Quote: El Morya on the connection between a Live Guru and Tithing
By that commitment, beloved, you make the same commitment to the living Guru that I made in my own time to the great Guru Melchizedek. And therefore, I tell you, I did never want for abundance and had tremendous assets under my dominion, for I did always tithe to the living representative of the Almighty.
And this is the measure of your portion, beloved, [that you must give; for the Law of the One states that a tenth of your daily portion] does already belong to God. [And the Lord, your Mighty I AM Presence, will take your tithe and return it to you tenfold in one form or another.] And therefore be grateful that you have one in embodiment who has the mantle of the Guru, through whom you may fulfill this law [of the tithe] to your own benefit as well as to the benefit of our blessed and beloved Church.”
August 7, 1990 El Morya