Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


Quote: Mighty Victory on Studying the Law and Passing Tests

Mighty Victory “The victorious passing of the test of the ten, then, comes because you invoke victory and because you are determined to be victorious. If you slide into an exam without preparation, without considering the facts, the cosmic astrology and the activities of light and darkness that must be recognized for what they are–light to reinforce light and darkness to be transmuted—if you do not come to the test prepared, do not expect to pass the test. It is as simple as that.

You cannot assume that somehow by the smile upon your face or the clothes that you wear you will automatically by some magic formula pass through the tests of victory. It simply does not work in that manner.

Study the Law

The Law is the Law; it has ever been the same. If you expect to pass your tests, you must use every point of the Law that you have ever learned, every teaching of the Ascended Masters that has ever been given. You must study to show yourself approved unto God, rightly dividing the word of truth and employing those words where they are applicable to your level of evolution.

Somehow the very definite teachings of the Ascended Masters that are pointed toward those who require them are often missed. Often the points on which we lecture in our dictations are taken up by devotees who have already overcome them. I say, then, to those of you who need the lesson and to those of you who know that you need the lesson, hear my words and apply them.

As you apply the teachings of the Masters, you earn the right to have a higher teaching, and as more and more among you apply the precepts of the Law you will come to the place where collectively you will have earned the right to have more advanced dictations and more advanced revelations.

Because such a great compendium of knowledge is waiting in the octaves of light to be delivered to mankind, we have initiated the victorious spiral of the Ascended Master University. Those who by preparation, by submitting to the disciplines and the Ascended Master code of conduct have earned the right to hear the higher teachings will receive our advanced dictations and instructions in the higher levels of the Ascended Master University.

We must look far and wide to find hearts purified to receive the higher teachings. Therefore we have prepared a way for training, discipline and initiation that you might receive even as you have called forth more light.”

Beloved Mighty Victory – Dec 29th, 1973