1981 THE INNER RETREAT: Early Video & Slides with Elizabeth Clare Prophet
The Inner Retreat
The Inner Retreat is a physical outpost of the Great White Brotherhood at the Royal Teton Ranch in the Paradise Valley of southwestern Montana. It is the international headquarters of The Summit Lighthouse and Church Universal and Triumphant.
The land of the Inner Retreat and particularly the Heart of the Inner Retreat, a secluded mountain meadow at an elevation of six thousand feet, is consecrated ground and is considered to be a sacred or holy land.
The Inner Retreat is partially in the etheric octave, and numerous ascended masters have spoken of walking this hallowed ground. It is the place where the soul meets or encounters the Real Self, the guru in the form of the messengers and the ascended masters, particularly Lord Maitreya.
The prophecy of Jesus
Elizabeth Clare Prophet tells the story of the sign of Old Faithful and the miracle of finding the Inner Retreat.

The miracle of the Inner Retreat began two thousand years ago in a conversation I had with Jesus when I was his disciple Martha, sister of Lazarus and Mary. He was in our home in Bethany, and the circle of disciples that gathered there asked him many questions concerning the Second Coming, the end of times or ages, what would become of us, when would he take us to heaven.
He told us that the teachings would be lost and manipulated and perverted. He told us that there would be a dark age of spirituality concurrent with the rise of materialism and that in the end of the age, those teachings would be restored.
I remember one day when I was kneading bread in the kitchen and he was seated nearby. He spoke the parable that is written in scripture: “The kingdom of heaven is like a leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, and it leavened the whole lump.”
He said to me, “You, Martha, will come at the end of that age. You will bring the leaven of the lost teaching.”… He said that as the disciples would be rekindled by the teaching, they, too, would go forth and this gospel would be preached in every kingdom. And then the end would come—the end of the Piscean age, the end of the balancing of our karma, the end of the necessity for our incarnation.
I wondered how this would come to pass. He told me he would take us to a new world and to a wilderness in that new world where he already had the place prepared, the site dedicated to the coming again of the Divine Mother….
Jesus said, “I will place my marker there, and it will be the sign of the coming again of the Mother and the Mother flame, which has been lost since the days of Lemuria and the sinking of the Motherland.” And he said the sign would be the marker of a giant jet of water coming out of the earth into the sky—water that would look like a flame and a fire infolding itself, water that would symbolize the rising of the Kundalini, the ascension flame, and the return of the soul to God….
After I came to this activity, I was called by the masters to be a messenger and spent twelve years with Mark Prophet. He passed on in 1973, and his last words to me, the night before his transition, were to take the organization and the teachings and go and protect them and preserve them on a piece of property that I was to find in Montana…. He told me that I would be led to the place prepared and that when I found it, we would be ready to purchase it…. And so the search began….
When we were looking for the property, we flew all over Montana and adjacent areas of Wyoming and looked at many, many parcels. And walking by the faith and the inner attunement and the direction that I received, this is the place that was selected.
Two years later, Jesus came to me and he opened the memory that I have described. He pointed out the fact that our Ranch borders Yellowstone Park and that it was the geyser, Old Faithful, that he was referring to when he prophesied to me that this would be the place and I would know it by that sign.
When the land was purchased, I hadn’t recalled that episode, and I asked him why he waited till now to tell me. He said that he wanted to show me that it is the Higher Mind of God and the soul’s communion with that Mind that is the true guidance, and we are not always aware in the outer mind that we are truly following the inner calling.