Quote: Nada on the Teachings on Cable TV and Cable Access Channels
Needless to say, your sponsorship of these videotapes of our sermons, the sermons of Jesus, has multiplied many times the image of our messenger and also the image of our Electronic Presence. Though the physical eye cannot see it, it is recorded on the videotape, and this is the wonder of that tape— that there is presented at the soul level to those who watch it the actual manifestation of the Holy Spirit and the ascended masters.
And so it is the first stepping through the veil that on that tape there is recorded that which is to come. And therefore, the tape is a prophecy of the future when the physical eye shall be accelerated and raised and all men shall see their teachers face-to-face, through the messenger of the Great White Brotherhood in the dictations electronically programmed throughout the planetary body as the seeds of light.
And therefore, you are the ones who have cast this bread of life, this Word of Truth upon the waters of the electronic belt of the earth, the waters of mass communication. And you will see after many days that that will return to you as the momentum of good works, as balanced karma.”
Footnote: 15. Since July 1983, the sermons of Jesus Christ through the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet have been presented in half-hour and hour shows on cable TV stations across the country. Through the sponsorship of Keepers of the Flame, “The Everlasting Gospel” currently reaches 20 states over 49 stations. For information on how you can distribute the masters’ teaching for this age free over public access TV, write to Marion xxxxx at Camelot.
Vol. 26 No. 51 – Beloved Nada – December 14, 1983