Ascended Master Teachings

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Great Divine Director Dictation – July 4, 1984

Great Divine Director Dictation – July 4, 1984

A Study in Christhood by the Great Initiator
Our Pledge to Helios and Vesta
We Support the Chelas as They Fulfill the Will of Helios


Friends of the Great White Brotherhood, friends of the culture of the Motherland, I cannot keep silent but must add my praise and support, as spokesman [in] this hour for the Great White Brotherhood, in the affirmation and acceptance of the very presence and challenge, the mandates and the divine direction of beloved Helios!

And therefore we gather, as we have also met in council this day in Darjeeling. And we, the Ascended Masters, pledge to you and to Helios and Vesta, and to these representatives of the Father-Mother God as they are sent by Alpha and Omega to intensify, to enhance, and to release the full momentum of our Light for the implementation of the will of God through beloved Helios and Vesta and the student body on earth.

Therefore, beloved ones, from my own causal body of Light I intensify your action for the freeing of the nations. And the flame of freedom from my own son, Saint Germain, is intensified and augmented not alone by my heart but by all Ascended Masters and beings of light and hosts of the Lord serving these systems of worlds.

For we have listened with great attentiveness both to the word of Helios and to the response of your hearts, and we see the power of the oneness and the determination of that union. And therefore we tell you that here below we support every single act of your own which is intended to fulfill the will of Helios. And we send our legions and appoint them and establish, now, barriers of freedom around the nations.

And we particularly desire [to see you] disseminate the information [on] the fallen ones [as they operate] through the various organs of that which has been called “The Order” [in] their plot to create the one-world government. We are determined that you shall understand that plot fully and thoroughly and that you shall oppose it with all of your might and your decrees and also by illumination and education and the spreading abroad of the Teaching. For the establishment of a one-world economy [under the Nephilim power-elite] and a one-world government is the greatest threat to freedom on the planetary body as pertains to the geopolitical configurations in this hour.

Beloved ones, therefore we appeal to you to see that the advancing [military buildup] of the Soviet Union ([side by side with] the pacifism and indecision on the part of the United States and many other factors on earth) makes necessary the intensification of the light and the power of Freedom. And you will note that I use that word intensification many times over, for you have a power in your heart that is the power of Love.

To increase the seed of Light that Helios has placed there today, you have received an increment of fire. And that increment of fire does flow from the power of the Ruby Ray in the focus that has been used to transmit it. And thus, the Ruby Ray can be for the acceleration, the deepening, and the purification of all of the light flowing through your chakras.

Understand the meaning and the Path of the Ruby Ray. For it is truly the open door by love to the action of the Holy Spirit, to the power of heaven and the power of earth as resident there through the Mother of the World.

Realize, then, that as we have been determined, yet our God-determination is enlivened by a hope and a faith and a tremendous charity this night as we perceive your hearts. And we realize that with this fervor and response to Almighty God there can indeed be in this year a multiplication of the chelas of the sacred fire in all of the nations, and there can be a turning back and a turning around [of the present downward course of civilization]. And this is our present calculation as we calculate by the stars and by the chelas and by the weight of karma in the earth and so many factors that come into play.

Beloved ones, there is a present reality for an uplift on the planet. There is the reality for the movement and the consuming of Darkness. We see it, for we have beheld the Light of the Sun, Helios, and the Light of the sons and daughters of God.

Therefore with one acclaim the Ascended Masters of the Darjeeling Council, the Indian Council, the Councils of the Royal Teton and of Lake Titicaca join me now in a grand bravo for Helios, bravo for the chelas of El Morya and Saint Germain! We are standing with you, near as never before! For this devotion of this body worldwide is also at its peak as never before. And that devotion, then, becomes the magnet in the earth.

And I tell you, all miracles are possible! And I adjure you to make use of the hours and moments here. For truly this land is electric, electrified by that Great Central Sun Magnet and other manifestations beneath the surface of the earth, which are not as yet known to you.

Beloved ones of the Sun, it is no accident that the mount was named Electric Peak or that the river was named Yellowstone. Therefore go to and find the condensed light of God in the earth! And understand that through Old Faithful and the Grand Tetons you have foci of light so ancient that you can indeed convey to a planetary body the momentum of freedom.

Let your decrees and mantras charge the earth with violet flame, charge the earth with purity and the Ruby Ray, charge the earth with the power of the legions of the cosmic cross of white fire and the Ruby Ray! For the legions of Victory are at hand and they march! And you now attend the coming of Mighty Victory to this conference.

I bid you a good evening and rejoicing in the flame of the God of Freedom to the earth, Saint Germain!

I AM the Great Divine Director! I bring greetings and love from all ascended hosts. [37-second standing ovation]


This dictation by The Great Divine Director was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Wednesday, July 4, 1984, during the ten-day conference The Flame of Freedom Speaks held in the Heart of the Inner Retreat at Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. [N.B. Bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under the The Great Divine Director’s direction for clarity in the written word.]

Who is The Great Divine Director?

The Great Divine DirectorThe Great Divine Director is a cosmic being. He says, “I am known as the Great Divine Director because I have merged my consciousness with the cosmic cycles of God’s divine plan for untold universes of light.” His causal body is a giant blue sphere that surrounds the entire planet. Within that sphere, there are grids and forcefields through which the delivery of the judgment shall pass.

He long ago passed those initiations that placed him at cosmic levels of service and qualified him to become the manu of the seventh root race. A manu of a root race is the lawgiver who sets the divine plan for an entire evolution. The manu embodies the archetype for an entire lifewave of souls who will incarnate on earth at a certain period—the Divine Image and likeness out of which they are made and the pattern of their destiny. The seventh root race is destined to embody first in South America under the Great Divine Director.

His service in past ages

Prior to the sinking of Atlantis, while Noah was yet building his ark and warning the people of the great Flood to come, the Great Divine Director called Saint Germain and a few faithful priests to transport the flame of freedom from the Temple of Purification to a place of safety in the Carpathian foothills in Transylvania. Here they carried on the sacred ritual of expanding the fires of freedom even while mankind’s karma was being exacted by divine decree.

In succeeding embodiments, Saint Germain and his followers, under the guidance of the Great Divine Director, rediscovered the flame and continued to guard the shrine. Later, the Great Divine Director, assisted by his disciple, established a retreat at the site of the flame and founded the House of Rakoczy, the royal house of Hungary. Because of his association with the House of Rakoczy, the Great Divine Director bears the appellation Master R—the “R” signifying Rakoczy.

His service today

El Morya tells us that the Great Divine Director has sponsored Europe for thousands of years. He is the teacher of Saint Germain and many other masters including Jesus and El Morya.

The Great Divine Director is a member of the Darjeeling Council and also a member of the Karmic Board, serving that body on the first ray of God’s holy will. He also occupies the twelve o’clock line of the twelve solar hierarchies on behalf of the evolutions of this solar system, serving with the hierarchy of Capricorn to assist mankind in the overcoming of their human creation.


Additional Dictations by The Great Divine Director

January 16, 1959 | May 13, 1960 | May 20, 1960 | July 28, 1961
May 31, 1963 | May 2, 1965 | May 9, 1965 | May 16, 1965 | May 23, 1965
May 30, 1965 | June 6, 1965 | June 13, 1965 | June 20, 1965 | June 27, 1965

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