Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


Beloved Sanat Kumara & Lady Master Venus Dictation

Sanat Kumara & Lady Master Venus

Freedom Class of 1968
A Dispensation of Three Percent of the Energy of the Atomic Accelerator

This dictation by Sanat Kumara & Lady Master Venus was delivered by the Messengers of the Great White Brotherhood, Mark L. Prophet and ElizabethClare Prophet, on July 6, 1968, at the Freedom Class of 1968 held at La Tourelle, Colorado Springs, Colorado.


Children of the divine heart, mellow your hearts, mellow your consciousness. Separate yourselves from the sensual.  Let the sensitivity of the Spirit now manifest. We are of the cult of Light.  We seek to direct the heart that the children of men may mature momentarily and forever. Now is the time, the moment of summoning, when the heart hears and the ears thereof contact far-flung worlds.

I AM the Ancient of Days.  I AM the presence of the sacred fire.  You too may be all that I AM.  The simplicity of knowing, the simplicity of revelation, the simplicity of fearlessness I invoke. Make, then, a magnificent offering of the self.  Determine to cast fear out of the aura.

In the name of heaven, gracious ones, what do you fear?  Height, depth, space, time, men, demons, angels, fire, water, earth, air, poverty, illness, destruction, construction? What do you fear?  It has no meaning in the eyes of the Eternal.

Now I think that this conference would be incomplete without the attempt and the act of raising the consciousness of those who possess the power to respond to the aura of infinity.  Remember that infinity lies within your domain, and I speak to each one. And those who chasten themselves, fearing they are unworthy, let them understand that this concept [of unworthiness] is itself a biting indictment that has no validity in the eyes of God.  It is the prattle of children.

Ye were made by God. He has given you free will. In ignorance men have maligned their spiritual trust.  Now let them, as happy children, come to the state of realization where the nature of the Divine within begins to glow. And as its fires mount and the intensity and pressure of the light for manifestation seeks to burst asunder the bonds of men, they are able once again to see that the triumph of love is with them now. But it is not just now, it has always been there, and we speak of it because it is necessary.

I Invoke Love from the Heart of Venus

From the heart of the Goddess of Love, my lady, friend and divine devotee of true love, your own beloved Venus, I invoke from the heart of the Eternal the magnificent release of the angels of Divine Love from the heart of Venus into the planet earth.     [Audience stands.]

It is done.  And the quickening power, the vibrancy, the action of that love, which we know so well, comes to our sister planet to kindle in the hearts of men a renewed compact like that of olden days, when the children of the flame here upon this planet and the children of the flame upon our planetary home were able to hold a compact of love as though hands reached across space and clasped one another in a spiritual embrace.

We would renew it.  We would renew that covenant.  We would create the love that casts out fear because [that love] is wedded to perfection.  (Won’t you please be seated.)

Amplify. Amplify. Amplify now the triad that you have brought.

[16-second pause. Master chants in angelic tongues.]

Hold now the triad closer to the room. Attenuate it a bit.

[20-second pause]

Spread the forcefield to the left, now to the right ten feet.  Prepare for the transmission.

We Would Offer You the Atomic Accelerator

So you want to be destiny not dust.  Well, your destiny is sealed, beloved ones, in your own I AM Presence.  Your destiny is sealed in the sacred fire, for the records of infamy upon this planet are very gross.  And some of you will recall the atomic accelerator, which was used upon Daniel Rayborn.  I am going to try an experiment tonight for everyone who has enough faith in their own Divine Presence to accept it. I am going to try an experiment that has been prearranged.

We have called to the Lord Maha Chohan and we have called to the Holy Spirit and we have called to the Karmic Board prior to our coming here this night, and the arrangements have been made for those individuals who have come here as pilgrims and have come to this conference seeking immortality. For mankind shall not go to their homes unrewarded.

We are therefore determined to perform for you who are the children of the Sun and of faith and of the sacred fire some act of grace that will enable you to share within your own consciousness  the memories of the Ancient of Days, to share our feeling of faith, to share our feeling of completion, to cognize the meaning of the Christed radiance within your own thought and feeling world and to realize that we have the power to intensify life within you.

But you must open the door.  And therefore I say to you, Will you call now to your own beloved God Presence, the Presence of the I AM within you, and ask that you may receive that which we desire to do for you?  We will do it for none who do not ask, and if you do not ask you will have no one to blame but yourself.

Will you ask your own God Presence by saying, “Beloved God Presence, I AM in me, do thou for me all that this moment permits. Release me from the drag of the senses and the pull of my karma from times past and from the mass effluvia of mankind currently released into the atmosphere.  Do thou this thing for me.”

We await the completion of the calls.

[14-second pause]

Out of the stillness of your heart you have called to the higher octaves of light and you have sought the influence of the Eternal and the magnification of the flame of the Divine within each cell. Now, then, in memory of that magnificent release of the atomic accelerator, we have secured a dispensation whereby three percent of the energy of the atomic accelerator can be given permanently to every lifestream here who has made the call and has the faith.  And we are going to invoke it in the very chair in which you sit so that the power of that flame will pass up through your flesh form, through your finer vehicles and enter into your consciousness to give you a release from the subtleties of mortal thought and feeling and permit you to realize the reality of your God-tie, not only now but for all time to come, so long as you shall not break the Covenant of Asha.

The Covenant of Purity must be kept, the covenant that proceeds from your heart to the heart of God as a blazing pathway of light that saith unto the Father, “Not my will but thine be done.  I am thy child, O God.  I walk here below as a pilgrim. I seek to manifest thy love wherever I may go. There is no stain or permanent pain or aught that nips in the bud the manifestation of thyself and thy transcendent love.  Through all time and space I move to see thy radiant form.  Thy being is a flash of love and in me it is born.”

Be reborn, then.  Be born again. Be born again. Be born again.  The grids are ready. The triad is ready; the forcefield is in place.  Still now your mind.  Think no longer of the self and its outer affiliations, nor of any sense of struggle, any feeling of shadow or darkness.  All is light.

And now we begin to increase the light of the spiritual power of God within these rooms.

    Light, increase.  Light, increase.  Light, increase.  Light, increase.

Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light!

Light, increase!  Light, increase!  Light, increase!  Light, increase!  Light, increase! Light, increase! Light, increase! 

Hold steady.  Release the energy now into the chairs.  Let the power of the flame surge through every individual as the purifying flame, the movement of the sacred fire.  As an eraser passes across the board and removes from that board the forms drawn thereupon, causing the chalk to enter into the eraser, so let us now magnetize and draw from the spinal altar all dark substance that requires transmutation.

Let us increase [this action] now by the violet transmuting flame.  Turn on more of the violet transmuting flame and let it also pour through.  It is done.  It is done.  It is done.

    Light, increase!  Light, increase! Light, increase! Light, increase! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light!  Light, increase!

[16-second pause]

Angels of infinite love, pour thy substance through these flesh forms. Wash them, cleanse them, remove the shadows from them.  Flame of illumination from the God and Goddess Meru at Lake Titicaca, blaze now through their minds the purifying power of the violet transmuting flame, violet and gold.

      Violet and gold, increase! Violet and gold, increase! Violet and gold, increase! Violet and gold, increase! Violet and gold, increase! Violet and gold, increase! Violet and gold, increase!

Over the pia mater and the dura mater, let the substance of the divine essence flow!  Angels of the sacred fire, place thy hands now upon the heads of the receptive individuals and let this flow now remove cause, effect, record and memory of all fear and fear substance, shadow and resistance to the acceptance of the perfection and purity of the Law.

I AM the law of Love performing an act of eternal life for the children of men.  Will you say this with me now in unison?

[Master and congregation say together:]

I AM the law of Life performing this service

      for the children of men.

      I AM the law of Love performing this service

      for the children of men.

      I AM the law of Wisdom performing this

      service for the children of men.

What we have done here for you we desire to do for those receptive ones who are attuned to the vibratory action of this conference throughout the world. Therefore we have spoken to the angels of the sacred fire and have asked them to bear these tidings of great joy to all people throughout the world in the holy name of freedom.

[Messenger claps.]

Collapse the forcefield.  Lift the guilding.  Reduce the current, the cosmic electricities.  Release the coordinates, and now once again restore the great light and sound ray.

The lovely Lady Venus desires to speak a few words to you.


Beloved Lady Master Venus*


Precious children of the Sun, you have received from the heart of Almighty God the precious essence, the core of the ascension flame, which shall act as a mighty magnet within you all the days of your life to draw unto your hearts the love of God and his desire for your own individual immortality.

O beloved ones, as your brothers and sisters from the heart of the planet Venus regard this assembly and the evolutions of mankind in their yearnings to attain truth and the love of the Christ, we, then, come this night bearing good tidings of great joy, which shall be to this people.

For of a truth unto you is born this day in the city of your own consciousness Christ the Lord, the king who shall give you freedom because you have the truth and because you have received it.

Responsibility is the byword for those who would receive the gifts of God.  Realize, then, the responsibility you have to bear in purity the chalice of this immortal essence of the ascension flame.  May it uplift, invigorate and give hope to all with whom you come in contact.  This is our desire, the siring of Deity within you of the hope of the angels, of Gabriel and Hope, who come now with their mighty bands and legions of light, descending into this forcefield to charge you again with that mighty quality of the ascension flame.  And these angels will go with you this night.

Angels of Gabriel’s band, angels of Hope, surround these blessed hearts, relieve them of their burdens and let the Spirit of Victory become the byword of those who are determined to win and to ascend to the heart of God!

In the name of my beloved consort, the Seven Holy Kumaras and Mighty Victory, I bid you good evening in the love tides of the sacred fire, which come now as rainbow rays of light and shall continue to pour forth from our planetary home for the next twenty-four hours, even unto the termination of this conference.

And when you go forth to your homes, north, south, east and west, remember that you are trailing clouds of glory, ribbons of light, rainbow rays from the heart of Lady Venus, from the heart of Sanat Kumara and from the heart of our blessed angels of light.

Be aware, then, to entertain angels. And let them tarry with you in your homes and in your forcefields, and they will stay with you as long as you keep the flame of hope burning brightly within your hearts–hope indeed to a darkening world, hope where the light has gone out, hope, yes, of the Christ, for he liveth in all and in you all.

I, as a representative of the Cosmic Mother, pledge to you this night my undying devotion, my undying love and my undying hope.  Keep the flame.


*delivered by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet


Beloved Sanat Kumara


I would now utter specific words for two beloved brothers and a few sisters who are here.

Sons and daughters of God, fear not to accept the gift that was given this night.  Fear not.  Was it not written and written well, “There shall be one taken and another left. Two [women shall be] grinding at the mill. The one shall be taken and the other left.” Understand this. Realize it. Two shall be in the field; one shall be taken and another left.

Realize now, then, the power of the Spirit to transport individuals into a higher octave of light, first by thought and then by deed.  You need not fear to accept this gift. You do no wrong to heaven nor to the earth beneath, for all to whom it was offered should accept it  without fear.

You cannot change the world and its thought tonight just in the twinkling of an eye.  You can only change your own thought.  You can only change the pressure of your own acceptance. You can only commune with the Deity yourself; you cannot commune for another.  You can pray for another. You can send love to another. You can seek to assist a fallen brother but you cannot perform for him an act of redemption that the cosmic Universal Law requires that each one perform for himself.

We, therefore, say to you: Fear not to accept in full intensity that which we have given tonight. Take it to your heart and pray that the flame that has begun the quickening of your life force in a manner never before experienced by many of you shall continue, and by your service to the Law and the light will, in the course of time, produce the miracle of your freedom.

Realize, by this touch of the universal afflatus, that the power of God is quickened upon the planetary body just that much more.  You are an open door.  Remember the words of the Lord Christ, “I AM the open door which no man can shut.”  Will you one and all, then, declare with me with the full fire and fervor of your being and  [will you] understand and realize with me that you are a door through which God can pour into the world order, perfection, beauty and love?

When you speak, the devils will tremble.  Where you walk, roses will blossom round your feet. What you think will be disseminated with the strength of ten thousand because the power of God is amplified within you. Will you then, tonight, for the victory of the world, for the reestablishment of a communion of a higher order with our planetary body, say with me these words: “ I AM the open door which no man can shut.”

[Master and congregation say together:]

      I AM the open door which no man can shut. (7x)

Beloved ones, I want you to know that when you made that call, you brought the manifestation of the Lord Christ Jesus into this room and forcefield. [Audience stands.]  And he stands here with me blazing the light of the eternal Presence into your four lower bodies. Do you realize that the Lord Christ Jesus is also one of us, a Venusian Master? one who died upon this planet that others might  live in a more intense radiation of the universal light. As you accept that light tonight, understand, then, that you are seed. And so I am going to sweep a cosmic broom through the room.

Seed, seed, seed of fire, kindle the divine light over the earth! Understand that no man can shut thy door or thy mouth, for God is thy shield and buckler. And if you will read tonight a transmission of truth from Genesis concerning the smoking and burning lamp that passed before Abraham the patriarch of old, I will give you a revelation you have not known before.

[16-second pause]

[Master speaks in angelic tongues for 22 seconds.]

May my blessing rest upon you, O my children.  May your hearts be pliable in the sight of God, molded as children in the sweet essence of forgiveness, in communion with the fervor of the sacred fire.  I come. I come. I come.  The light is complete in the heart; it must be diffused throughout the self.



Who is Sanat Kumara & Lady Master Venus?

Sanat Kumara is known as the Ancient of Days. He is the Great Guru of the seed of Christ throughout cosmos, hierarch of Venus and one of the seven holy Kumaras (Lords of Flame who represent the seven rays on Venus). He initiates us on the path of the ruby ray, which he sets forth in his book The Opening of the Seventh Seal.

Sanat Kumara

Sanat Kumara

He has held the hierarchical position of the Lord of the World since the darkest hours of earth’s history when her evolutions fell to the level of cavemen and lost contact with the God flame and the mighty I AM Presence.

When the earth was at the point of being dissolved because there was no one who was keeping the flame of the Christ consciousness alive, Sanat Kumara came to earth, a voluntary exile from his planet Venus, to keep the flame until sufficient numbers among mankind would respond and begin once again to maintain the focus on behalf of their brothers and sisters.

One hundred and forty-four thousand souls volunteered to assist Sanat Kumara in his mission and accompany him with legions of angels.

Sanat Kumara describes this momentous event in cosmic history:

You call me Sanat Kumara, and you know me as the one who stood before the cosmic council known as the Council of the One Hundred and Forty and Four. You know me because you were witnesses to my plea made for and on behalf of the evolutions of earth who no longer knew the presence of the Lamb, who by disobedience were cut off from the living Guru. You know me as the one who volunteered to embody the threefold flame within the earth unto the evolutions evolving within the seven planes of being—fire, air, water and earth.

Lady Master Venus

Lady Master Venus

Sanat Kumara’s twin flame is Lady Master Venus. During his long exile on planet Earth, she remained on their home planet to keep the flame there.

Some years after Sanat Kumara’s return in 1956, Lady Venus herself came to earth to assist her evolutions.

In a dictation given July 4, 1978, Sanat Kumara told us he was manifesting that night in the physical spectrum “and I am anchoring in this very earth plane the full weight and momentum of my office as the Ancient of Days, such as I have not done since our coming to the Place Prepared at Shamballa.”

In a dictation delivered on May 25, 1975, she announced that as Sanat Kumara had kept the flame for earth, now she had come to “tarry for a time on Terra” to “dedicate anew the fires of the Mother.” She said:

I release a fiery momentum of consciousness to arrest all spirals that would take from humanity the fullness of their divinity…. See how mankind respond to the flame of the Mother as they responded to the light of Sanat Kumara.

Return to earth

On July 4, 1977, Sanat Kumara said:

The Cosmic Council and the Lords of Karma have granted and decreed that I might be allowed to tarry on earth, in earth, for certain cycles of manifestation for the absolute return of freedom into the hearts of the lightbearers of earth….

I place my body as a living altar in the midst of the people Israel, and in that body temple is the original blueprint, the [soul] design for every son and daughter of God and the children of God who have come forth. For it is the desire of the Cosmic Virgin that none of her children should be lost, none of her sons and daughters.

And thus I join the Lady Master Venus, who has been tarrying with you these many months; and we together, focusing our twin flames in the Holy City, will stand for the triumph of that community of the Holy Spirit that must be manifest as the key to the release of light in this age.

In a dictation given July 4, 1978, Sanat Kumara told us he was manifesting that night in the physical spectrum “and I am anchoring in this very earth plane the full weight and momentum of my office as the Ancient of Days, such as I have not done since our coming to the Place Prepared at Shamballa.”


The strains of Sanat Kumara’s keynote were captured by Jan Sibelius in Finlandia. So powerful is the release of the flame of freedom through this music, that during the Nazi occupation, its playing was forbidden lest it arouse the fervor of the people for freedom.

What is the Atomic Accelerator

Ascension Chair – Atomic AcceleratorThe ascension chair is also known as the atomic accelerator. The ascension chair is a focus that is in the Royal Teton Retreat; there is also such an atomic accelerator in the Cave of Light, the Great Divine Director’s retreat in India. That forcefield of acceleration helps those at inner levels to accelerate their light and their consciousness and to pass their final initiations for the ascension. Chelas who have passed certain initiations are bidden to sit in the atomic accelerator to have the atoms and molecules of the four lower bodies stepped up by the currents of the ascension flame in preparation for the ritual of the return, the alchemical marriage that is the soul’s reunion with the Spirit.


Initiates of the Brotherhood who have proven their merit by service and devotion to the light and who have already balanced a considerable amount of their karma are allowed to sit in this chair for a length of time prescribed by the master Saint Germain and the Lords of Karma. By accelerating the light frequency in the four lower bodies, a portion of one’s karma is balanced and a portion of one’s misqualified substance is thrown off by the centrifugal action produced by the revolving electrons and transmuted by the sacred fire.The purpose of the ascension chair is further described by Sanat Kumara:

By means of this astounding apparatus invented by Saint Germain, the ascension flame spirals through atoms, cells, and molecules of sheath upon sheath of the outer and inner consciousness, preparing them for the ritual of consummate love whereby the soul is wed to Spirit in the actual ascension.

This light intensifying in the soul who is servant of the Most High—who has balanced at least fifty-one percent of her karma and concluded her round of earthly incarnations—is that grace of the Lord (the Christ who is Guru) whereby the words and works of the chela are stepped up, up, up beyond the earthly orbit and the laws of atomic weight, density, and gravitation until the soul is, as it were, “free floating” in the octaves of Spirit. Thus, for those who have earned the ascension, the ascended masters provide this and other magnificent tools for the implementation of the victory.


Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus

The Ancient Story of Sanat Kumara

You call me Sanat Kumara, and you know me as the one who stood before the cosmic council known as the Council of the One Hundred and Forty and Four.

You know me because you were witnesses to my plea made for and on behalf of the evolutions of earth who no longer knew the presence of the Lamb, who by disobedience were cut off from the living Guru.

You know me as the one who volunteered to embody the threefold flame within the earth unto the evolutions evolving within the seven planes of being–fire, air, water, and earth.

The Cosmic Council had decreed the dissolution of earth and her evolutions because the souls of her children no longer worshiped the Trinity in the threefold flame of life burning upon the altar of the heart.

They had become the sheep gone astray.

Their attention fixed upon the outer manifestation, they had willfully, ignorantly abandoned the inner walk with God.

They knew not the hidden man of the heart, that blessed Ishwara, and the seven candles no longer burned in the seven windows.

Men and women had become hollow, their chakras black holes in time and space; and their vacated temples became the tombs of the dead; and the spirits of the dead took up their abode within their hollowed-out houses.

Thus they received the judgment of the One Hundred and Forty and Four even as their descendants would hear the denunciation of the Son of God.

And the Council of the One Hundred and Forty and Four, forming a single solar ring around the great white throne, intoned the Word with the great beings of light, forming the inner circle round about the throne and saying,

Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.

And I heard the echo of their chant of the “Holy, holy, holy” all the way home to the morning star, to my twin flame whom you know as Venus, and to the sons and daughters of the Love Star.



Dictations by Sanat Kumara & Lady Master Venus

June 23, 1968 | April 28, 1974 | May 5, 1974 | May 12, 1974
October 28, 1979 | November 4, 1979 | November 11, 1979
November 18, 1979 | November 25, 1979 | December 2, 1979


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