Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


Blessed Violet Fire – Song 798

Blessed Violet Fire – Song 798 (9x)

Violet Fire, thou power
Of God’s love divine
Help us in this hour
To our worlds refine.
Let thy glorious presence
Blaze though all today
And thy great forgiveness
Ever with us stay.

Friend of all the ages
From the Central Sun
Blest by all the sages
Who have vict’ry won.
Gifts of healing, comfort
Mercy, joy and peace
Are within the power
Thou dost e’er release.

Earth shall bow before thee
When dawns forth the day
That her evolutions
Live in freedom’s way.
Throughout all earth’s substance
Let thy essence pass
Raise her to God’s Presence
Bring her Home at last.

We do now invoke thee
Victory to win
In thy heart of freedom
Miracles begin.
May all men adore thee
To thy heights aspire
Grateful are we for thee
Blessed Violet Fire.

NOTE: Words from decree 70.11. The action of the violet flame (orchid pink) has a greater quality of mercy and forgiveness; the purple flame (the color of the flower that goes by the name of “violet”) has a greater electronic cleansing action that, when used alternately with the healing green decrees, will effectively purify and heal the four lower bodies. The body of this decree may also be sung to the tune of “Santa Lucia” by repeating the final two I AM affirmations.

Violet Flame Service 1985 Parts and 2

What is the Violet Flame?

If there is a cause behind each effect in the cosmos, then the violet flame can greatly assist you in taking control of your life. Would you be the master of your destiny or a victim of fate?

The ascended master Saint Germain brings a solution to the problem of the ancient, complex, and often intense karma that we face on a national and personal scale. Saint Germain introduces the formula of the violet flame – a spiritual energy that focuses the fire of your heart, your chakras, your visualizations and mastery of your emotions to turn negative karma into positive karma!

Saint Germain is the Master Alchemist, however his solution is only works if people apply it. A simple way to invoke the violet fire daily is to give the mantra “I AM a being a violet fire, I AM the purity God desires!” Put your heart into it as if the world depended on you to dissolve the mountain of karma that besets us and our nations!

The violet flame is an invisible spiritual energy, the seventh ray of the Holy Spirit, that appears violet to those who have developed their spiritual vision. Think of it as that outer band of a rainbow as it goes from blue to violet to a color beyond our vision.

Saints and adepts of East and West have long used the violet flame to accelerate their spiritual development, but this once-secret knowledge was not revealed to the masses until the twentieth century. Why not? Well lets face it, even without this freeing light, people try to “get away with murder.” If people think they could practice a spiritual exercise to undo all their mistakes as a “Get out of jail free” card, then unfortunately we would see people using the exercise in less than an altruistic way. But today, Saint Germain is betting that you are reading this page as a spiritual seeker with a rather noble intent! As Buddha urged us long ago, time to get off the wheel of birth and rebirth.

The violet frequency revitalizes and invigorates us by changing negative energy that drags us down into positive energy that makes us joyful. By transforming negative thoughts and feelings, the violet flame provides a platform for our healing.



For additional information please visit the Summit Lighthouse website. Learn how to become a Keeper of the Flame.

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