the Motherhouse in Santa Barbara, California.This was the final dictation delivered through Mark Prophet.
Read MoreSong 355 to Beloved Mighty Astrea: Purity and Astrea are the Elohim of the fourth ray (the white ray) of purity, perfection, hope and wholeness. It is the flame of the Mother and the flame of the ascension—the desire to know and be God through purity of body, mind and soul.
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