Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


Decrees and Songs to Mighty Victory – Part 1

Decrees and Songs to Mighty Victory – Part 1

Song 556; “Victory, O Victory”
Decree 10.21: “The Mighty Circle of Victory”
Decree 22.02: “Affirmations from “A Spiral for Christ Victory”
Decree 22.03: “Affirmations from ‘Indomitable Greetings of Cosmic Victory'”

Song 556; “Victory, O Victory”

Victory, O Victory
From the mighty Central Sun
Thou celestial Spirit-Son
Victor of the Three-in-One
O to thee we raise our voices.
As all heav’n and earth rejoices
For your vict’ry, Eternal One
Mighty being from out the Sun.

For thy service to the earth
In the ages of the past
Saint Germain did make the call
For all mankind, one and all.
From thy home in lovely Venus
Thou didst hear the call and answer
Now our gratitude we bestow
And all praise from our hearts does flow.

Victory and Lords of Flame
Blest Kumaras in thy name
Help the planet Earth today
To God-vict’ry in the Light.
Blaze your flames, your mighty power
Lady Venus, bless with beauty
Sacred pattern in man divine
His reality all refine.

Victory, O Victory
Help us keep the flame with thee
Help us glimpse the infinite
And our cosmic future see.
Anchor then thy mighty flame of
Victory within our foreheads
Power universal see
Power universal be.

O beloved Victory
Children of the Sun are we
Yearning now for victory
From all shadow to be free.
We now call for thy momentum
O to be an overcomer
With the Real to identify
Thy invincible honor flame.

I AM Vict’ry, I AM Light
Spark of freedom, truth, and right
I AM action, I AM might
Of Creation’s holy Light.
O be still and know your Presence
Focus of the Star within you
Mighty light rays descending pow’r
Mastery for the victor’s hour.

God’s my vict’ry, God the Sun
Holy Threefold Flame in One
God’s my vict’ry, blessed Son
Plan divine for everyone.
God’s your life, your very being
Look! His kingdom is within you
O to him we our praises sing
Heavenward every heartbeat ring.

by Mighty Victory

You can affirm with Lanello:

Behold, I AM everywhere in the consciousness of God!
Behold, with Jesus, I AM alive forevermore! Death and
Hell have not touched me at all, for I AM the God-victorious
one, as Above so below!

My I AM Presence with me is the power of attainment that
overcomes every foe of the Christ on earth. I take my stand on
earth and I make myself the instrument of flood tides of Light,
of victory in Christ!

I AM the victorious sense of Mighty Victory!
I AM the victorious sense of Mighty Victory!
I AM the flame of Victory in action!
I AM the flame of Love unto the last.
I AM with Christ in the beginning and in the ending.
Lo, I AM where I AM in my very heart—Alpha and Omega

—I AM the bearer of the Body and Blood of Christ.
I AM truly the burden-bearer of the LORD. I bear his Light
and his Light swallows up the burden of earth as world karma.
I stand and I still stand! For I AM THAT I AM, and I know
it! I AM it! I feel it! I think it! I work it in action physically
in me.

Lo, I AM the Victory of the Light where I AM, here and
now! Victory! Victory! Victory!

By the power of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, I AM Victory
in the earth, and I AM pressing that Victory into the very earth
beneath my feet, beneath that soil and under the earth—all the
way to the very white fire core!

I AM the Victory in the earth.
I AM the Victory in the air.
I AM the Victory in the water and in the fire.
I AM Victory!
I AM the Victory of the Light of the Resurrection Flame!
I AM Victory all the way!

Now, beloved hearts, can you not also be creative with me, creative in your
heart, and affirm your own mantras of Victory daily into the teeth of every manifestation
of the absence of the love flame?

I AM the Victory of this job!
I AM the Victory of this work of my hands!
I AM the Victory of the Mind of God in me to figure out
the Way and make it plain for others.

I AM the Victory, by the Mind of God, in all that I must
do this day to bring God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
And the I AM in me is the Victory!
My Mighty I AM Presence is the Victory!
Mighty Victory in me is the Victory!
Mighty Victory is where I am. I cannot fail, for God is with
me now.

I AM Victory! I AM Victory! I AM Victory!
And I roll back defeat! I roll back failure! I roll back Death
and Hell! And the mighty circle of Victory on planet earth shall
begin in the dot in the center of our circle, and it shall press out
from the very heart of the One who has sent the Messenger, from
the very hearts of those who are sent by the Messenger.

And the circle will widen, and it will widen its borders
through the hundred and forty-four disciples that one day be –
come the hundred and forty and four thousand. And therefore
the circle of Victory shall be wider and wider and wider until it
shall take in the whole earth and naught shall be left except the
flaming presence of Victory!

I AM the center of that Victory. I stand in the center of
Christ, and Christ in me is the center of my Victory and I AM
one and we are whole. I abide in him and he in me.

I AM Victory, I AM Victory, I AM Victory! I AM the Victory
of the Resurrection and I AM the fullness of its power here
and now.

[Blessed ones, I open the ethers and hallowed space for you, each one, to leap
to your feet now and shout your individual mantras of Victory!]

Decree 22.02 Affirmations Taken from
“A Spiral for Christ Victory”
by Mighty Victory

Hail, victorious ones from out the Great Central Sun!
Hail, legions of Victory! Hail, legions of Love!
Come now into this forcefield of Terra!
Come in the flaming consciousness of Victory
And blaze forth that light of Victory
For the kindling fire of Love in every heart!
So is Love the Victory on the Path.
So unless there be Love, there can be no Victory.
Love is an illumination of the fires of the Holy Ghost
And I AM that Love.

I AM the quiescent energies of the Divine Mother
Awakened in the flaming Spirit of the Father.
I AM Wisdom, as the light of the dawn,
Projecting the understanding of Love,
Even as Love begets Wisdom;
And I AM in that twofold action of the golden-pink glow ray
In which the glory of Victory is perceived,
The mark of Victory is perceived.
I AM the fulfillment of letting the man that is within
Come out and express and be the God-victory,
The God-dominion of my outer consciousness.
The goal then is seen as the fulfillment of Oneness.
I AM the fulfillment of Oneness.
I AM the fulfillment of Life.
I AM the fulfillment of energy.
I AM the fulfillment of consciousness.
I AM the fulfillment of becoming all that I AM.

O Light of the soul,
Come forth in the flame of Love!
Come forth and be the Reality of each one!
I AM Illumination, the illumined action of Love,
The pathway to Reality, the realization of I AM WHO I AM.
This is the consciousness of Victory.

I AM the continuous awareness of Self twenty-four hours a day.
I AM and I retain awareness of Victory.
For I know the Self and I realize the light potential of the Self;
For I AM aware of the unfailing nature
Of selfhood in God that is Victory.

Now let the darkness be swept aside
By the oncoming tide of Victory!
Now let the spiral of Christ Victory
Be imparted by angelic hosts
Unto the planet and the evolutions thereof!
Now let the flood tides of Victory come forth
From the Great Central Sun!
In the name of Jesus the Christ
And in the name of the cosmic being Victory:
I AM here and I AM come to shatter the veils of darkness,
Of temptation, of sorrow and maya,
Of being out of alignment with the inner geometry of being.
Now by the magnet of the Great Central Sun of Victory,
Let the forcefield of my chakras be drawn into the power
Of the immaculate vision of the Cosmic Virgin.
So let energy move to the center of the All-Seeing Eye.

I AM beholding God.
I AM beholding the God of Selfhood.
I know that I AM God in manifestation
And that the manifest action of God
Is man, woman victorious.
I AM the balancing factor of Victory
In the Libra scales of the plus and minus.
I AM Alpha and Omega converging
In this point in time and space
For the birth of the Christ consciousness within me.
I AM at the nexus of the cross at my own heart chakra
And I invoke the spiral of Christ Victory.
Blaze forth! Blaze forth! Blaze forth!

So now let the golden light as golden waves of peace
Encircle the planet as a swaddling garment of living flame.
Let the fires of Illumination come forth!
I say, awake! awake!

O mankind, awake! awake! awake! to your God Reality, I say;
And be that God Reality!
I AM that God Reality.
So then sunder unreality!
Sunder unreality,
And let the razor’s edge of the Mind of God part the veil!

In the name of Mighty Victory,
I call to Almighty God to let our own beloved Jesus the Christ
Step through the veil!
So in this hour of Victory and cycles turning,
From out the I AM THAT I AM,
Let there be a new stepping-down
Of consciousness and the electronic forcefield
Of Jesus the Christ,
Bringing that beloved avatar closer
To the outer awareness of mankind.
So let this stepping-down of his Electronic Presence
Be accompanied by a stepping-up
Of the awareness of the Christ consciousness
In the hearts of the people.

Let mankind pursue the Holy Spirit in nature
And in invocation and in love.
Let there be a turning to the Master Jesus,
The master teacher, World Teacher of the age!
And let mankind’s hearts be quickened
By the presence of this beloved one of God
Penetrating through the etheric plane,
Preparing for that Second Coming
And that reign of the mind of Christ
Within the mental bodies of all mankind.

So let there be then the squeeze
On the mental bodies of mankind,
The squeezing-out of the energies of the not-self,
The logic of the carnal mind.

And let there be that pressure from on high
As the Christ Self becomes more real,
More active in the lives of mankind,
And especially in those who respond to the call,
The inner call of the Good Shepherd:
“My sheep know my voice!”
So let mankind know the voice of Jesus,
And in his voice let them hear
The voice of the inner man of the heart,
Their own beloved Christ Self,
Speaking with the tongues of angels and of Ascended Masters.

Therefore let the coming of Jesus the Christ
Not be to the exclusion of the ascended hierarchies,
But let his coming pave the way for the descent,
The pressing-in upon the auras of mankind
Of the victorious momentum
Of the saints and ascended beings of all ages.
So let them come to receptive hearts.
So let all mankind know that the Victory of the individual
Is in the inner Reality, is in the Real Self,
And that as Jesus is that Christed One,
So is each and every one ready to receive
The anointing of the Christ Self within.

I stand in the flaming Presence of Victory!
I AM Mighty Victory!
I AM Mighty Victory! I AM Mighty Victory!
I come on wings of Victory!
I come to place the laurel wreath of Victory
Upon the heads of the overcomers.
I AM overcoming in all things, being tempted and being tried,
Yet still pressing on dauntless toward the Victory.
I AM one with those who are forging a new age.

So then come, come in your souls, O hearts of Light.
I AM come in my solar awareness.
I AM a heart of Light and I affirm my Victory!

For I have had many victories
Which I acknowledge and I affirm
In the name of my own beloved God Self.
O beloved God Self of all,
Beloved Christ of all and beloved Mighty Victory:
I now demand the binding by the hosts of Light
Of the burden of Antichrist and the accuser of the brethren
Which has bowed down the blessed children of God.
So then I say
I claim Victory! I claim Victory! I claim Victory!
For the earth and her evolutions this day.

Therefore, I speak that Word:
In the name of the living Christ,
In the name of Jesus the Christ and my own Christ Self,
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM,
I claim my Victory now! I claim my Victory now!
I claim my Victory now! I claim my Victory now!
I claim my Victory now!
So the acclamation of the angels of Victory is upon me.
I will not allow the forces of darkness and the heathen
To take from me my Victory,
For I will not lose the sense of Victory
And I will not fail to claim that Victory.

I AM that claim of Victory! I AM the flame of Victory,
And that flame is invincible, victorious,
Invincible, victorious, invincible, victorious!
We shall win! We shall win! We shall win!
I say it once, I say it twice, I say it again;
For I AM the cosmic consciousness of Victory
And I ensoul that golden light of Victory.
Now let it blaze forth as the sun of Helios and Vesta
As the magnet of God’s Love and Wisdom
Multiplies the power and momentum of Victory
Which I bear from the heart of God.

Now let us see mankind come beneath that rod
Of the law of self-discipline;
And in the true freedom of the Aquarian age,
Let man discipline himself
Under his own tutor, the Christ Self.
Let each man know the Law of the I AM Presence
And be that Law in action!
I AM that Victory which is won by the discipline of the cube,
The square, the sphere, the triangle of Light.
So now strike the triangle, angel of the triangle!
The tinkling of the triangle sounds the note
And the moment of the coming from far-off worlds
Of other legions of Victory
Who have responded to the Life within my heart
And my sense of the Victory.

So mankind shall know this year
That as the flame of the Holy Spirit is released,
So there come defenders of Victory and angelic hosts.
They come fresh from a Victory of another world
And system of worlds in another galaxy,
A solar system with conditions similar to our own
Where a certain number of planetary bodies
Within that system had been perverted by certain fallen ones,
And where certain planetary homes and their evolutions
Had retained the Light, and one specific planet
Holding the balance of Light for a solar system.

In the name of the I AM THAT I AM
And by the authority of Almighty God,
I call to the legions of Victory and the angelic hosts
To anchor the topaz of Victory for this planet,
The crystal fire of golden consciousness of Godhood;
For I AM a child of the Sun turning the tide.
I proclaim Victory, I claim the Victory,
And I see the Victory won!

In the name of Mighty Victory,
I demand a dissolution of microbes,
Germs of evil infesting the minds of a portion of the people
As a great Dead Sea floating in the atmosphere,
Threatening to overtake a planet
And consequently a system of worlds.
I AM the flame of Victory
With a white fire core of the Holy Spirit,
And I AM able to dissolve those microbes that infest the mind,
That pervert the consciousness of Victory
Through the sense of doom and failure.

I lift up my head to receive the conquering heroes of Victory
As they come fresh from the glory of Victory.
This Victory is manifesting on Terra
As legions of Victory tarry with this earth
And enforce the spirals of illumined action
That mankind might see and know the path of Victory!

I AM the spiral of Victory
For the fulfillment of the organization
Of The Summit Lighthouse.
Let the consciousness of God Reality
Be as a crown upon my head
For that fulfillment of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters.
In the name of the Christ,
I call forth the illumination of the mind.
So I demand the burning through of consciousness
Of all that impedes the flow
Of sacred energy and sacred wisdom.
So be it, in the name of the Holy Spirit!
I claim that Reality, and I shall win!
I stand in the flaming presence of Reality!
I stand in the golden white-fire sun of Libra!
I know who I AM, I AM THAT I AM!

Let the disc of self be reunited
With the disc of God Self-awareness
As my soul walks the earth as the conquering hero
Infused with the presence of Lanello,
Infused with the flame of the Divine Mother.

I avail myself of the opportunity
For the Victory of a planet which will turn the tide
And manifest the Victory of this solar system
And the elevation of the frequencies of the planetary homes
Into new dimensions of etheric cycles,
Preparing the entire whirl of cosmic energy
For fulfillment in the ascension
And the return to the white fire core.
This is the joy, this is the fulfilling of the Law.

In the name of the Christ
And by the power of Mighty Victory,
I invoke the Law of my being, I invoke the Light of my being.
So now, burn through all sense of injustice.
Burn through the records of death and doubt and fear,
Anxiety, tension, and frustration.
Burn through and dissolve those energy forcefields
That are not of this world, not of my God consciousness,
And have no part with the eternal sense of Victory!
Legions of Light arrayed in numberless numbers,
Come forth and now merge
With the individual auras of mankind.
In this cosmic moment,
Every lifestream connected with Terra,
Embodied, disembodied,
Every man, woman, and child in whatever plane of Mater,
Receives now the ministration of an angel of Victory.
In the name of the Great I AM and the eternal Christos,
Let that angel of Victory step into the aura of the individual
To reinforce the rising spiral and momentum of Victory.

In the name of Mighty Victory,
Sanat Kumara, and the Lady Master Venus,
Let the armor of Victory be upon mankind,
The consciousness of Victory,
The Love/Wisdom/Power of Victory.
So now the transfer is made
Of the Electronic Presence of the angels of Victory.

I claim the reality of my Victory daily
In the name of the Christ,
And I watch and see how mankind
Have the renewed sense of the ancient motto
We Shall Overcome, We Shall Overcome, We Shall Overcome!

It is done. It is finished. It is sealed.
It is done. It is finished. It is sealed.
It is done. It is finished. It is sealed.
It is locked in my heart.
I will defend it with all my might,
With all my main, with all my love.
I defend the Victory that is already won.
I defend the Light that shall overcome.
I AM the Spirit of Selflessness in me
That sees with crystal clarity
The attainment of Victory—past, present, and future.
In the Eternal Now is Victory! Victory! Victory!

Taken from a dictation by Mighty Victory, December 29, 1974, Anaheim, California, “A Spiral for Christ Victory”.

Decree 22.03 Affirmations Taken from
“Indomitable Greetings of Cosmic Victory”
by Mighty Victory

I AM the indomitable greetings of cosmic Victory!
I AM buoyancy and joy
In the forcefield of my consciousness.
I AM Victory! And I AM also the Victory
Of every man, woman, and child upon this planet.
I AM freedom in the light and freedom to be
That which God already is.
I AM endowed with the majesty of the Divine Image!
I AM the manifestation of the Image of God
In the world of form
That is the highest glory
In which man can share.
I come in an invocative spirit, because
I AM determined that the joy which I have
Shall be the joy of the world!

I AM the anchor of both the Victory and the Purity
In the hearts of men,
And I AM reinforcing the return
To the covenant of Asha, the covenant of Purity.
In the name of the Christ,
In the name of God and by the power of God,
I call forth ten thousand legions of angels
And the angelic hosts of Light
To minister to the children of men
Because of their basic needs.
I invoke them for and on behalf
Of this planetary body.
May they come forth in order to vest me
And to vest humanity with an awareness of our Victory!

I AM Victory as the overcoming
Of those outer conditions
Which I have struggled against
With my mortal consciousness.
In the name of the Christ,
I demand the reinforcement
Of that mortal consciousness
By those immortal applications
Of cosmic joy, peace, and loveliness
Which shall bring to the mind a new domain,
A new outlook upon not only this year,
But upon all years to come as the immortality
And the peace of my Victory as a reality.

I AM the realization of my Victory
As an immediate occupation of the total being of man.
I enter into the immediate fulfillment
Of those cosmic wishes that are a part
Of the great cosmic Light of God which never fails.
The Light of God never fails!
The Light of God never fails!
The Light of God never fails!
And the beloved Mighty I AM Presence is that Light!
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM,
I reinforce that action
As a tangible focus in my heart
So I can become the beneficiary
Of that cosmic service.

By the power of Mighty Victory,
I remove from my mind and consciousness
The erroneous concept that I am a deficient person.
I AM an efficient God-free being!
I AM determined to embark upon a course
Of cosmic Victory here and now!
I AM the focalization in the world of form
Of a cosmic miracle of Light’s splendor
Such as the world has not hitherto seen
For thousands of years.

I AM the law of abundance that is functional
In every one of the Ascended Masters.
I AM the law of the production of greater grace
In the hearts of those who are yet to come
Than they themselves have manifested.

I AM imbued with the Ascended Masters’ consciousness
That God is and is functional
Within my own manifestation.
Therefore I understand and
I AM the law of miracle transcendence
Whereby the consciousness in any given age
Can at last ascend itself
Into a higher vibratory rate, into higher spheres.

I AM and I bring the consciousness of initiation
Into the world of form
Whereby the planetary body becomes transformed
By the transcendent light of purpose
Which is the glow of the eternal power and fire
Of the cosmic being of God himself
In the heart of the Great Central Sun.
I AM accepting that and I AM allowing myself
To become enamored by that.
I draw nigh unto that and I accept that Victory
As a part and portion of the Godhead
That is tangibly intended as a gift for me.

In the name of the Christ,
I demand the binding of the tremendous infiltration
Into the world of form and the life patterns
And life records of so many who have passed
Through undesirable experiences.
I challenge that which would cause the human mind
To accept that it is at last going to go through
Some strange and undesirable negative condition!
In the name of the Christ,
I AM letting go of those old ideas and
I AM arranging for their transmutation
Through the sacred fires and elements
of God’s own being,
And I AM deciding that I will have no more of that!

In the name of the Christ,
I accept the feeling of my own God-victory
And I make it a permanent part of my world.
I AM a being of Victory as a part of God.

I AM a God-victorious person,
A pure son of great Light and loveliness.
I AM starting those fires of Victory
Upon the grate and hearth of my own consciousness,
And from that domain they will expand and expand
And expand until they cover the earth!

In the name of the I AM THAT I AM,
In the name of the eternal Christ,
In the name of the seven beloved archangels,
The Seven Holy Kumaras, and Mighty Victory,
I invoke the angelic hosts:
The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof!
The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof!
The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof!

In the name of my own beloved I AM Presence
And in the name of Mighty Victory,
I speak with the authority of God
And I deliver unto the world this, my fiat:
Victory, Victory, Victory, Victory, Victory!
Victory, Victory, Victory, Victory, Victory!
Victory, Victory, Victory, Victory, Victory!
Veni, vidi, vici! Veni, vidi, vici! Veni, vidi, vici!
Let every grain of sand upon the planet,
Every drop of water, every portion of all substance
Record my words!

In the name of my beloved I AM Presence
And Christ Self,
I call to Mighty Victory
To dispense with my human ego,
And I invoke Victory as a quality of God-obedience,
A quality which I now, by the authority
Of my free will, make my own.
And I invoke Victory
To stir those unregenerate energies in myself.
And in the name of the Christ,
I demand and I command those unregenerate energies
To depart from me!

I AM Light and loveliness
As those beautiful regenerate energies
Of God-happiness and Victory!

I AM the acceptance of that spirit
Of cosmic understanding which I AM.
I AM humanity’s victorious understanding that it was
The original intention of God from the beginning
That man should be an overcomer of darkness.
I AM getting on with the business of overcoming!

In the name of the beloved mighty victorious
Presence of God, I AM in me,
My very own beloved Holy Christ Self,
I send forth the fiat of Mighty Victory
By the buoyant, joyous, transmutative release
Of his God flame:
I AM going out
To literally beat the world into submission!
I AM going out
To literally beat the world into submission!
I AM going out
To literally beat the world into submission!

I AM focusing that consciousness of God-victory
In my individual world.
I AM remaining constant to that sense of God-victory,
And it will make a wonderful change in my world,
A change that will cause those little obstacles
That so long have been the stumbling blocks
In the pathway of my life
To literally yield themselves unto me.

I AM the consciousness of Victory that is buoyantly,
Joyously buoying me up.
I AM the God-power of Victory
That is literally alive within me!
I AM keeping that consciousness enshrined
As an icon on the wall of my being,
And I AM being transformed by it.

In the name of the Christ,
I demand the binding of the bugaboo
Of human nonsense that says,
“Oh, you’re a terrible person;
You are an egotistical person;
You are a person of darkness and deceit;
You have this fault and you have that fault.”
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM and my Christ Self,
I demand the binding of all self-criticism,
Self-condemnation, self-judgment, and all black magic
And witchcraft I have ever practiced
Against myself or any other self of God!
Let it be done by the full power
Of beloved Jesus the Christ, beloved Mighty Victory,
And the beloved Great Divine Director!

I AM the cosmic grace and loveliness manifested
By Jesus the Christ and the Ascended Masters
Throughout the ages.
I AM shaking the dust off of my feet
And rising in those triumphant moments
Whereby the great cosmic spirals of the cosmic fire
Become a tangible manifestation for me.
I AM the Spirit of the Ascended Masters!
I AM expressing those God-qualities
Which are already within me.

By the full power and authority
Of Jesus the Christ and Archangel Michael,
I challenge the concepts
Of Satanic lore and Luciferian strategy
Whereby humanity has accepted the condemnation
Which opposes the cradle
Of God-victory within themselves!
I AM the understanding of my Christ-victory
Which transmutes the cause and core
Of all loneliness and self-pity,
Self-concern and self-justification
Into my God-victorious Harmony and Supply
Made manifest this hour!

I AM the acceptance and the understanding
In my thought and feeling world
That all of the ascended hosts of Light
Are together with me, standing with me,
And in God’s name, I will not stumble any longer!
I AM doing the will of God and
I AM accepting the spirit of my Victory and
I AM transformed in thought and feeling,
Conscious and unconscious.

I AM shepherding the decadent atoms of my being
Through the great cosmic fire.
I AM the power of the Cosmic Christ
That is universally within me
And is now called into action
As a tangible manifestation
From an ultimate standpoint.
I will not be wearied by human imperfection.
I AM perfection,
And I challenge the fiat and the acceptance
Of imperfection in my world!

In the name of the I AM THAT I AM,
I reject the dissonant beat of drums
From an idle jungle of human nonsense.
I AM the acceptance
Of the immortal facets of cosmic Light
That actually breathes and glistens within me.
I AM the power and energy of the Great I AM
That beats my heart,
And this is the power by which the worlds are framed
And by which they are turned in space
And by which the glory of God
Becomes a tangible reality
In the face of an avatar such as Jesus the Christ,
In the face of an avatar such as El Morya.

In the name of Kuthumi, the Divine Poverello, I say,
I will give myself unto Thee.

God is inside of me, and He that is in me
Is greater by far than he that is in the world.
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM,
I challenge the lie of the carnal mind that says
That God is not, that Christ is not,
That Jesus is not, that I AM not!
And I challenge the superiority of the human ego
And its power of rationalization
Whereby it rationalizes the Ascended Masters
Out of existence.
Thank God the Ascended Masters are here and
Their Victory is a tangible manifestation
Within me upon the altar of my heart and being!

I speak by the fervor of God!
I speak by the Victory of God!
I speak by the devotion of God!
In the name of Mighty Victory,
I AM releasing the radiation
Of the sacred fire from Venus
And the power of great invisible worlds
Even beyond that.
I AM charged with those solar energies
Of the Great Central Sun by which
The very hub of creation turns and radiates
And pours out its victorious energies
For the accomplishment of God-ideals!

I AM in the hub of creation
That keeps on radiating and turning
In the movement of diurnal worlds without end
Throughout all time to come
And throughout all eternity to come.
And that will never stop,
For it is like a top that is wound up forever
Because the energies of God are triumphant in it.
And so I say, in the name of the I AM THAT I AM,
The energies of God are triumphant in me
And they are a part of my very own soul.
I will give myself unto God.

I AM understanding and smiling in my heart
As I recognize the truth in Mighty Victory’s words,
I AM solidifying in my world
Those buoyant, joyful, cosmic, radiant energies
By which the I AM THAT I AM
formed me in the very beginning.
I AM the understanding of the laws
Which enable the Ascended Masters
To release the spoken Word through the Messengers
Of the Great White Brotherhood,
The selfsame laws by which the universe
Is both guided and governed.
I AM the understanding of the higher laws,
And the lower laws of human manifestation
Pale into insignificance.

I accept the idea of my own ascension in the Light!
I AM doing something about it!
I AM changing my life!
I AM transforming myself in consciousness!
I AM the triumph for God!
I AM turning to serve the Light with all my heart,
And the Light turns around to serve me
With all of its.

In the name of the Christ
And by the authority of Mighty Victory,
I encircle the human nonsense
That is strewn in the pathway
To joy, deliverance, and Victory,
And I will throw out some of the ballast
So my balloon can go higher!

In the name of the Christ,
I AM the victor over the quicksand,
The astral tunnels, the world of negativity,
And the vicious circle
By which humanity is constantly being victimized.
I AM rejoicing in eternal, immortal,
Ever-living Victory,
Whereby my consciousness is dragged down
In a whirlpool of defeat and darkness.
This is nonsense!
I AM the great sphere of cosmic Victory!

In the name of the Christ, I AM calling to Victory:
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence and beloved Victory,
Help me, help me, help me!
Get me out of this condition right away, right now!
I AM the full power, presence, and person
Of Mighty Victory answering my calls!
I AM the full power, presence, and person
Of Mighty Victory answering my calls!
I AM the full power, presence, and person
Of Mighty Victory answering my calls!

I AM feeling the penetration of cosmic energies
From the top of my head to the tips of my feet.
I AM the smiling spirit of Victory,
And the darkness has crept away.
I AM the spirit of Victory!
I AM the spirit of Triumph!
I AM the spirit of Joy!
I AM the spirit of God!
And I flood that across the face of the whole green earth!
And after a while there won’t be any more snow!
I AM melting the ice crystals out of my world.
I AM freedom in the wonderful golden sun
Of the golden dawn of cosmic illumination.

In the name of beloved Mighty Victory,
I AM causing humanity to understand,
By the fervor of God and the faith of God,
That God is real and that they are real
And their soul is real
And the joy within them is real,
That I AM real, that Victory will seal them
In a heart of cosmic Victory forever
If they will only yield themselves
To that Spirit of Truth that is within them.

I AM beginning to study
To show myself approved unto God.
I AM beginning to understand and to accept
The great fiats of immortal Life within me
And to recognize that forever!
In the name of my Mighty I AM Presence,
I AM going with Mighty Victory tonight
To every continent upon this planet,
And I AM going to place a massive image of Victory
Into the etheric realm over that continent.
And I AM going to send an arrow down
Into every heart that is dark and black and deceitful,
And I AM going to say to that heart,
“In the name of Mighty Victory,
Don’t you know that you beat because God lives?”
I AM trying and I AM creating
A sense of abundance in the minds of humanity
As has never been done before,
And Mighty Victory is working with me.

I recognize the power of being a catalyst!
I recognize the power of being a catalyst!
I recognize the power of being a catalyst!
I AM becoming a catalyst wherever I go,
For Mighty Victory is making me
An emissary of Victory to this planet.

I accept it,
And I AM carrying the light of Victory
To the dying world.
And in the name of Mighty Victory,
I revive it and restore it to life—
And in three days it will walk again
In the spirit of cosmic joy!
I know what Victory is talking about.
He is talking about the victory of the eternal day
Of the awakening of humanity.
I AM the realization of the timeless beauty
That is in the thought of Victory!

Taken from a dictation by Mighty Victory, January 3, 1971, Colorado Springs, Colorado, “Indomitable
Greetings of Cosmic Victory”. PART ONE  |  PART TWO

Mighty Victory!

Who is Mighty Victory?

Mighty Victory is a cosmic being from Venus whose devotion to the flame of victory for more than a hundred thousand years has given him the authority over that flame through vast reaches of cosmos.

His love of the victory of the Christ and the potential victory of those evolving upon earth was the keynote of his response to Saint Germain’s call for cosmic assistance to the earth in the 1930s.

The new dispensation

Coming forth to stand behind the Master of Freedom and to lend his momentum of victory to Saint Germain’s projects, he announced the dispensation of the Lords of Karma to set aside the old occult laws for the evolutions of this planet. As a result, it was possible for individuals to ascend with only 51 percent of their karma balanced; to enter the retreats while their bodies slept at night, although their karma might not warrant it; and to be taught the instruction of the I AM in the world at large rather than have this information withheld for those who were not able to make the treacherous journeys to the retreats of the masters in their physical bodies.

Because so many cosmic beings came forth to assist Saint Germain, his petitions to the Lords of Karma for mercy on behalf of the mankind of earth were granted, and thus we are privileged today to have and to use this powerful instruction on behalf of our own freedom and that of the entire planet. We salute Mighty Victory and his love of victory in our devotions to the pink plume on Monday, for truly the star of victory is the star of our own causal bodies, and our individual victory is the victory of love.

The star of Victory

Mighty Victory has twelve masters serving with him, in addition to legions of victory angels. Standing in the center of the Great Sun Dial with his twelve disciples taking their places on the twelve points of the clock, Mighty Victory issues the command for the formation of the six-pointed star. The masters standing on the one, three, five, seven, nine and eleven o’clock lines step forward midway between the center and the periphery of the circle. Thus, the star is formed by the action of the flame of Mighty Victory and his twelve, showing that as Above, so below the threefold flame is in balance and victorious in the being of man.

The name Victory

When he first became known to the people of earth, Victory was referred to as the “tall Master from Venus.” In one of his dictations through the messenger Guy Ballard, the master explains how he came to be known as Victory:

I was given the Name of “Victory” by the ascended masters who have made the ascension from your Earth, because all that I have attempted to do, has been victorious! There is no such thing as the memory of a single limitation in my consciousness, or world of activity, and has not been for a tremendously long period!… I have known only victory for thousands of centuries.



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