Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


The Importance of Striving for Your Ascension in this Life

“I have had any number of people tell me over the years they do not want to ascend at the conclusion of this life, they have too much work to do, and they want to help people, and so forth. And by this logic, they therefore conclude that they might not, might as well not intensify and accelerate on the path of the ascension or pray for the accomplishment of those things which are required, or bind the blocks to the ascension. And so what we find here is a recalcitrance and a resistance to the divine plan.

You see, if we do all things that we must prepare for and we balance fifty‑one percent of our karma or more, we have the freedom to elect not to take our ascension. So if you really are on the right wavelength of not desiring your ascension‑-not because you want another round of materialism, but because you truly want to serve‑-then your highest desire should be to attain God‑mastery so that you can be a Master in embodiment, a Master of love. So you see, whatever course you would take, it is best to fulfill those responsibilities just in case when you do balance your karma, you also have your divine plan in tow and the means to accomplish it. In that way, you leave open both options. Whether to ascend or not to ascend‑-that is the question. [laughter]

And so whatever your position may be today, it may change. So we must always live our lives with the understanding that we may have different opinions and views in the future, and so we want to leave all our options open. And therefore, we need to diversify, we need to know that we have the ability to have several choices open.

So I think it’s a very important prayer to make that the obstacles to the ascension be bound and cleared and that all those things necessary for our personal lifestreams, our divine plan, be made known to us, so that we do not leave those things undone which must be accomplished in the day and the hour when the option of the ascension is before us.

I know that you understand that simply balancing fifty‑one percent of your karma does not necessarily mean that your divine plan is fulfilled, nor does it necessarily mean that you have the ultimate attainment of mastery.”

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, in the lecture:  “Teachings from the Mystery School”, December 28, 1985 during Before Serapis Bey’s Dictation

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