Quote: Magda about the Teachings on Satellite TV
Well, I tell you, beloved, let your determination be to bring this teaching of my Lord and Saviour and the path of the ascension to every Lightbearer, every son and daughter of God and every child of God who will have a receptivity to it because once upon a time in ages past they not only touched the hem of Jesus’ garment but they knew mu, Maitreya, they knew Zarathustra, they knew Lord Buddha. And they must be acquainted with that one book, that one text, that one tape, that one something that will suddenly be for them the opening of the eyes and the opening of the heart and the opening of the mind.
You who have of abundance and of supply to spare, I pray to you, bolster up this Messenger and this staff and give them what they need to do this job. Join them! Help them! And make the funds necessary that these Teachings shall be on satellite before many upon earth must face the hour of transition called death and be on the astral plane and have no one to pray for them and have not the knowledge of the science of the spoken Word themselves to get themselves out of that dilemma.”
Magda – April 11th, 1993