Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters

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Q&A: Overcoming Fear of Your Destiny

Student:  “Good evening, Mother, and bless you for being here.  I’m a student on the Path, as I guess all of us are.  And one of my biggest obstacles is overcoming the fear of the destiny that I have chosen before I embodied here.  I’m aware of that destiny but yet I always seem to be one step away, you know.  And I’m confronted with‑-I don’t want to say problems but projects, because there are no problems, only projects.  And I need your advice on how do you get over that last thread, that threshold between, you know, what you really, the work you really need to do while you’re here and letting your fear create, you know, this overwhelming wall to overcome.”

ECP:  “You have to see through the lie of procrastination.  You are not one step away from your work.  But what you are doing right now is the Work.  It might be the prologue or the preface.  But you’re not in no-man’s land.  And you’re not at what the work you think you are at because you have to give the decree, the fearlessness flame decree, and clear up your two o’clock line, fear, doubt, human questioning and records of death, on your Cosmic Clock and master the solar plexus, which is the b, the, the levels of desire and the astral plane.  And that’s what we all have to do while we’re here in the age of Pisces at its conclusion to gain that mastery.

So, you listen to the voice of God.  You are obedient.  You give your decrees and you say, “Here I am, Lord.  Send me.”  And if you’re not doing the work you think you are doing, then the work you must do is to know that you are at the place of doing the work.  Do you, do you see what I’m saying?  [“Yes.”]

I mean, “Right now, here and now, I am a son of God.  I am a servant of God.  I am a daughter of the Most High and I am fulfilling my reason for being, and nothing will stop me from fulfilling my fiery destiny.  I will to do it.  I agree to make any sacrifice, give up any desire, overcome any bad habit.  I ask God to, to prune me, to challenge me, to initiate me, to strip me of all things that are an offense to him.”

And you give all those rituals in that book and “God, if I am not sufficient to your needs, if I’m not doing enough, then show me what it is you want me to do.”

And that’s what happened to me, because Saint Germain appeared to me at eighteen.  And five years I looked for Saint Germain, and I knew that when the pupil is ready the Master appears.”


Taken from “An Evening with Elizabeth Clare Prophet”  – June 21, 1990

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