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Beloved Peace & Aloha Dictation – Chalice of Elohim

Dictation by Beloved Peace and Aloha – The Chalice of Elohim

This dictation by Peace and Aloha was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Pentecost, Sunday, June 10, 1984, 3:04-4:26 p.m. PDT, at Camelot, Los Angeles County, California.


From the sixth heaven we are come to deliver the power of Peace!  And this power, beloved, is the Great Light of the sixth heaven. By that heavenly Light, O blessed ones, be now conferred in Light by Hope with Peace, by Faith with Peace, by Charity with Peace!

Peace is the all-consuming fire of a flaming sword that does devour war and the warlords and the hordes of war.

We have come, O hosts of Light, to stand in the heart of the cities of the earth. From this City of the Angels we radiate peace to all souls of peace!  To them that have, let more be given; for by the magnet of the heart of peace we convey a God Flame. Unto all who have peace shall more be added this day. By the law of the divine magnet, the power of Christ’s own attraction–Alpha running to Omega, Omega running to Alpha–so the power of the magnet does generate pillars of peace on earth.

Those who have the true flame of Peace, those who are the initiates of the Prince of Peace, those who stand in the way of the Father-Mother God named Helios and Vesta in this system of worlds, those who move with the angels–Archangel and Archeia of the sixth heaven, Uriel and Aurora–now receive the gift of the angels of Peace!  And those who strive in their heart and soul and body and mind for peace come to the retreat of Elohim in the etheric octave over the Hawaiian Islands surrounded by the mighty power of Peace–Pacifica.

O let the Light now traverse the earth!  Let it go to the heart of the little ones, the great ones empowered by the Lord’s Spirit!  And let them be increased this day by that Spirit in the hour of Pentecost, in the light of peace which they have gathered. These are the peacemakers which are called the children of God.

And therefore, do understand that we radiate rings of light–peace–from the eye of the altar, from the eye of the spoken Word and the Messenger of the Word!  And rings of peace, as the power of the Central Sun, go forth from the center of the altar and from the center of her heart wheresoever she does move.

And therefore rings of peace establish nuclei of peace and set the matrix of peace of Alpha and Omega. And the power of peace does push out as the mighty circumference of circles of peace widen and widen, becoming ever wider across the face of the earth, soon to contain the earth. Rings of peace push back the Darkness, push back the momentum of war, the threat of war, the lusting after the Light of the nation America and the Light of all peoples of all nations of Light on earth.

Understand the meaning of this, for this is the power of Peace and Aloha adding unto the solar ring the intensity of the sacred fire in this hour, beloved ones of the Most High God–sending forth rings of peace perpetually and forevermore until war does cease on this planetary body and the warring in the members of the psyche and the division within the four lower bodies and within the families and within heart and mind–healing, therefore, all schism in the personalities of the nations of the earth and in the peoples of the earth and thereby bringing the flame of Peace.

The flame of Peace is like unto the flame of the Holy Spirit, cloven tongues of fire. And therefore the twain–lo, Alpha and Omega, lo, the power of the Great Central Sun Magnet–must be now the force of God-Harmony within you.


Who is Peace and Aloha

Peace and Aloha are the Elohim of the sixth ray (the purple and gold ray) of peace, brotherhood, the true ministration of the Christ and the desire to be in the service of God and man through the mastery of the Christ consciousness. From their Temple of Peace, located in the etheric realms over the Hawaiian Islands, they radiate ribbons of Cosmic Christ peace over the entire planet as a network of Cosmic Christ consciousness. Peace and Aloha focus both the gold and the purple flames as the perfect balance of the masculine and feminine aspects of peace. Mighty Cosmos’ secret rays are focused in their retreat.

Souls who are to embody the sixth-ray virtues of peace, ministration and service on behalf of all life study for a time at the Temple of Peace in preparation for their mission. Jesus studied at this retreat, and the Elohim Peace has revealed that many of the sayings of Christ Jesus came from him. He said that Jesus learned these sayings “as a disciple of the Elohim Peace long before he took incarnation to be the Prince of Peace.”


Elohim Peace Aloha Retreat in Hawaii

Spiritual Retreat of Elohim Peace and Aloha
The Temple of Peace

Peace and Aloha focus the energies of the solar-plexus chakra of the planet in their retreat located in the etheric plane over the Hawaiian Islands. From the Temple of Peace, the Elohim radiate ribbons of Cosmic Christ peace over the entire earth as a network of the Cosmic Christ consciousness.

In addition to purple and gold flames, Mighty Cosmos’ secret rays are focused in this retreat. The forcefield of the Temple of Peace may be visualized as a purple and gold heart, with a magnetic forcefield of alternating purple and gold concentric heart-shaped rings. The flame in the center of the heart is the flame of Cosmic Christ peace. This forcefield is superimposed over the temple.


Dictations by Elohim Peace & Aloha

Listed Chronologically by Date Dictation was Given

June 11, 1972 | October 11, 1973 | April 8, 1993
October 11, 1996 | March 27, 1997 | December 30, 1997

August 7, 1958 | March 9, 1975 | October 18, 1987 | April 1, 1988
August 11, 1991 | July 4, 1992 | April 13, 1995 | August 10, 1997

Books, Video and Audio Resources Available for Purchase

  • DVDs/MP3s: Chalice of Elohim
  • DVDs/MP3s: Class of Elohim for Turning of Worlds  (Dictations and lectures from the 1981-82 New Year’s conference when the seven Elohim came for the turning of the worlds.)
  • Elohim and Their Retreats: Peace and Aloha Elohim of the sixth ray (the purple and gold ray) of peace, brotherhood, the true ministration of the Christ, and the desire to be in the service of God and man through the mastery of the Christ consciousness. Peace and Aloha focus both the gold and the purple flames as the perfect balance of the masculine and feminine aspects of peace.

Learn more about The Elohim at The Summit Lighthouse where you may find Books, Video and Audio recordings and more about the Elohim. What is the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity? Become a Keeper of the Flame.

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