Ascended Master Teachings

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Beloved Raphael and Mary Song 105

Beloved Raphael and Mary

Archangel and Archeia of the Fifth Ray
Song 105 & Hymn 303


Introduction—3 measures, 4/4 time

Ring the bells, the welcome bells
For Raphael and Mary! (hold 4 beats, rest 1)
Archangels of heaven’s fifth ray!
Ring the welcome bells of heaven! (hold 3 beats, rest 1)
Ring the welcome bells of heaven!

Interlude—3 measures, 4/4 time

Those who see the great light
Cry out, Alleluia! (hold 3 beats, rest 1)
Those who see the great light
Cry out, Alleluia! (hold 7 beats, rest 1)

Interlude—3 measures, 4/4 time

Alleluia (hold 11 beats, rest 1), alleluia.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Alleluia! Alleluia!

Interlude—9 measures, 2 beats, 3/4 time

O sword of flaming truth
Thy scepter of authority
Descend to the planes of the earth
Descend to the planes of the earth.

O come with armies and hosts of the Lord
Archangels of Truth, the healing Word
Come with healing in thy wings
With healing in thy wings.

Immaculate Heart of Mary
Mother of Mercy, we pray
Let the immaculate concept appear
In each heart today.

O Raphael! Archangel of fire from the Sun
We are one, we are one, we are one! (hold 10 beats, rest 1 beat)
By love and love alone, love and love alone! (hold 11 beats)

Interlude—11 beats, 4/4 time

And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them
And the glory of the Lord shone ’round about them
And they were sore afraid. (hold 6 beats, rest 1)
And the angel said unto them, Fear not
For, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy
Which shall be to all people.

Interlude—2 measures, 3 beats, 4/4 time

For unto you is born this day
In the city of David, a Saviour (Interlude—3 beats)
Which is Christ the Lord. ( Interlude—5 beats)
And this shall be a sign unto you (Interlude—4 beats)
Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes
Lying in a manger.

Interlude—12 beats

And suddenly there was with the angel
A multitude of the heavenly host
Saying, Glory (hold 6 beats, rest 1)
Saying, Glory to God in the highest
And on earth peace, good will t’ward men. (hold 8 beats)

Interlude—1 measure, 4/4 time; 4 measures, 2 beats, 3/4 time

O lilies of resurrection fire
O Light from far-off worlds, we call
All-Seeing Eye of God
Archangels of Truth, we call!

O let us partake of the communion cup
The bread of Life, the body of our Lord
Let love be the foundation
O heal the minds and hearts of man!

And Christ is born within our hearts
To each soul joy imparts
Fragrance from heaven’s bower
Teaching mankind every hour.

O Raphael and Mary, God loves us all!
And holds us from worldly pall
And raises us in living flame
To the beauty of his name!

From the CD/Album, Sanctissima – Music for World Peace
Purchase CD online | Steam on Apple Music | Stream on Spotify | Steam on YouTube

More Christmas Music from The Summit Lighthouse – Connect to the Light of Christmas

Who is Archangel Raphael & Mother Mary?

Archangel Raphael is the archangel of the fifth ray of truth, wholeness, healing, science, precipitation, the abundant life, music and mathematics. His divine complement is the Archeia Mary, who was embodied as Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Their ray corresponds to the third-eye chakra, and they can also assist us with spiritual vision and the gift of the discernment of spirits.

The name “Raphael” means “God has healed,” or “the Medicine of God.” One Jewish text says he revealed to Noah the curative power of plants; another tells how he healed a blind man and bound a demon. Catholics revere him as the angel who healed the sick at the pool of Bethesda. The Book of Enoch tells us that his responsibilities include healing the diseases and wounds of men.

Archangel Raphael’s keynote is Whispering Hope by Alice Hawthorne. The music of the Messiah was inspired upon Handel by Raphael.

A Jewish tradition names him as one of the three archangels who appeared to Abraham on the plains of Mamre. In fact, it is believed that it was Raphael who endowed Sarah, Abraham’s wife, with the strength to conceive when she was past childbearing age.

The Healing Thoughtform of the Emerald Green

Mary and Raphael minister unto the hospitals of the world, and they train expectant mothers and fathers at inner levels in the precipitation of the Christ consciousness through the four lower bodies, which are the vehicles for each one’s Holy Christ Self. They inspire new cures and alternative healing methods upon scientists and those trained in the healing arts and the medical profession.

The angels of Raphael’s bands are master surgeons. Raphael says they use a “laser technology” to “penetrate to the very core of a cell,…to expand the violet flame from within” and to “seal that cell in the healing thoughtform.”

If you or a loved one suffers an injury, call for the healing thoughtform:

“In the name Jesus Christ, beloved Archangel Raphael, the Blessed Mother, place your healing thoughtform over [insert the name of the person].”

Then visualize spheres of sacred fire descending from the heart of God as the pulsating presence of the Holy Spirit. Visualize the white-fire core centered in the scintillating, sapphire-blue flame wrapped in the emerald-green fires.


Mary, the Mother of Jesus

Mother Mary by Ruth HawkinsAlthough an archangel, Mary has also taken physical embodiment. Mary dwelt on Venus prior to taking embodiment on earth, to which planet she was assigned by the Lords of Karma to show forth the raising of the feminine ray subsequent to the fall of Eve. There she served among the evolutions whose energies focalize on the etheric plane and who for thousands of years have sustained, through the laws of harmony and love, the culture of the Divine Mother.

Through a long period of sojourn on Venus, Mary was prepared to come to earth and to challenge mankind’s perversion of the cosmic honor flame—of the fiery crystal spirals of obedience to God’s laws that sustain the very movements of the atoms and the rhythm of heavenly bodies. She came bearing a generous portion of the fires of Lady Venus, charged with her love, and carrying the responsibility to redeem the feminine nature in all mankind.

Embodiments on Earth


In the early days of Atlantis, she served in the Healing Temple, tended the flame and studied the healing arts and the disciplines necessary for precipitation. At that time, she developed great concentration and consecration to the immaculate concept. It was her consciousness and momentum more than any others that sustained the flame in the temple and expanded its influence throughout Atlantis. The purity of her heart flame and her devotion shone upon her face and was evident to all who frequented that Temple. She remained a temple virgin during that entire embodiment.

Mother of King David

In the days of the prophet Samuel, Mary was called to be the wife of Jesse and the mother of his eight sons. Ever fulfilling her role as the Mother ray, Mary, in this incarnation of her soul on earth, magnified the light of the seven rays of the Christ in the first seven sons of Jesse. But in the youngest, David, she glorified not only the full complement of virtues from the prism of the Lord, but also the majesty and mastery of the eighth ray, which David exemplified in his reign and extolled in his psalms.


Archangel Raphael

Beloved Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael is the archangel of the fifth ray of truth, wholeness, healing, science, precipitation, the abundant life, music and mathematics. His divine complement is the Archeia Mary, who was embodied as Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Their ray corresponds to the third-eye chakra, and they can also assist us with spiritual vision and the gift of the discernment of spirits.

Jewish tradition

The name “Raphael” means “God has healed,” or “the Medicine of God.” One Jewish text says he revealed to Noah the curative power of plants; another tells how he healed a blind man and bound a demon. Catholics revere him as the angel who healed the sick at the pool of Bethesda. The Book of Enoch tells us that his responsibilities include healing the diseases and wounds of men.

A Jewish tradition names him as one of the three archangels who appeared to Abraham on the plains of Mamre. In fact, it is believed that it was Raphael who endowed Sarah, Abraham’s wife, with the strength to conceive when she was past childbearing age.



Spiritual Retreat of Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary

Spiritual Retreat of Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary

The retreat of Raphael and Mother Mary is located in the etheric realm over Fátima, Portugal. The healing flame that blazes on the altar of his retreat was anchored in the physical octave when Mother Mary appeared to the three shepherd children at Fátima in 1917. There is a stream of light that flows like a mighty waterfall from the etheric temple to the physical focus, and to the present hour pilgrims are healed by the “waters” of the healing flame.

Raphael describes one of the halls in his retreat:

I would take you now to what we call the Great Hall of Images. I would permit those of you who are able to see in this mighty hall the mirrors of divine perfection. Have you seen the beauty of Leonardo da Vinci’s work? Have you seen the beauty of the mighty sculptors of the Renaissance? Have you seen upon this planet the beautiful radiance of an angel in sculptured marble?

Let me now ask that you come with me to a place where God is, where, in the magnificent Hall of Images, there are statues, so to speak, made of living spirit fire, beings so majestic as to set your hearts on fire, beings from whose images your soul was framed, beings of such images as by God were named cherubim celestial, seraphim and of the holy order of angels, beings of light and celestial radiance, beings who are unaffrighted by the ideas of mortals but are completely at home with God and with the powers of the great creative essences.[1]

These statues of perfect man and woman, Christed ones, are displayed so that parents can be taken in their finer bodies to see them and meditate on the perfection of the incoming soul or child in the womb for the perfect functioning of the body temple and the flow of light in the chakras.



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