Ascended Master Teachings

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Kuan Yin Mantras: 14 Stations of Aquarian Cross

Kuan Yin Mantras:
The Fourteen Stations of The Aquarian Cross

with Messenger, Elizabeth Clare Prophet (1h 35m)
“Easter Retreat April 9, 1993 with the Seven Mighty Elohim”
King Arthur’s Court, Royal Teton Ranch

Decrees and Songs: (Links to PDFs)
Decree no. 0.07A, Decree no. 671 (Kuan Yin Mantras),


We take recourse in the heart of our beloved Kuan Yin and our beloved Mother Mary.  And so before the dictation this evening we are going to give the “Kuan Yin Mantras for the Woman and Her Seed: The Fourteen Stations of the Aquarian Cross.”

You don’t really need this booklet but we’re going to pass the few that we have here out so that you can follow if you would like.  If you don’t get a booklet, the songs that you will need to have handy are “Thou Mercy Flame,” 428 and “The Magnificat” number 91.

So as soon as we have given this we are going to have the dictation and I was wondering if A.V would prefer to set up the chair on the high altar for the dictation because we’ll go from the Kuan Yin Rosary into the dictation.  [Messenger gives instruction]

While people are coming in then we’re going to set up the altar and give some violet flame decrees.  Please take the violet section of your Angel booklet or use your decree book–starting with number 41, which is decree 0.7, 0.7A, “I AM the Light of the Heart.”

[Decree 0.07A, “I AM the Light of the Heart” given three times.]

Let us sing to beloved Lord Zadkiel and let us make our invocations to Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst for the consuming by the intense action of the violet flame of the AIDS virus, all retro-viruses, all contamination of our blood supply in this country and all cover-up by the government and by various lobbying and interest groups, the cover-up of the AIDS epidemic.  Please stand and make your most fiery fiats on this subject.

[personal fiats given]

Number 300, number 305, 305 in your songbooks.

[Song 305, “Beloved Zadkiel and Amethyst” sung once.]

Please be seated.


In the name of the light of God that never fails, I dedicate this rosary to the very heart of Kuan Yin, the merciful heart of Kuan Yin and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  We call for your intercession now, O Divine Mother, in all of your many manifestations, intercession on behalf of the Lightbearers of the earth and all of cosmos, intercession upon, on behalf of the people of earth, all of her evolutions.

Almighty God, Lord Gautama Buddha, let our causal bodies combined in the mystical body of God in heaven and on earth be the catalyst and the intensity of sacred fire to consume, to mitigate the delivery of the last plagues and the burdens upon us through the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.  Unto the keeping of the Seven Holy Kumaras we commend the race of mankind and the sons and daughters of God.  Amen.

“Thou Mercy Flame,” 428, page twenty-four in your booklet.

[“Kuan Yin’s Crystal Rosary,” given up to station two.]

We have completed the first station, “The Woman and her seed are condemned to death” and the second station is “The Woman and her seed are made to bear their cross.”  I will announce it each time.  [Messenger gives instruction to personnel.]

[“Kuan Yin Mantras for the Woman and Her Seed: the Fourteen Stations of the Aquarian Cross” given with Messenger announcing each station between the Hail Marys (pages 26 through 30).]

Let us sing “The Magnificat” on the next page of the Kuan Yin booklet, page ninety-one in your songbook.


In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, we call directly to the heart of Mary, the Mother of our Lord and Saviour, of Kuan Yin, bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara.  We call to you now by your fiery hearts and the hearts of all members of the Great White Brotherhood ascended and unascended to magnify this our Kuan Yin, Mother Mary rosary, the gift of Good Friday from our hearts to the hearts of the blessed mothers and to the Divine Mother.

O God, intensify, increase and multiply by the fire of all hearts of God’s people everywhere in this cosmos.  Multiply this rosary for the solving of the problem of AIDS and the last plagues, for the mitigation and consuming by violet flame and mercy of all karma being delivered by the Four Horsemen.

O God, let thy mercy abound.  Therefore we magnify the Lord in our hearts as we sing and visualize the power of God multiplying this rosary worldwide.

[Hymn 91, “The Magnificat” sung once.]


In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, we seal this Good Friday and the momentous opportunity it brings to us in a new and profound understanding of the path of the crucifixion, the resurrection and the ascension in the light.

Blessed ones, thank you for being here today, being the chalice of light to a world that is waiting for the enlightenment of our world.  Out of the merciful heart of Kuan Yin, out of mercy to our staff and to you and to all who are participating, I would like to defer this dictation to tomorrow so we can get ourselves back on an earlier schedule and be ready to be here on Easter morning.  So we will also defer then our Holy Communion and therefore I am dismissing you in this hour as we continue to sing our songs to Mother Mary.

God bless you and good evening.  Please be back right on time because CBS will definitely be here when the lecture starts on time tomorrow afternoon.  And that time is?  [“1:00”]

One o’clock the lecture begins, and of course you are welcome to come before for lunch or to give violet flame decrees.  Wherever you are journeying to, please give calls for your protection and your continuing mantras on the subject of our concern, AIDS, as well as all opposition to our beloved church.  Remember you are the living church wherever you are. The flame upon the altar of your heart is truly that vigil that we keep.

God bless you.

[8-sec. standing ovation]

[Song 92 – Ave Maria played as exit music.]


Who is Kuan Yin?

Kuan Yin Mantras - Violet Flame mercyKuan Yin is revered in Buddhism as the compassionate Saviouress, the Bodhisattva of Mercy. Beloved as a mother figure and divine mediatrix who is close to the daily affairs of her devotees, Kuan Yin’s role as Buddhist Madonna has been compared to that of Mary the mother of Jesus in the West. Throughout the Far East, devotees seek her guidance and succor in every area of life. Altars dedicated to Kuan Yin can be found in temples, homes and wayside grottoes.

The name Kuan Shih Yin, as she is often called, means “the one who regards, looks on, or hears the sounds of the world.” According to legend, Kuan Yin was about to enter heaven but paused on the threshold as the cries of the world reached her ears.

Kuan Yin is revered as protectress of women, sailors, merchants, craftsmen, those under criminal prosecution and those desiring progeny. There is an implicit trust in Kuan Yin’s saving grace and healing powers. Many believe that even the simple recitation of her name will bring her instantly to the scene. Kuan Yin’s Crystal Rosary contains her mantras and is a powerful means of invoking her intercession.

Today Kuan Yin is worshiped by Taoists as well as Mahayana Buddhists—especially in Taiwan, Japan, Korea and once again in her homeland of China, where the practice of Buddhism had been suppressed by the Communists during the Cultural Revolution (1966–69).


Kuan Yin’s Mercy

Kuan Yin then encouraged us to give the simple mantra from El Morya’s “Heart, Head and Hand Decrees” to call the flame of mercy into action. Let us give, then, the call to mercy from the “Heart, Head and Hand Decrees,” 1.30, “I AM Forgiveness acting here.”

As you say, “I AM Forgiveness acting here,” Kuan Yin in this moment tells me to tell you that you are actually saying, “I AM Kuan Yin in action here, I AM Kuan Yin acting here.” If you will say that in your heart and remember it and visualize the statue of Kuan Yin over you and let it move back and forth as first Kuan Yin and then the Avalokitesvara, you will see how you and mercy become one on planet earth as a driving force for the salvation of all Lightbearers and then an entire world.

Kuan Yin Teachings:
Forgive and Forget – True Forgiveness  |  Using the Flame of Mercy and Compassion  |  The Sword of Mercy

This is the Forgiveness portion of the Heart, Head and Hand Decree, number 1.30. To view and give the full decree please click the following link; The Heart, Head and Hand Decrees. Please click here the learn more about the Science of the Spoken Word.

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