Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


Decrees and Songs to Mighty Victory – Part 2

Decrees and Songs to Mighty Victory – Part 2

Decree 22.04: “Affirmations from ‘The Victory Way of Life'”
Decree 20.14: “Golden Victorious Light”
Song 554: “God Is My Victory, Victory, Victory!”

Decree 22.04 Affirmations Taken from
“The Victory Way of Life”
by Mighty Victory

I AM the enveloping power of my Victory
That is a marvelous gift
Of infinite capacity to expand—
To expand my thought, to expand my perception to realize
I AM not the limited but the limitless.
By the power of the universal hierarchy,
I AM and I accept not only a sense of Victory
And its buoyance, but also
The God-realization that this is the plan
That was conceived from the beginning
By the pure Mind of God.

I AM and I accept the joy of the happy child that I AM
I AM and I accept my return
To that God-realization of the miracle of Light!
I AM the pulsations of the sun’s rays
As a marvelous potion, as a lotion bathing
The body and the mind and the being of man.
In the name of Jesus the Christ,
My own beloved Mighty I AM Presence,
I call to beloved Mighty Victory
To wipe away from my consciousness
All that is less than my Christ-perfection,
All sense of doubt and fear and tribulation
And human mischief and produce in its place
The God-realization that I AM Victory.

I AM the God-realization that I AM Victory.
I AM the God-realization that I AM Victory.
I AM the God-realization that I AM Victory.
And in the name of my Mighty I AM Presence,
I understand that this is no ordinary activity;
It is an extraordinary activity
Of my own God Presence, I AM!
My God Presence will not be brought
Under the power of human hypnosis
And the thought that the individual
Can control the God Self!

In the name of my own Christ Self
And in the name of Mighty Victory,
I call forth the judgment of every thought and feeling
In my entire consciousness, being, and world
Rooted in the pride of power and in the ambition of power,
And I surrender all power within me to the All-Power of God.
I call forth the judgment on the power mongers
And their power machinations and mechanizations,
Those who seek to be thought wise of men
And surfeit themselves in their own carnality
And their carnal longings.

And the I AM Presence that I AM is aware of all life.
And in the name of my Mighty I AM Presence,
I refuse to give power to the misuse of power
And the misuses of life;
For I AM concerned with the spirit
That understands that man is the offspring of God,
And I AM the offspring of God.
I AM opening up the portals of my consciousness,
Of my heart and my feeling world, and I say,
“O God, give me your Victory,
Give me your Victory, give me your Victory!”

I AM the acceptance here and now in my feeling world
Of your answer to my call, O God!
O God, give me your Victory, give me your Victory,
Give me your Victory.

I AM the acceptance of the pressure of the Light
That is conveying upon me
All beauty and perfection, abundance and supply
And my divine plan fulfilled here and now.
I AM unzipping the zipper
Of the veil between Reality and unreality.
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM,
I will not allow the veil
To hinder me from my realization
Of my own God-potential.

I AM the realization and the fulfillment
Of the spirit of prophecy in this day and age.
I AM at peace.
I AM the fullness of the understanding
Of universal Love from the heart
Of my own Divine Presence, I AM, flowing into me.

And I AM feeling the mantle of God
Wrapped around my shoulders, and even now his love
Is pulsing forth in the flame within my heart.
In the name of the one God,
In the name of the universal Christ,
I call forth the ascended hosts to come
Into the forcefield of my world
And to drop the conveyances of their love.
O beloved angelic hosts of Light,
Come to me in the gentleness of the sweet manifestation
Of the face of a lovely child, of a rose,
And of the sound of waters moving over stones.

In the name of my own beloved Christ Self,
I call unto my I AM Presence to consume the cause and core
Of all mortality and mortal tension and mortal dissension.
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM,
I AM my Victory over every muscle, nerve, organ,
Artery, and chakra within my body.
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM,
I AM claiming a higher degree of Victory
And a higher degree of mastership
Than I have ever known over my own individual world.
And I speak the command of the Christ
For the dissolving of mortal tension
And mortal dissension within my members.

And I speak to the muscle in my big toe
And I say, Relax! And it is so!
I AM smiling the smile of Victory
And I AM the understanding that
A twinkle of mirth is needed on earth.
I AM feeling a renewal of the flame of Victory within myself
And that God-determination which says, I will not stop.

I will not accept the pressure of this mortal thing.
I will not accept the shroud over my identity.
I AM a son of God.
I AM following in the footsteps of the Master;
And behold, the Master is my example!
And I will do as he did and believe as he believes
And I will act as he acts and I will feel as he felt.
And there is no power in heaven or on earth
That can dissuade me from acting that way!

I AM the consciousness of Almighty God and of God-victory
Flowing into me and accepting the pressures
Of the Ascended Masters’ octave.
And by the power of Jesus the Christ
And by the power of Mighty Victory,
There is brought into manifestation within me
A change in my consciousness.
I AM an immortal, God-free, God-victorious being,
And I AM summoning the strength from my own God Presence
To fulfill my reason for being
And to work the works of God on earth.
I AM the consummation of the natural flow
Of energy pulsation from the heart of God
Within my mind, within my heart, within my body,
Within my soul in the white fire core
Of every atom, molecule, and cell of my being
In every plane of consciousness where I AM.

I AM the uncompromising Light of God.
I AM the Light of God that never fails,
The Light of God that never fails,
The Light of God that never fails!
And I AM calling that Light into action
To assist me in my Victory now!
I call forth the sacred fire and the fire breath
From the heart of Alpha and Omega
To consume the cause and core of all mortal emotion
And the thoughts and feelings of the mortal self!

I AM the all-consuming power of the violet flame
That consumes the cause and core
Of struggle and the sense of struggle.
I AM the presence
Of beloved Mighty Astrea and Archangel Michael
Binding the demons of mortal thought and feeling.
And all those little demons of mortal thought
And feeling are vanquished over the hill
By Mighty Victory and his legions of Light!
I AM the all-consuming action
Of the all-consuming flame of the Holy Spirit
Fulfilling in me my God-victorious initiation
Of the trial by fire.
I AM my God-victory now
In the face of all sorts of outer conditions.

I AM the God-victorious manifestation
Of the Light over all human conditions, human consciousness,
Human subtlety, human pride and ambition,
Human resentment, human resistance,
Human retaliation, and all doubt and fear
And human questioning and records of death.

In the name of Jesus the Christ,
In the name of Saint Germain,
I AM invoking from the Lords of Karma
Mercies and gifts and dispensations of the Holy Spirit
To assist the race of the children of God on earth
In their overcoming Victory
Over all conditions of euphoria,
Psychedelics, psychic thralldom, psychopolitics,
And the stagnation in the pools of negative spirals
Of habit and wrong thought and feeling.

In the name of the Christ,
I AM answering the call of the Lords of Karma,
The Lords of Creation, the Lords of Mind,
The Lords of Form, the Lords of Individuality;
And I declare in the name of the risen Christ
That I AM finding my Freedom and my Victory,
I AM accepting my Freedom and my Victory,
I AM my Freedom and my Victory now!

I AM the enfiring of my soul by the Power,
The Wisdom, and the Love of the Holy Spirit—
Of the dedication and the God-determination
Of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood
And the World Mother.
And in the name of the Christ and by his grace,
I will never again accept anything but my Victory.
Let the action of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
Now start within me the flow
Of that specific energy of Mighty Victory.
Let it be sustained. Let it be fed each day
As I believe in it and I love it and I water it
And I nurture it and I return it to the heart of God
From whence I AM come to do his God-victorious will.
I AM the mighty stream of Victory
That flows from the heart of my own Divine Presence.

I AM the mighty stream of Victory
That flows from the heart of my own Divine Presence,
Producing a miracle in my life
For which I will ever be grateful
And which I will love and adore
And pass on to my children and my children’s children
And all of the generations of the children of God on Terra.
I AM bequeathing Mighty Victory’s heritage
Of magnificence to the earth.

By the power of Mighty Victory and beloved Saint Germain
And El Morya, beloved Jesus and Kuthumi
And our own beloved Lanello,
I AM the all-consuming fires of Victory
Consuming the sense of struggle that makes the struggle.

I AM God desiring to be God within me,
And I know that God wants for me
The joy, the joy, the joy, the surging joy
Of the reality of Life and the understanding
That I AM grateful for the opportunity
To balance conditions of karmic accountability
That must return to me by cosmic law.

I AM grateful for all energies misqualified
That now return to my heart flame for transmutation
By the power of the violet flame
And the full-gathered momentum
Of my causal body of Light.
In the name of the Christ,
I will never be discouraged
But always encouraged by the flow of my karma
And the understanding that in the flame of the sacred fire
Is the balance of that karma.
This is my be-attitude for my Christ-victory,
And I AM that Christ-victory now.

In the name of the Christ,
In the name of the I AM Presence,
I AM smiling in my Victory;
And by the authority of the Christ,
I AM laughing at adversity and I accept adversity
As the instrument on the path to my freedom.
In the glorious be-attitude of Victory,
I welcome adversity into the flame;
And in the name of the I AM THAT I AM,
I AM overcoming all adversity
Even as I AM balancing every jot and tittle
Of the law of my karma.
In the flame of the Christ,
I AM mitigating adversity
And I AM loosening its hold upon my life.
Charged with the great charger of Mighty Victory,
I AM riding up over adversity,
And this is the meaning of Victory
And this is the meaning of Life.

I AM a victorious son of God.
I AM the manifestation of the attainment of the Christ,
And I AM accepting the pressure
Of the Divine Presence within me now!—
Not by a vicarious act of another,
But by a vicarious act of my own self
And my own great God Self.

I AM identified with the God Presence,
And the God Presence is performing for me and through me.
Yet in my flesh shall I see God,
The victorious manifestation
Of the life universal and triumphant.
And so the Christ is become in me the Divine Mediator,
And that Mediator is acting now to mediate
The difference between the human self and the Divine,
And my god-victorious manifestation of Victory
Belongs to me here and now,
And I do not have to wait for it until
Some far distant mañana.
My Victory is here! It is within me!
It is within my own God Presence!
It is in the pulsing stream of Life
That descends from my own God Presence now;
And that very stream of energy flowing
From my own God Presence and sustaining my heart
Is intensifying my desire to overcome all difficulties.

I AM the God-intent of the Victory way of life.
I am the joy of living in the Victory way of life
Which is espoused by Mighty Victory
For the people of Venus and for the people of Earth.
I AM sustaining the mounting momentum of my Victory and
I AM invoking all of the momentum of Mighty Victory
That the Great Law will allow him
To bequeath to me this day, this night.

In the name of the Christ,
In the name of my Mighty I AM Presence,
I call to the Lords of Karma for the filling of my chalice
With the momentum of Mighty Victory.
I will have my Victory,
I will have it myself,
And I will make my Victory a do-it-myself project.
I AM man, the manifestation of God.
I AM becoming God. I AM God.
And I sit back upon the throne of attainment and I laugh.
I laugh because in the flame of the Christ I have attained.

And God shall wipe away all tears from my eyes;
And there shall be no more death,
Neither sorrow, nor crying,
Neither shall there be any more pain:
For the former things are passed away.
I AM the full acceptance of the meaning of my Victory
And I AM learning to joy in the Victory
That comes to me in the fullness of knowing
That that Victory will also be my neighbor’s.
By the power of Mighty Victory,
I AM consuming all competition
And all envy, jealousy, and ignorance.

In the name of the I AM THAT I AM,
In the name of the Christ,
I AM entering into the joy of God,
Nevermore to descend into mortal densities.
I AM in the solar awareness of the sosophoric rounds
Of identification with the creative schema,
And I AM producing on all systems of worlds,
Within and without,
Inspirations in little hearts
Who are the mutants of the spirit
Confined to the veil of flesh,
Little hearts who do not realize who I AM, who they are.
And I call forth Almighty God through his emissaries,
The gods and goddesses,
To drape over their shoulders their mantles of Victory.
I AM the fulfillment of the community of Lightbearers
Who are the staunch and stalwart students of the Light.
I AM one in the person of God
With every member of the Light-body of God on earth,
And we will go forth and understand what it means
To wear the mantle of our Victory.

I AM accepting the strength of Almighty God within me.
I AM calling it forth.
I AM moving forward into the Light,
And I AM refusing to accept the pressures
That are brought against me to try to pull me down.
I welcome the pressures as the testing
Of the mettle of every son of God.

Let them produce the miracle in this and every age.
I AM adhering to the law of God and to the law of initiation
That enables me to call forth the sacred fire
To consume these pressures that are brought to bear
Against my four lower bodies and my heart chakra.

In the name of the I AM THAT I AM,
I reject the mediocre, I reject the ordinary.
I refuse to be a lump of clay,
Disturbed, diseased, degenerate, unhappy, unfulfilled.
In the name of Almighty God,
I claim my soul liberation in this life,
And I refuse to come back again and again
Into physical embodiment to struggle against the same odds,
Each time coming to the same position,
Face to face with the question:
Will I win my Victory?
Will I make my determination?
Will I accept the pressures of Light,
Or will I go back into the dark
Or the realm of mediocrity?

In the name of the I AM THAT I AM,
I call forth the Light of God and I declare,
I will win my Victory!
I will make my determination!
I will accept the pressures of the Light
And I will go forward into the Light
And into the realm of excellence and the exalted ones!
In the name of Jesus the Christ,
I declare before Almighty God
That I want the fullness of my freedom.
I demand my freedom! I command my freedom!
By the cast of my mind, by the set of my sail,
And by the purity of the Holy Spirit made manifest
Within the temple of the living God which I AM,
I AM Mighty Victory releasing the stream
Of freedom into my world this day, this night.

In the name of Jesus the Christ,
In the name of Mighty Victory,
I call to the Lord the Maha Chohan to anchor now within me
The energies of the representative of the Holy Spirit
Released in answer to Mighty Victory’s call:
“O Lord Maha Chohan,
Thou representative of the Holy Spirit,
Place thy rays of Love and Light and Victory
Into these lifestreams.
Flow through them the essence of thyself,
Thou Master of Wisdom and of divine Love.
Bestow upon these, the children of God’s heart,
The celestial dove of their purity,
And let them feel its joy in their heart
As it wings its way to the Divine Presence
And creates the miracle flash of the ark of the covenant.”

In the name of my own beloved I AM Presence
And my very own beloved Christ Self,
I AM folding my hands over my heart
And I AM accepting the treasure of the divine pulsation
As a renewal of my energy from the Divine One.
There is but one God, and all men are his offspring;
And out of this monotheistic concept of the Deity,
Let beloved Mighty Victory and the legions of Victory
And the beloved Lord Maha Chohan
And legions of the comfort flame
Release now the understanding
That every son was intended to be that which God is!
Behold, ye are gods! Behold, I have said, ye are gods!

I AM receiving within my soul
The word of God of Mighty Victory.
And I AM receiving from the heart of Mighty Victory
The ark of Victory, the ark of the future,
And the ark of salvation for this planet.
In the name of Jesus the Christ
And by the authority of the God flame within me,
I shall bear it well, I shall carry it well,
I shall love it, I shall cherish it, I shall raise it,
And it will raise me over the flood of man’s mortal concepts,
Out of the domain of darkness and shadow
And into the Light celestial
Where the purity of the Eternal One
Releases a stream of perfection from the sun.


In the name of Jesus the Christ,
In the name of the Father-Mother God,
Out of the shadows have I called Victory.
Out of the density and darkness
Has the eternal lily blossomed—
The Buddhic manifestation,
The budding of man’s divinity.

Taken from a dictation by Mighty Victory, July 7, 1968, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Decree 20.14
by the Cosmic Being Victory

In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of
God, I AM in me, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, beloved
Mighty Victory, beloved Guru Ma and Lanello, the entire Spirit
of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental
life—fire, air, water, and earth! I decree:

I AM the golden victorious Light, the full-orbed flame of
Illumination from the heart of God that refuses to accept any
concept of limitation concerning my eternal reason for being
here and now made manifest in the chalice of the present hour.

I AM the radiation of that Victory which sweeps across the
face of the earth, removing barriers by the power of Faith that
will not be denied its immortal birthright.

I AM the flame of Illumination that sweeps all continents,
awakening peoples of every walk of life from the lethargy and
sleep of the ages to a vital, breathing awareness of the wisdom
that transcends dogma, sense consciousness, and personality
functions, threading the eye of the needle with the thread of
light-determination whose sewings upon the garments of the
Lord of Creation produce elevation, consummation, radiation,
purification, and freedom for every man, woman, and child
upon this planet.

O world, awake,
Your dusty selves now shake;
Purify and rectify,
New ways of thought to make! (3x or 9x)

And in full Faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest,
manifest! (3x) right here and now with full Power, eternally sustained,
all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding
until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!
Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!

Mighty Victory, January 23, 1966, “Golden Victorious Light”.

Song 554

Introduction—11 measures, 4/4 time

God is my victory, victory, victory (3x)
That cannot be denied. (3x)
God is my victory, victory, victory (3x)
I know he’s at my side. (3x)

No one can stay his hand, no one can stay his hand
His presence takes command!
I cannot know defeat, I cannot know defeat
His love makes me complete!

God is my victory, victory, victory (3x)
His mind my very own. (3x)
God is my victory, victory, victory (3x)
His wisdom doth atone. (3x)

All pow’r is given me, all pow’r is given me
Forever I AM free!
I place my trust in him, I place my trust in him
I triumph and I win!

God is my victory, victory, victory
God is my victory, victory, victory
Whose hand shall grace bestow
His presence shall I know.
God is my victory (victory), victory (victory)

God is my victory, victory, victory (3x)
A flame to treasure here (2x)
I feel him very near.
God is my victory, victory, victory (3x)
The best of life that’s free (2x)
All joy enfolding me.

The Light that does not fail
The Light that does not fail
His pow’r and love prevail!
He teaches me to know, he teaches me to know
The pow’r of love that flows!

God is my victory, victory, victory
God is my victory, victory, victory
The healing of all wrong
I rise on wings of song.
God is my victory (victory), victory (victory),

Mighty Victory!

Who is Mighty Victory?

Mighty Victory is a cosmic being from Venus whose devotion to the flame of victory for more than a hundred thousand years has given him the authority over that flame through vast reaches of cosmos.

His love of the victory of the Christ and the potential victory of those evolving upon earth was the keynote of his response to Saint Germain’s call for cosmic assistance to the earth in the 1930s.

The new dispensation

Coming forth to stand behind the Master of Freedom and to lend his momentum of victory to Saint Germain’s projects, he announced the dispensation of the Lords of Karma to set aside the old occult laws for the evolutions of this planet. As a result, it was possible for individuals to ascend with only 51 percent of their karma balanced; to enter the retreats while their bodies slept at night, although their karma might not warrant it; and to be taught the instruction of the I AM in the world at large rather than have this information withheld for those who were not able to make the treacherous journeys to the retreats of the masters in their physical bodies.

Because so many cosmic beings came forth to assist Saint Germain, his petitions to the Lords of Karma for mercy on behalf of the mankind of earth were granted, and thus we are privileged today to have and to use this powerful instruction on behalf of our own freedom and that of the entire planet. We salute Mighty Victory and his love of victory in our devotions to the pink plume on Monday, for truly the star of victory is the star of our own causal bodies, and our individual victory is the victory of love.

The star of Victory

Mighty Victory has twelve masters serving with him, in addition to legions of victory angels. Standing in the center of the Great Sun Dial with his twelve disciples taking their places on the twelve points of the clock, Mighty Victory issues the command for the formation of the six-pointed star. The masters standing on the one, three, five, seven, nine and eleven o’clock lines step forward midway between the center and the periphery of the circle. Thus, the star is formed by the action of the flame of Mighty Victory and his twelve, showing that as Above, so below the threefold flame is in balance and victorious in the being of man.

The name Victory

When he first became known to the people of earth, Victory was referred to as the “tall Master from Venus.” In one of his dictations through the messenger Guy Ballard, the master explains how he came to be known as Victory:

I was given the Name of “Victory” by the ascended masters who have made the ascension from your Earth, because all that I have attempted to do, has been victorious! There is no such thing as the memory of a single limitation in my consciousness, or world of activity, and has not been for a tremendously long period!… I have known only victory for thousands of centuries.



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