Ascended Master Teachings

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Lord God of Hosts – Song 44 (1979)

Lord God of Hosts – Song 44 (1979)

Audio From 1979 Album, Torch is Passed by El Morya – Sung 9x

Introduction—4 measures, 4/4 time

Lord God of Hosts, Lord God of Hosts
Thou who hath strung the Pleiades
And gladdened eyes of little child
The wise and foolish all are thine.
There is no greater urge or goal
Than holding freedom in the soul.

O let us do, then, what we can
And daily make an effort great
By God’s great love, let all walk straight
On path, on path as freedom’s friend
O beauteous hearts who will defend
The worthy mission by the pow’r of Christ.

Christ before me, light my way
Christ behind me all the day*
Christ above me as I pray
Christ within me lives today.

’Tis freedom flame where’er he goes
The Holy Spirit, like a rose
Opening its tiny, tiny bud
Its scent releases all thy love
And hallows mind and being all
Love’s service great
For which I call.


* Repeat two lines of music for next two lines of words.
Words from a Pearl of Wisdom by Saint Germain, February 18, 1968, vol. 11, p. 29.

Beloved St Germain

Saint Germain  –  February 18, 1968

The Sense of Permanence within the Framework of Impermanence

To All Who Would Preserve Freedom, Greetings!

There is so much devotion and fervor being expressed on behalf of freedom in the world that it is most regrettable that the forces of opposition should be allowed to exercise such control—as they seek continuously for more—over the affairs of the people of this blessed planet.

Yet, when we are invited by unascended men to assist the evolutions of earth in preserving their freedom, there is no power in heaven or in earth that can stay our hand.  For every ascended being joins your beloved Jesus in his statement “All power in heaven and earth is given unto me.” But in the domain of the individual, personal prerogatives exert a tremendous influence upon trends of action.

You will not mind, I am sure, if I smile just a bit as I say that many people consider themselves to be far wiser than they are.  This complicates matters for those of us who are eager to bring to mankind, whom we dearly love, the fullness of that Christ-love and wisdom which will remake the world in the similitude of the kingdom of God.

One of the major issues confronting the hierarchy today involves the fact that men, in their attitudes to life, are divided more or less into two camps:  (1) those who live as though they had no stake in what happens here and were merely marking time, awaiting their entrance into a higher realm; and (2) those who behave as though they would live forever in exactly the same manner as they do today.  The latter seek above all to maintain the status quo which, in truth, breeds stultification and inertia.

We who are sincerely interested in the welfare of all human life, striving as we do to unfold the great latent God-identity of all peoples in all walks of life, readily admit that these two attitudes are much to blame for many of the untoward conditions existing in the world today.  Those who would make the “other world” their home can scarcely wait to make their exit from the contemporary scene.  In many cases, these are little concerned with improving their lot in this world or with leaving behind a noble example or worthy service to society.  Those who wish to make this world their permanent home–and, in truth, if they could would live forever just as they are–are not at all concerned with their spiritual progress or a life hereafter.  Each attitude has its drawback.

With a view to correcting these mistaken concepts, I would bring a modicum of balance to the subject.  I would emphasize that the freedom to choose is not always freedom as men conceive it.  For only when men choose correctly according to the will of God and make those decisions which will enhance their opportunities to serve and to assist the progress of the race are they in fact free, and only then can we anticipate a joyous expansion of good for all.

The chohans who have preceded me in their sixfold release of which this composes the seventh have had in their hearts, I am certain, the deepest desire to see the brotherhood of man become the brotherhood of God.  In this I support them with the full momentum of my devotion to the freedom of all men under the Father’s aegis and the reign of the Christ.

The desire to be noticed by one’s contemporaries is seldom as great as the desire to be noticed by historians.  For the popularity of the times passeth away whereas mortal opinion is greatly concerned with the postmortem examinations of moldering events in the stream of time.

There are many who are kind enough to render praise for my service in the writing of the Shakespearean plays. However, there is a tendency in some quarters to place too much emphasis upon present cultural values without taking into account the need to examine the magnificent works of previous centuries which were written when the minds of men were less involved with communications media and more devoted to the content of material than to its distribution.

I advocate, then, that the youth of the world should be taught some of the dashing cultural exploits of past literary genius and examine hero and heroine not as crumbling historical figures but as “living flesh and blood” which seems to surround them so happily today.  In those bygone days the quaint homes, the family life, the salutations of the times, and the struggles for happiness were just as meaningful as any that go on today, and noble causes were espoused because individuals held a beautiful balance of the sense of permanence within the framework of impermanence.

I would like those who are devoted to freedom to grasp this principle; for although all things are changing here and the changeless values of God remain fixed forever, the ark of the future enshrines the Shekinah glory of a descending flame of freedom, a tangible vestment of hope which has come to free all people from bondage.  The edicts of freedom live within the heart and being of man, and the chivalry that is the love code of heaven is tenderly placed in the hands of all who will reverently receive it and outpicture it.

No knight or lady of old need have possessed a greater fervor or met a more dire challenge than do the men and women of this age.  The fruit of science preserves all around it the relics of past ages including the full potential of its own destruction.  The hearts of the careless and inconsiderate jar upon the beautiful hopes of the Lords of Opportunity, yet to man was given the dearest communications that the heart of God could frame.

By night the stars flash forth their luminous torches to light the heavens and the earth beneath; by day the golden warmth of that blessed sun, Helios, mellows the atmosphere and raises the heads of tiny crocus and daffodil.  The silkworm spinneth his thread, and soft raiment clothes the bodies of men.  A torrent of words pour forth from the mouths of the intellectual supremists whose pride is wedded to their memory even as Freedom hides his head in shame for their conceit.  For God, by the simplicity of the master Manchild, the eternal Cosmic Christ, has framed a banner-example for all ages to stem the tide of avarice, to exalt the pulsations of resurrection’s hopes, to speak of destiny that holdeth dust in ordered consonance.

Dear liberty,
Wouldst thou, canst thou,
The chastening of this wayward generation undertake?
Perchance, a new colossus of direction
Will give freedom limb and voice to make.
The speed of lightning imprisoned give mankind
While dimming hope flicks out some sputter
With her gasping breath.

‘Tis not too late if freedom’s sons will rally,
Raise the banner with determination
To go forth and tread upon the serpent’s head!
O Christ, thou livest
And each matron’s son does share
The hope of thy return
Flaming through the air
As freedom then reborn.
Oh, come to every heart and knock.

This is an hour, gracious ones, of deepest summoning when each one should ponder as to just what he can do for the cause of the light, taking stock of those precious assets which life has vouchsafed to him and placed within his very hands and power.  We have seen instances where individuals whose physical lives were endangered (sometimes by the threat of the onward march of war, sometimes by water and then again by fire) would discard one by one all of their most treasured possessions—accumulations of a lifetime—in the hope that somehow they might sustain their physical lives.  Today, the planet is in the throes of a death struggle which is not always apparent to the unobserving or the unalert but it cannot be denied by those observers of the political and religious scene who have the capacity to analyze the widespread degradations that go on among nations and governments, peoples and organizations.

The promised newness of life that was captured so magnificently in the Christian concept of the Holy Family has been lost in a melange of Middle-Age darkness, Renaissance skepticism, and revolutionary class struggle.  The dialectical materialism of the age that has spawned the wind—the careless wind, unleashed by thoughtless and selfish men—descends soon and often as a whirlwind to sweep away from their moorings those unanchored values which, because they have not been employed as divine talents, are taken away from those who have not used them. 

Opportunity, then, speaks this year to mothers and fathers, to grand­parents, and to children who see for the first time the challenges of these times—to youth and age alike—to look well and to learn that the freedom you now enjoy is not taken from this generation and lost for many a one to come.

Smart argument and wit
Have often made a line of it,
A smacking impact out of fact
That seems so smug
And yet does lack
The balance of the cosmic law—
Perfectioned mind without a flaw,
Where love does balance wisdom’s flame
And power glows by God’s own name.

As the challenge of this day stands before you, remember well my words and inscribe them upon your heart, for I am the exponent of freedom for this planet for two thousand years and I desire with the greatest joy of desiring to say from the depths of my heart,

Lord God of hosts, Lord God of hosts,
Thou who hath strung out the Pleiades
And gladdened eyes of little child,
The wise and foolish all are thine—
The cruel and the mild.

There is no greater urge or goal
Than holding freedom in the soul
Of all the world and every man.

Let us do, then, what we can
And daily make an effort greater.
By God’s great love, let all walk straighter
On the Path as freedom’s friends—
Beauteous hearts—who will defend
Value line and worthy mission
By the power of Christ-decision.

Christ before me, light my way.
Christ behind me all the day.
Christ above me as I pray.
Christ within me lives today.

Freedom flame where’er he goes,
Holy Spirit, like a rose,
Opening its tiny bud—
Its scent releases all thy love
And hallows mind and being all
By love’s great service
For which I call.

In the bonds of freedom’s love and valor, I remain

Affectionately and obediently yours,

Saint Germain



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