Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


Dictation by Ray-O-Light April 2, 1983

Ray-O-Light Dictation April 2, 1983

Conclave of the Friends of Christ X
The Defense of Christ Truth

This dictation by Ray-O-Light was delivered through the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet April 2, 1983, during the Conclave of the Friends of Christ at Camelot, California.


I AM in the light of the all-seeing eye of God, and my office is to lead the legions of light who embody the fearlessness flame—who go before, then, the Christed ones to clear the pathway for that service which must be accomplished in this hour.

I have come in the hour of the victory of Christ for the full power and manifestation of his flame. I have come for the full power of that victory now, and I desire to clear the two-thousand-year momentum of fear and doubt surrounding the mission of the Christ under the dispensation of Pisces.

Realizing, then, that the origin of death is always fear and doubt, we wield a mighty flame of white fire tinged with green. We wield, therefore, the piercing light of Truth. And we go before every servant-son who must therefore defeat the foe of fear and doubt before the full God-mastery of Christhood appear.

I AM in the joy, then, of springtime and of love—for I know not the path of fear, but only of Light. I AM come with a message of the brightness and the joy of the Path. I AM come with a message of the uselessness of fear or doubt, blessed hearts. For these are not real, nor is death. And therefore, let us speak of those things that are of the chalice of Truth and of the mind’s ineffable sweetness when contacting the Mind of God.

The son of God never fears, but only the fallen ones. It is the demons who tremble before the Path, even of the child heart so bright and beautiful with love. But this fear, beloved ones, is transferred and translated as a trembling throughout the planetary body. And because the senses of your soul are very sharpened and also heightened in the presence of the Light, therefore you understand that simply because the ripple passes through your form in no way means that the origin is of the light within you. But rather, blessed hearts, it is a source outside yourself of those who sense the impending judgment and the light descending.

For the more light that descends through our Messenger and through your hearts, through every light-bearer upon earth, the more the world is changed, the more the demons tremble, the more the sounding of fear as a siren in the night does go forth. And yet it has no power. It has no power! For the angels of fearlessness flame bind then the fear and doubt! bind then the foe of Christ! bind then every adversary of the living God!

We move to clear the astral plane of the conspiracy of the fallen ones who have gathered and assembled against the living Christ. And they and their councils, even as they speak, do tremble, even as they do hatch their plots against the Light—the light of America, the light of all nations, the light of the return of Saint Germain and Lord Sanat Kumara in every heart, in every nation.

Therefore, legions of light—legions and legions, I tell you, of fearlessness flame—these angels number in the million times, multiplied many times over. Beloved hearts, these angels of fearlessness flame are the angels of God-mastery. They are the angels of the divine honor guard.

They are the angels of living Truth, and they clear the way, they clear the way, they clear the way of righteousness and roll back the conspirators and the betrayers of the Light—those who betray the little child, those who betray the Divine Man and the Woman, those who betray the eternal friendship.

Therefore, we come to bind the anger out of the pit and out of hell itself. For Death and Hell are angry, for they are being overcome by the living Christ this night. And you share in his blood, you share in his mystical body; and there is an overcoming light and an overcoming victory. And the rage goes forth and it is swallowed up by the white fire of the Maha Chohan, of the Holy Spirit, that proceeds out of the mouth of God.

For the mighty flurry of the Central Sun is determined, as Alpha and Omega are determined, in the very night of the darkness of the Kali Yuga to bring forth, then, the light of God-justice, to bring the great mastery of that flame.

God-mastery, then, shall prevail on earth. And as the turning of the Dark Cycle on April 23 finds you, then, squarely in the line of Jesus Christ, you find him also then presiding here. And his Word going forth, sharper than the two-edged sword, will be for the consuming then of the entire planetary momentum of fear and death, records of death and doubt itself.

And you will find that every momentum moving against the Master and the mastery of the disciples can be consumed by the full power of the cosmic flame of the Mother, which is the flame of God-justice. Therefore, let God-justice consume the very state of injustice of fear itself. For anxiety is a state of injustice, and the movement against the Christed ones marching is also injustice.

Therefore, we come. And our celebration of this Eastertide and this Christ Mass is even now the carrying of the light of the spring equinox, whereby we may initiate into the earth such a powerful fearlessness flame that the earth will no longer fear death, and the fear of the second death itself will be swallowed up in the Light. And they that entertain it will be no more! And you will see a mighty light go forth!

And those, therefore, who compromise the line of the living Christ Jesus will discover that his power is truly manifest—his power is truly manifest in the very heart of his disciples.

And the power of the Holy Spirit is yours, my beloved, to spread abroad and to combat that very Dark Cycle of world karma that does initiate then on April 23 and is the full power of your light and the opportunity of your light and Christhood to manifest and to displace it.

We are determined, therefore, that in the dispensations of the Dark Cycle there shall emerge on earth those Christed ones to dissipate that world darkness and that world karma.

So have you borne the hatred of Saint Germain in this year’s challenge of the line of Aquarius. So shall you bear the victory of the Christ. And you will understand how each succeeding year brings you, then, a momentum of victory whereby you may better deal with the fallen ones and the dark ones who move against the Light.

Therefore, you will see this year, because it is the line of Jesus Christ, how there will be the rising up against him—and especially against his true Teaching and his Word and his Messenger, undiluted then as it does go forth as the message of the victory of every living soul. You will understand anew how this Eastertide marks an era when the Pharisees and Sadducees will move the entire year against the Light and the victory of your soul and of the Truth of your own Christ Self and your own Mighty I AM Presence.

And you will see the dominion of the ascended master Jesus Christ manifesting through you. You will see that mighty dominion—you will see his Electronic Presence. You will see Christ descending in the very air above you and coming to rest around you that you may go forth and abound in his Love and in his Work and in his Mission and not be moved—I say, not be moved and not be moved—by the pressure you sense of the movement against that Life.

It has no power! It has no power! It has no power! Their day is done! Their day is done! Their day is done!

I AM Ray-O-Light. I AM the ascended-master presence now of the all-seeing eye of God. I work with K-17 and Lanello, and I go before the legions of light to clear the way where there must be the arrest of the most notable criminals against the living Christ in the astral plane, in the physical plane, and everywhere where they abide. For we do move against the murderer and his murderous intent. We move against the liar and the lie. For these are the affront to the mighty flame of God-mastery.

Therefore, seize that flame of God-mastery, my beloved! Seize it now by the mighty power of the legions of fearlessness flame, for they swallow up all those who are the false masters and the false gurus and the false hierarchy.

You see, therefore, how beloved Jesus does hold the line of the planetary body for the stilling of the waters of the desire body, for the stilling of the astral plane, for the very casting out of the entire horde of demons infesting the emotional bodies of mankind.

The hour has come for a sweeping clearance of this planetary home. And as I speak to you, Elohim above me now, who receive this Word and transfer it to me—and I to the Messenger, and the Messenger to your heart—are in the very process of now clearing out the very forcefields in the astral plane that lurk and wait as plot against the light of every light-bearer upon earth.

This is the year to overcome abortion and death itself—death unto the light-bearers and the holy innocents. This is the year to reestablish the reverence for life and the sacredness of that life—because, beloved ones, because every living soul is the Christ-potential in action. And therefore, reverence for the Christ incarnate in Jesus must mean reverence for every potential being who may become that Christ.

And therefore, as Jesus now places his Electronic Presence over everyone on this planetary body in whom there burns a threefold flame, so you will know that Jesus in this year will expand and expand and expand and balance and balance and balance that mighty threefold flame until the soul’s recognition of that Christ-potential will throw off every adversary, every doctrinal foe, and the very root of the tree of the evolution of the Watchers themselves—so that these little ones may rise up and, therefore, the proud be brought low and the humble be raised up. And therefore, Christ shall sit in the seat of the authority of these little ones, that they may find their way to him.

Now, is this not the most marvelous dispensation of Alpha and Omega— that in this year of the oncoming Dark Cycle in Pisces, the Lord Christ himself will stand in the earth now to hold the balance for that world karma? [“Yes!”]

Beloved hearts, you may leap in the very fire of the resurrection flame, and stand upon your feet in this hour! For lo, his Presence descends upon you. And you may enter even the very early hours of Easter morning knowing that Christ has risen in your heart, knowing that he has risen in you now. And therefore, the one-times-one-times-one is God in manifestation as the Lord Christ.                                                                                                       And this, my beloved, as you make the call for reinforcement and for the heart tie of his blessed heart to his own—this can mean the turning of worlds. This can mean the reversing of all other Dark Cycles. This can mean an unprecedented victory for elemental life. And it can also mean a very intense reaction on the part of those forces of the Evil One who resent the coming of the Lord Christ into the physical octave.

Not since the hour of Jesus’ ascension has his presence been so powerful in the earth as it is through this dispensation, beloved ones. And truly it is the fulfillment of the two men in white who said, “Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up? This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.”

Therefore, understand that this descent of the mighty Electronic Presence is, in its own manifestation, the awaited Second Coming of that Christ. For that Second Coming is the mighty reinforcement of each one’s own Christ Self.

And those who have ears to hear and eyes to see and soul sensitivity will know that the Lord Christ has come into their life deeply and personally to open the true way of the path of the resurrection, of the ascension.

And those who know him truly as the ascended master Jesus Christ will therefore look for those teachings that will further define the great mystery of Love that has come into their life. And thus will Death and Hell be swallowed up in the victory of his very personal presence.

Therefore, my beloved, understand that it remains for you to make the call and to continue to make the call for the reinforcement of that Christ and for the protection of souls who receive it. For by their own acts of free will and their own ignorance and therefore response to discord and inharmony, the anger and the fear that comes from beneath—they may, therefore, by their own misuse of the sacred fire, build a wall of resistance to the very presence of the Lord Christ with them.

And therefore, the more light that is upon them in this hour, the more protection they require that the fallen ones do not discover some means to throw them off-guard and therefore, by the law of inharmony, [cause them to] separate themselves from the Lord Jesus, even as they separate themselves from their own Christ Self.       And this cosmic law cannot be violated even by the Lord Jesus Christ. For he must respect the individual free will of every living son of God. And therefore, you understand, he may also be rejected unknowingly and unwittingly.

And therefore, let us give a mighty rosary to Archangel Michael for the power of protection of the consciousness of the Son of God in every living soul in whom there burns the threefold flame upon this planet. For these are indeed his own. These are the very ones for whom he prayed.

And I can tell you, he has looked forward to the moment when the beloved Father could accord him the desire of his heart to walk the earth with his little ones and give them the nourishment of soul, the blessed love of the heart, the inner instruction of the Mind of God, and the gentleness of that love which truly does turn away the forces of darkness of this world. Therefore, he has come again for the judgment and to bind Death and Hell, to bind every foe of the flame of God-mastery in the hierarchies of the sun.

Therefore, blessed ones, I, Ray-O-Light, pledge with my bands of angels the defense of Cosmic Truth as Christ Truth in his person. We come to pledge ourselves in the defense of these little ones, and we understand the momentous nature of this dispensation.

For if it is not received and appropriated, you can well understand that the calamity that could ensue could be equal to and greater than the dark ages that proceeded following the rejection of the Christ by the Sanhedrin and his crucifixion. And therefore, those two thousand years of darkness that followed were the result of that rejection. Therefore, let us see to it that we bind the very powers of rejection themselves, bind the carnal mind and the dweller on the threshold.

And this is why he has given to you this decree. <5> See to it, then, that you give it ere the night is o’er—that you understand that it is the planetary and personal dweller on the threshold that he does bind in this very day of the Holy Saturday. And this is the mission and the work of the Messenger herself, who was born on this Holy Saturday—some years ago as the cycles roll, but only yesterday in the heart of Christ.

Therefore, realize the victory of the God flame, that for this cause and to this end you come into the world—for the binding therefore of the darkest ones of all, that the resurrection morn may see him in the blazing sun of God, manifesting the power of Alpha and Omega and the Great Central Sun on earth.

By the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I AM God-victorious, I AM Ray-O-Light, and I release therefore the power of the Maha Chohan and Elohim unto your world for the sealing of your chakras now.

In the name I AM THAT I AM, Amen.


Ray-O-Light Dictation

Who is Ray-O-Light?

Ray-O-Light is an ascended master who focuses the fearlessness flame—a piercing white light tinged with emerald green. Ray-O-Light assists Sanat Kumara, Lord Maitreya and Jesus Christ to bind the seed of the wicked; he also works with K-17 and Lanello. Ray-O-Light and his legions of fearlessness-flame angels will come in answer to your call.

After his ascension in the light, this one desired no more to carry a mere mortal name and asked to simply be called Ray-O-Light. The Presence of God reached out from the heart of beloved Helios and Vesta and Alpha and Omega and said, “So shall it be for all eternity. Thou art Ray-O-Light! And thy mission unto all life shall be the illumination of mankind. And thou shalt be able to bring just that wherever thou art, namely, thou shalt be a radiance of my light.”

Ray-O-Light says:

Would you like to know how I inherited fearlessness flame? I tell you, I was also embodied in Mater. I also walked the path of initiation, and when I came to that place where all of the demons of the night and the fallen ones assailed me to take from me my own blessed Christ-awareness, I knelt in prayer.

I called out to God as God gave to me the awareness of these hordes of darkness in their array. And I tell you, the discarnates that assail the holy innocence of the devotees number in the millions, and as vultures they come to attack the soul—the soul that is about to be set free in the ritual of overcoming.

God showed me the horror of the night and of the fallen ones, and I cried out to him in my prayer, and I said, “O God, you are greater than all of this, your flame and your light able to consume the darkness!” And I called to God for the specific action of the Christ consciousness that I knew must exist. For no thing, no shadowed one could occupy time and space without God providing the counterpoint of light, of freedom! And I called forth the dissolving action of the light of the Christ. I called forth the ray that I knew would dissolve all that would assail me in the hour of my victory.

And I would point out to you that in that moment I faced, as you will face in the moment of your overcoming, the entire momentum of fear on that planetary body, fear of evolutions without attainment, fear of the fallen ones of the second death and of the judgment. And all of that fear was upon me as the clouds of the night. Yet I concentrated on the faith in the element of grace that was able to counteract that darkness.

By that faith in the ultimate existence in God of the element to counteract fear, I received, after many, many hours of prayer, the vision of fearlessness flame descending out of the great God Star as a pencil-light across the sky descending. And I gazed, and I saw, and lo, the descending of that fire came unto me—to the very place where I knelt in prayer. And as that ray descended, I saw the components of the inner light. I saw something of the chemistry of God. I saw elemental beings ensouling that ray. I saw the piercing white light and the action of the emerald ray, piercing all of that darkness!

And, lo, as the ray descended, I saw the dissolution of worlds of fear and doubt and all separation from God. And in the place where darkness was, I saw, lo, angels, hosts of light, and I heard the music of the spheres carried in fearlessness flame. And as the ray descended, it burst as a fire around me, and I was enveloped in that fire, that fearlessness flame! And it burned through me and through my soul and through my chakras and through my four lower bodies, and it burned until I became that flame.

And I surrendered all vestiges of lesser awareness outside of the Great God Flame, and I saw that God called me to be the fullness of that flame to many lifewaves. I saw that God placed upon me the greatest initiation of fear, that I might receive the greatest blessing of its antidote. In order that I might carry that fire and be worthy to carry it, I must needs first perceive all that would oppose that fire, that I might give answer unto the LORD whether I would stand fast to focus that flame in the face of all that would oppose it until the ultimate consummation of the planes of Mater.

You see, precious ones, whatever virtue you invoke from the heart of God, you must first slay the darkness that will assail that virtue. And God will not lower into the chalice of your heart the elements of that flame until you have stood by your own light, your own determination, your own momentum!—until you have stood to conquer those who would challenge you the moment you would receive that energy.

“Keep moving!”

Ray-O-Light explained how to overcome all projections of fear:

You stand in time and space. Before you is the great highway of life. And there will be times when you will feel yourself as in a snowstorm, with your staff that is the teaching to guide you on your way. And in the robes of the pilgrim, you will move against the wind and the storm, scarcely able to see a foot before you. And you will press on, making, as it were, scarcely little progress on that path. And there will be days when the storm will cease, and there will be a calm and you will see the rays of the sun. And once again the rains will come, the lightning and the thunder will be heard, and the crackling of the storm.

Each step you advance, you advance by the action of fearlessness. That fear that you must conquer is the conglomerate of your own human consciousness amplified by the fallen ones who live by fear not love.

Press on, chelas of the light…. For the fallen ones who have come disguised as followers of the Prince of Peace come saturated with the entities of doubt and fear and pride and tyranny! They come to thwart the release of the light—the high frequencies of the Buddha, of the Kumaras, of Maitreya, of the World Mother. They come to release their smoke screen. And you will find that men will be trembling in outer darkness, and the fear that shall come upon them is the fear of the last days. And in their fear, they will rise up to defend their position, the false position that has no tenure in the mind of God.

You will see, then, ere the vanquishing of all evil on the planetary body, the rising of the tide of fear. And inasmuch as the children of God know not how to combat that fear—know not the name of Ray-O-Light or the mighty action of fearlessness flame—I call to the devotees of the Great White Brotherhood to invoke fearlessness flame, that you might preserve your sanity from the vanity and the profanity of the fallen ones who assail you and would tear from you your own Christ-mastery.

This is the path that Christ walked. He cast out fear as the demons, as the palsied one. He cast out fear of death and want. He cast it out in every form and lived to prove the law of excellence and of love.

You must fulfill the life of the Piscean conqueror ere you can fulfill your divine plan in Aquarius. And the majority among you will not be allowed to take your ascension until you have fulfilled your divine plan in Aquarius. And the fulfillment of the divine plan is a necessary requirement of your ascension….

Here is the key, then, to overcoming that fear that stiffens the corpse itself, that fear that stiffens the flow of life—the fear that ultimately is the death of self-awareness. The key is to keep on moving!

When you find yourself in a snowstorm or a blizzard, you will not curl up on the side of the road, for you know instinctively you will freeze to death. You keep moving! This is the key to the conquering of all fear. Keep moving! Keep active! Move through the elements, move through the mirage of fear! Pierce! it with your sword and discover the island in the sun, the place of light, the Garden of Eden.

Ray-O-Light is your ascended master friend, who comes “sometimes at your darkest hour, when the shadows seem to be closing about you and it seems as though you cannot walk another step of the way.” He teaches you to hold onto your God Presence through every trial and brings a ray of hope from God. He has promised that whenever you whisper his name, Ray-O-Light, and remember that you, too, are a ray of light—he will bestow upon you the peace of his Presence.


Additional Dictations by Ray-O-Light

January 20, 1974 | December 28, 1975 | July 12, 1981
April 11, 1982 | July 2, 1995


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