Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


Quote: El Morya on (not) Simplifying the Teachings

Many times we have personally heard those at the Ranch, or in a Study Group or Teaching Center say something like “What we REALLY need is the Teachings in a style that anyone can understand.”

This troubled a lot of us, so we went looking through our transcripts and found this, among others that we will post.

Note:  Our emphasis added.

“The style in which El Morya writes in The Chela and the Path, moves from East to West. He has the Zen Masters’ approach. Often the sentences do not seem to follow logically and you don’t particularly know why he is saying what he is saying. But once, it has been said, it becomes a matrix which begins to grow in the subconscious. You can take any given paragraph or sentence and make it the center of a sun and perceive meaning like rays coming out from the sun in all directions.

Some of these are simply statements that have archetypal patterns that key into the subconscious minds of the chelas, and only the chelas, so that others among mankind could read this writing and their remark would be, “I don’t understand it,” or “It’s meaningless,” and they’re completely dumbfounded by the Pearls of Wisdom. And that is how the Masters protect the teaching.

People have cried out for a simple teaching and why can’t the Pearls be written more simply. And they’ve had great resentment that Elizabeth’s consciousness is too complex and nobody can understand the teaching. So they’ve made it their goal in life to break down the teaching and write it simply.

Well, Morya’s comment on this is, that simple books have been written for simple minds for thousands of years. Anybody who wants simple teachings can read Unity or Joel Goldsmith, or any of a number of self-help books. The principles are there, they lack the flame. And when I’ve seen people try to rewrite the teachings simply, they come up with a simple statement that also lacks the flame.

So Morya has said that the purpose to which the Masters have set themselves in the dictations they are giving to us, is to establish keys, keys of consciousness. When you think about it, many of the teachings of Jesus were not simple. They seem simple today because we are two thousand years beyond the minds of the people who received them”

SU Lecture, Level II
Chela and the Path #1, Part A
by Elizabeth C. Prophet
October 25, 1976

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