Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


I AM The Flame of Freedom, The Freedom Flame I AM

Song 710


* I AM the Flame of Freedom,
the Freedom Flame I AM
I AM the Flame of Freedom,
the Freedom Flame I AM* (3x)

Song repeated 12 Times

Who is The Goddess of Freedom

Armed Goddess of FreedomThe Goddess of Freedom represents the feminine aspect of the quality of freedom to the earth.

She is a cosmic being who has kept the flame for thousands of years. Her service is rendered from the Royal Teton Retreat, where she gives instruction to incoming souls on how to retain the purity of the consciousness of freedom while in embodiment on earth.

She maintains a focus of light in her statue, the nineteen-foot bronze Armed Freedom, which crowns the dome of the Capitol of the United States.


In 1992 the Goddess of Freedom spoke of her embodiments on earth:

I AM a Divine Mother of Freedom. I have lived in many ages. I have seen enslavement. I have seen tyranny. I have seen power in the hands of evil forces exclusively. You think that your rights are stepped on by this little this and this little that. Well, I tell you, beloved ones, Freedom is a new adventure on planet earth, relatively speaking, except for the past golden ages.

I have lived in an hour when I was under the fiercest of dark tyrants. And by the flame within my heart I determined with the deepest determination of my being that I would be free, that I would come out from under the yoke of these fallen angels. I knew who they were, I recognized them and they recognized me. Therefore, they enslaved me and dealt with me with such brutality as you cannot imagine. It was difficult to convince my fellow slave companions of the evil of these fallen ones or that we must band together to overthrow them.

These were dark, dark days on planet earth, when earth was in a Kali Yuga, experiencing that darkness getting darker, just as you are [experiencing it today] in some places. But surely [it is] getting lighter in your hearts and in the Heart of the Inner Retreat.

I tell you, one does not become the Goddess of Freedom without doing battle with every force of anti-Freedom at all levels of the Matter cosmos. Yes, beloved, the title “Goddess” signifies that I have met and defeated every tyrant who has ever dared to attack me!

When I was a novice I lost some battles, but I mounted a fervent effort to see to it that I would not be vulnerable again in that point where I had been defeated. And thus, in each and every battle and duel with the forces of Darkness, I learned to know the chinks in my own armour. And each and every time, I said to myself this vow: “This is the last time you will be defeated on that point!” And I did say to the enemy: “You will not find an opening there again!”

I recommend this to you, beloved ones. Find those chinks! Find those weaknesses! Make them your greatest strengths. Do not disgrace the God who lives in you by being defeated twice by the same enemy, even the same one who comes in the many disguises of many different people.

Yes, beloved, be analysts of your mind, your consciousness, your heart. Shore up your being. Balance your heart flame. Balance the substances you take into your bodies. And do not be found in a weak moment, waking or sleeping, caught off guard (which means off or out of balance) and therefore allowing a fallen one to thrust home and to bind you and to hold you under his foot.

Yes, beloved, they fight to the end, their own end, and they know their end is coming. They are the ones who have nothing to lose. You are the ones who have everything to lose—your life, your soul, your attainment of all past ages and your ascension in the light, your divine plan, your mission, why you are here on earth.


Dictations by The Goddess of Freedom

June 30, 1976 Part 1 | June 30, 1976 Part 2 | July 4, 1992


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