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Glorious Apollo and Lumina – Song 349 with Invocation

Glorious Apollo and Lumina

Song 349 with Invocation

This song to Glorious Apollo and Lumina (Elohim of the Second Ray) is sung nine times.


To glorious Apollo and Lumina, 349.

Beloved Elohim of the Sun, Elohim of the Sun, Elohim of the Sun, in the name of Helios and Vesta, we greet thee by the power of the Cosmic Christ, by the power of Jophiel and Christine, Lord Lanto and Confucius, the God and Goddess Meru, Jesus and Kuthumi, Lord Maitreya Gautama, and Sanat Kumara, we greet thee in the seat of authority of our own Christ self, and the immaculate heart of Mary, we are the vessel of the Mother this day, pour forth thy flame, Elohim of the Second Ray.

SONG 349 (9x)

Glorious Apollo from on high beheld us
Wandering to find a temple for his praise
Sent angel devas hither to shield us
While we ourselves such an altar might raise.
Thus then combining heart, head, hands joining
Sing we in harmony Apollo’s praise
Apollo’s praise, Apollo’s praise
Apollo’s praise, Apollo’s praise.

Glorious Apollo, Elohim of Wisdom
And beloved Lumina we praise thy flame
Send forth the action and illumination
To free our Terra in God’s holy name.
Forward in Vict’ry, voices raised in glory
Sing we in harmony Apollo’s praise
Apollo’s praise, Apollo’s praise
Apollo’s praise, Apollo’s praise.

Glorious Apollo, legions of angels
Bring to earth the Holy Kumaras’ Light
“Teach the children!” speaks this mighty master
To strengthen our armor in battle for the right.
God’s banner raising, marching onward praising
Sing we in harmony Apollo’s praise
Apollo’s praise, Apollo’s praise
Apollo’s praise, Apollo’s praise.

Glorious Apollo, Wisdom’s mighty master
Conquering the deeds of the fallen ones
Let Wisdom pierce the hypocrite and coward—
Justice through God’s daughters and sons.
Free we will stay by God’s golden ray
Sing we in harmony Apollo’s praise
Apollo’s praise, Apollo’s praise
Apollo’s praise, Apollo’s praise.

Glorious Apollo, Helios and Vesta
Answer the call of the Elohim
That we may all be Elohim in Matter
Cells of Apollo, is our dream.
As we take flight, ascension in the Light
Sing we in harmony Apollo’s praise
Apollo’s praise, Apollo’s praise
Apollo’s praise, Apollo’s praise.


Apollo and Lumina Retreat Lower Saxony Germany

Elohim Apollo and Lumina’s Etheric Retreat

Spiritual Retreat of the Elohim of the Second Ray

The spiritual retreat of the Elohim Apollo and Lumina is located in the etheric plane over Lower Saxony, Germany. Here the Elohim of the second ray focus the energies of the crown chakra of the planet.

On the outside of the building are three pillars in the formation of a triangle. These pillars are electrodes focusing a yellow star at the top of each one. There are three stories in the round dome of this etheric retreat, built in a parabolic curve.

The first floor is the largest, the second and third are progressively smaller. A spherical focus of the flames of Apollo and Lumina is in the center of each of these three levels.

In the center of the first floor is a golden-yellow ball resembling a whirling galaxy, its component star clusters whirling at such a high frequency that they appear to be at perfect rest. In the center of the second floor is an identical sphere of brilliant sapphire blue. In the center of the upper room is another golden sphere like the one on the first floor. On each floor there is a spherical meditation room having as its focal point the spherical flame.

Each of these rooms accommodates approximately one thousand angels serving under Apollo and Lumina. Their glorious golden-yellow auras and robes make those who behold them feel as if they are in the center of the Great Hub.

Classrooms, laboratories, libraries and archives form a radial pattern out from the center of the meditation room on each of the three floors. At the first level there is a circular hallway following the circumference of the building. On either side of the hall are three-dimensional exhibits showing the operation of the law of cycles throughout the earth. There are several thousand such displays atop square pillars about four feet high.


Who are Elohim Apollo and Lumina?

Crown ChakraApollo and Lumina are guardians of the Cosmic Christ consciousness. Apollo’s flame is a golden yellow enveloped in a sheath of blue lightning. The blue flame acts as a protective forcefield of energy surrounding the light of the Christ. This blue lightning cuts through the density of human error and misqualification, clearing the way for Lumina’s golden flame which manifests the perfection of the seven aspects of the Christ mind. The twin flames Apollo and Lumina infuse earth, air, fire, and water with the intelligence locked in the center of the atom–the essence of the diamond-shining mind of God.

The god known long ago to the Greeks as the mythological Apollo could well be the representation of their memory of an ancient encounter with the Elohim. After thousands of years, however, the gods and goddesses assumed more and more human traits in the minds of the people. Hence, what is currently attributed to Apollo as the god of Greek mythology may not necessarily reflect the actuality of the Elohim. Apollo was known in the Pythagorean tradition as the symbol of masculine beauty, the solar god who personifies the spiritual light of which the sun is the physical image. He represented the descent of heaven on earth. Apollo is considered by some to be the Solar Logos, the Mediator, Vishnu, Mithras, Horus, the Universal Word. Apollo was lawgiver to the Greek city-states. As the god of divination and prophecy, he communicated to humanity by means of prophets and oracles as in the famed ritual of Delphi.


Dictations by Apollo & Lumina

December 29, 1974 | March 12, 1978 | March 7, 1982 | May 13, 1984 | July 5, 1987
November 1, 1987 | April 11, 1993 | June 27, 1993 | June 25, 1995


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