Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters

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You Do Not Need to Deal with Your Psychology All Your Life!

“The God that is in you is able to overcome every lesser manifestation.  Prove it now!  Do not dally with the not-self!  You have tarried with Saint Germain.  You need not tarry with your human creation–no, not a day longer, I say!

The violet flame is active in this place.  The violet flame is active in your sanctuary.  Give yourself a good soak, I say.   Soak in the violet flame!   Soak in that purifying fire!  And emerge a new creature in Christ, a new bodhisattva on the Path.  Emerge, I say, from your nocturnal retreat to the violet flame cauldrons [on the etheric plane].
Yes, be washed clean and made whole [in those cauldrons] as in the pool of Siloam.  Yes, indeed, beloved, for an angel hath troubled the waters  this night and I AM that angel.  And I trouble the waters of your emotional body to purge that emotional body of all despair and disappointment and depression.
And I come to assist you in dealing with your psychology.  Yes, beloved, you do not have to deal with it for the rest of your life every day and every hour.  After all, it is an assignment that you accomplish and put behind you because you have the added input of knowing that God dwells in your breast! The Atman is here within your heart, here within my heart!  And the sword of Uriel is there to protect you.
So what have you to fear but fear itself?”

From a dictation by:  Beloved Archangel Uriel and Aurora on March 14, 1993 entitled “The Sword of the Ruby Ray Separates the Real from the Unreal, This Is Your Window of Opportunity:  Go for It!”

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