Quote: Mark L. Prophet on the Ascension of 144,000 Souls Through this Teaching
And so I reveal to you that the work of the Two Witnesses that is prophetized will not be fulfilled until 144,000 souls have, through this Teaching, ascended into the Presence of the I AM THAT I AM. This is indeed the work of the ages. And yet the age for the destiny of the fiery turn of these souls is at hand. There is an opportunity for these sheep to pass by the door of our Christ consciousness, to be supported by one in Matter, one in Spirit, in what we have called the push-pull action of our twin flames.
When you are a part of Saint Germain’s fraternity, because you have made the commitment to take the responsibility to be a publisher of the Word of God, to spread abroad the Teachings, we are then allowed by the Lords of Karma to be your advocates in this way and so you can know that as I am pulling, Elizabeth is pushing you on the homeward way. We are grateful that our twin flames are able to perform this service to life because you are our friends. You have been our friends down through the ages.”
Lanello, Ghana Class, September 19th, 1976