Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


All Hail, The Knight Commander Of The Keepers Of The Flame Fraternity

All Hail, The Knight Commander Of
The Keepers Of The Flame Fraternity
Song 236 (3x)

Introduction—2 measures, 3 beats, 4/4 time

Saint Germain, Saint Germain, Saint Germain (hold 6 beats, rest 1)
All hail, the Knight Commander!
All hail, Saint Germain! (hold 9 beats, rest 2)

Saint Germain, Saint Germain, Saint Germain (hold 6 beats, rest 1)
All hail, the God of Freedom!
All hail, Saint Germain! (hold 3 beats, rest 1 )

Step right, step right, hold the banner high
Place each footprint in his own
Step right, step right, hold the banner high
Soon the victory is won!

We invoke angelic hosts of Light
Stepping forward in his name
Call forth now thy purity and might
We invoke the violet flame. (hold 6 beats, rest 1)

Now we invoke thy power, blessed Saint Germain
Fill every one this hour with thy violet flame
Now let all discord be transmuted in thy name
O purify us in thy violet singing flame!

Now let the pow’r of Freedom
Bring love’s sweet release
Deep in each heart let Freedom’s bells
Ring out thy peace

Now let the golden age come forth in thy great name
O purify us, blessed violet singing flame. (hold 4 beats)

Interlude—4 measures, 3/4 time

Come, singing flame, sing your song in each heart
Come, singing flame, let your melody start!
Come, singing flame, come with healing and peace
Come, singing flame, joy and mercy release!

Fill our worlds with fire, violet singing fire
Blaze, violet flame, violet singing flame
Blazing, blazing higher! Cosmic dreams inspire!
Blaze, violet flame, violet singing flame. (hold 6 beats)

Interlude—2 measures, 3 beats, 4/4 time

Saint Germain, Saint Germain, Saint Germain (hold 6 beats, rest 1)
All hail, the God of Freedom!
All hail, Saint Germain! (hold 9 beats, rest 2)

All hail, the Knight Commander
All hail, the Knight Commander
All hail, the Knight Commander, Saint Germain!

Who is the Knight Commander?

Saint Germain knight commander keepers of the flame

In 1961 Saint Germain contacted his embodied representative, the messenger Mark L. Prophet, and founded the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity in memory of the Ancient of Days and his first pupil, Lord Gautama—and the second, Lord Maitreya. His purpose was to quicken all who had originally come to earth with Sanat Kumara—to restore the memory of their ancient vow and reason for being on earth today: to serve as world teachers and ministering servants in their families, communities and nations at this critical hour of the turning of cycles.

Thus, Saint Germain recalled the original keepers of the flame to hearken to the voice of the Ancient of Days and to answer the call to reconsecrate their lives to the rekindling of the flame of life and the sacred fires of freedom in the souls of God’s people. Saint Germain is the Knight Commander of the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity.


Who Is Saint Germain?

Saint Germain is our immortal friend and brother. As the Chohan of the Seventh Ray and Hierarch of the Aquarian Age, he is leading the people of earth into a new era of freedom and enlightenment.

At the time of Atlantis, Saint Germain served as a high priest and a master of invocation at the Temple of Purification.

Through invocations and his boundless love for the flame of Life, Saint Germain sustained a pillar of fire, a veritable fountain of the violet flame, which magnetized people from near and far who came to be set free from binding conditions that afflicted their body, soul and mind.

These devotees achieved physical and spiritual healing through the offering of invocations and the practice of seventh-ray rituals to the sacred fire.


Are You a Keeper of the Flame of Life
Without Knowing It?

What is the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity?

Ascended Master Saint GermainThe Keepers of the Flame Fraternity was founded in 1961 by Saint Germain as an organization of ascended masters and their chelas who vow to keep the flame of Life on earth and support the activities of the Great White Brotherhood in the establishment of their Community and Mystery School and in the dissemination of their teachings. Keepers of the Flame receive graded lessons in cosmic law dictated by the ascended masters to their messengers Mark and Elizabeth Prophet.


El Morya speaks of the purposes of the fraternity:

In January 1961 I authorized the formation of the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity to be formed of a circle of devotees within The Summit Lighthouse who would give supreme allegiance to the flame of Life and to the Knight Commander, Saint Germain. I invited all who would pledge their support to this hierarch of the Aquarian age to participate in a worldwide endeavor to draw into the flame of the Holy Spirit sons and daughters of God who would come forward to claim their inheritance as joint heirs of the Christ consciousness….

To those who would give their support shoulder to shoulder to the Ascended Masters and to our Messengers Mark and Elizabeth Prophet for the promulgation of authentic teaching delivered unto them by the hierarchy, a special invitation was extended by the Knight Commander and me to affirm their sponsorship and their commitment by joining this outer fraternity of the Great White Brotherhood….

Those who responded are those who understood from deep within the soul the need to reconsecrate that flame through daily invocations and decrees made in the name of the I AM Presence and the Christed Self of all mankind—those who were eager to pursue the alchemy of the Spirit and to work directly with Saint Germain to precipitate the foundations of the golden age.


Saint Germain A Champion of Freedom

Morya speaks for the sealing of the fires of freedom in the will of God!

I AM the champion of Saint Germain! I AM the champion of freedom! And I come with a momentum of the will of God and of all who combine and serve in the ray of blue and of heaven’s will in order to ratify all that has been given by the Knight Commander.

I stand before you to pledge anew my light and the diamond of my light to Saint Germain, our Commander of Freedom!


“Let the Fiat of the Lord Be with Me!”
Legions of Aquarius Invade Planet Earth

I AM Saint Germain, Knight Commander of the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity!  I call you, my Keepers of the Flame, to give accounting before God this day that you might rise in full dominion of yourself, your household, your city and planet.

Onward unto the victory of Aquarius!  Hosts of the Lord, march!  We have come and we are here to stay!  [54-second standing ovation]


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  • Over 1300 lectures by Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet on angels, auras, healing and more
  • Over 4100 dictations by the ascended masters on the spiritual path and how to attain your mastery
  • Spiritual songs to the angels, ascended masters and hierarchs of the nature kingdom, violet flame, protection and healing decree services for your devotions, chakra alignment, karma balancing, aura cleansing and anchoring peace on the planet!
  • Search by ascended master, date, category and more.

The Archives

The archives at our headquarters in Montana include reams of transcripts and audio- and videotapes of dictations and teachings that both Messengers have given from 1952 to the present.

For additional information please visit the Summit Lighthouse website. Learn how to become a Keeper of the Flame.

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