Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


Afra, Brother Of Light – Song 26



Affirmations for Brotherhood

I walk in the footsteps of Afra.
I AM a brother, a sister to all.
I comfort. I console. I comfort. I console.
I AM true to myself and to my God.
I bear the honor of God in my heart.
I enter into union with the Holy Spirit.

I AM one with the Prince of Peace,
The Prince of Peace.
I shall walk in the Spirit from this day on.
For this is the day, the day of my victory.
This is my hour and the power of light.
I shall lead my people to the throne of glory.
Receive me now, O God!
Receive me now, O God!

Words by Afra. Melody: “Thaxted,” by Gustav Holst from The Planets, “Jupiter,” op. 32 (hymn tune “I Vow to Thee, My Country” words by Cecil Spring Rice, tune by Gustav Holst). Copyright © 2014 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.

Who is Ascended Master Afra?

Beloved Ascended Master AfraAFRA is the Patron of Africa.  Afra was the first member of the black race to make his ascension. Long ago, he offered name and fame to God to sponsor a vast continent and a mighty people.

When he ascended, he asked to be called simply “a brother” (frater in Latin), hence the name Afra. The continent of Africa takes its name from Afra, and he is the patron of Africa and of the black race.

You can call to Afra for unity and for the dissolving of racial tensions through the true understanding of universal brotherhood.  Afra, our brother of light, like all ascended masters, has true humility.

Kuthumi spoke of Afra’s humility: “This giant soul with his tremendous devotion was one of the unknown brothers. So long as individuals feel the need to expound upon their own personal achievements, they may well find that they are not truly a part of us.”

The ancient history of Africa

There were ancient golden ages in Africa when it was a part of the continent of Lemuria, when the people came forth out of the light of the great causal body of the Great Divine Director. The Great Divine Director continues to sponsor the divine plan for the continent of Africa, even as he sponsors the divine plan for the descendants of Afra in America.

Many people have ascended from the black race—although from a spiritual perspective, there is no such thing as the black race or the white race. In heaven, the masters are not noted by their race or previous religion. All of the races on earth have come forth from the heart of God under the seven rays, or seven paths of initiation.



Dictations by Beloved Afra

July 5, 1980 Part 1 | July 5, 1980 Part 2
August 31, 1980 | June 27, 1996 | April 4, 1997


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