Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


Mother’s Instructions on Keeping a Notebook for Calls

From a lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet given on Thanksgiving Day November 26, 1992 Available on Ascended Master Library. Search by date or product #K92022.

In this lecture, Mother gives instructions on keeping our own personal notebooks for calls and invocations:

“I am frankly quite surprised that when I call for fiats to Sanat Kumara, the calls die down sometimes in 30 seconds or 45 seconds. I want you to make lists. I want you to carry a loose-leaf notebook that is the size of your decree book but a separate notebook, where you make your own lists. It’s difficult to remember and call to mind, in those little interludes when we can give our fiats, just all of the things that we want to make calls on, that we must be making calls on.

“You really cannot trust it to memory. You have to have your list that you make, whether it’s on Church situations and problems, world problems, whatever is important to you. The calls you make are your means of balancing karma—remember that.

“Each time you make the call and send legions of light, you are an instrument of God-good in the earth. And the key is to be relentless.

“If you’re on a certain theme that you are absolutely determined that there’s going to be a victory on that theme, such as education and our youth, you need to be after it and do those same calls every single day, relentlessly. You do it on 360 degrees of the clock, you keep going around the clock, you keep repeating the very same calls over and over and over again with the absolute sense of God-Victory. One call isn’t enough, because all of those children have free will, and they have no example or teaching to exercise that free will in their own behalf and to their own good.

“So please, get very scientific about assigning these angels and not just giving random calls that pop into your head. Once you get on a subject, let’s say it’s on the FDA and the AMA,* who are trying to take away vitamins from open sale in the supermarkets or in health food stores, the whole question of challenging the remedies that come from Germany and other places, the ironclad control of the FDA and the AMA over medicine, over what happens to you when you go to the hospital, over how you can and cannot treat AIDS, can and cannot treat cancer, and so on—all of these things. If that’s your subject and that’s your field, take the time to sit down and do the research, go to the library, understand the problem, and then write your list of fiats. You can write such a good list that you can send it to me, and it can become a fact sheet in the Court, and everybody can give those calls.

“We don’t have the staff to write as many fact sheets and calls that have to be made. If you’re not somebody that can stand up and lead a decree session, then please be somebody who can do the research and create the concise calls so that when I receive them in the mail they are perfectly worded and all that has to happen to them is that they have to be Xeroxed, because you fact-checked them, you researched it, you got the names right. And you can pattern them after our fact sheets that El Morya has taught us to make—the fact sheets of the positives, the negatives, what we want to happen and what we don’t want to happen in that area.

“So let’s get busy. I’m talking to Keepers of the Flame worldwide today. We must have these calls and lists of calls. And then we will have a notebook that we have dividers in, and it’ll have sections according to topics, and topics according to rays, and the rays according to the archangels on those rays and the Masters serving, so that we know who we’re calling upon for what situation and condition, and we have that clear visualization.

“We are scientists of the Spirit. Remember, we are called to be in the priesthood of Melchizedek as sons and daughters in that priesthood.”

*FDA, or Food and Drug Administration; AMA, or American Medical Association.

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