Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


Lord’s Ritual of Exorcism – Sanat Kumara’s Teaching

A Teaching by Sanat Kumara
on the Lord’s Ritual of Exorcism

This video is from A Retreat on the Ascension Lecture given on August 11, 1979 in San Francisco, California.


The word in the last chapter of the Book of Mark is, “Go ye into all the world,” which is in every plane of consciousness, “preach the gospel to every creature.” And then it begins with five signs that will follow them who will accept that calling.

And the first sign is the casting out of devils. And Sanat Kumara has taken three entire Pearls of Wisdom to address himself to the subject of casting out devils. And he says, you can go nowhere until you determine to enter the ritual of exorcism, the ritual of casting out devils. The world is rampant with devils and discarnates and unseen forces, all the while we are taught a philosophy that they do not exist. And how are we taught to control these forces of possession that create psychological problems? Why, with chemical drugs.

Now it’s very interesting that the drug Thorazine that is often used where people have a problem, a psychological problem, does in fact set up a chemical barrier to the penetration of discarnates into the temple. And so for want of self-mastery, it becomes a stopgap measure. Well, we all know that drugs for physical or psychological conditions are stopgap measures.

I don’t advise people to get off of their prescriptions the moment they discover the teachings of the Ascended Masters. But I only advise you, that it is certainly not the ultimate solution. It is temporary until you can summon the light and gain self-mastery, and that takes a little while. God doesn’t take a while. God is instantaneous. But we have cycles and signs and times and spaces in our evolution, and the four lower bodies need healing.

If you need proof of that, you can read the account of Saint Germain, where he, as an Ascended Master went to heal one who was in a state of severe illness, and it was not a mere instantaneous touching of this person that brought about the healing. It was a prolonged working with that individual and the action of the Sacred Fire in the casting out of devils.

Sanat Kumara explains, that when souls in karmic experiences and in past embodiments have had confrontations that are extremely painful, and they have not been able to meet those confrontations, that the souls have receded into the subconscious. It’s very easy for a soul, given the mechanization of our civilization to do this. Why? Because our education, our TV and our media is primarily concerned with the training of the outer mind, or the mental body which becomes the carnal mind or the intellect. There is not much stimulus for soul development. The soul can go into its sleep, its self-hypnosis, or even in a state that’s like a coma, and the outer person can function and appear to be totally normal.

When I look at the auras of people in our government today and I see that they are considered powerful, that they have vast disciplines, they are intelligent, they are capable of running departments, et cetera. But I see that they are running totally on their mental bodies, not by contact with a flame, not by contact with a God-source, and that the soul is not even a participant in what they are doing, I realize that the carnal mind that can reach such levels of ability is also always vulnerable to be used at the moment when the fallen ones desire to use that mind to wreak havoc and to make decisions to destroy an economy, a nation or a people.

We have a lot of people who hold the destiny of this State and this nation in their hands today, who have no contact with the living Word. In the absence of that contact, by the lives that they lead and human habit patterns, that you are well aware of, they are invariably surrounded and filled with all sorts of discarnates and demons.

Therefore, when Isaiah wrote, “The government shall be upon his shoulder.” he was prophesying the triumph of the Christ in the individual person, the raising up of that Christ and the Christ governing the individual and then governing the community. We do not see that in America today. And that is why we are losing this nation and losing our opportunity to be an example in the world of the true teachings of the living Christ.

We are losing it fast, and if we don’t individually give accounting, we are going to see that the Ascended Masters and the Great White Brotherhood, will have to figure out how to start all over again. It has taken over two hundred years to bring to this moment a people, a nation, a destiny and a calling of freedom. The calling of freedom is the calling of the Holy Spirit and the calling is for wholeness. America will not be whole, you will not be whole, you will not be whole until the Holy Ghost comes into your temple. The Holy Ghost will not come into your temple until in the name of the Son of God, you cast out the invading entities.

And Sanat Kumara says, many of these entities are very comfortable. They’re very similar to the personality of the person itself. They imitate, in gray tones, the soul’s own identity. And if the soul has receded to the subconscious, then these entities are simply a part and parcel of the functioning intellectual mind, so that the identity, or in this case actually the Id itself, the pseudo self or the mental body, considers itself to be the real self.

And that is the equation you face, when you preach the Word. And this is why the Word is preached and not merely taught. I really learned an appreciation for preaching the Word when I received these dictations from Sanat Kumara. By preaching the Word is meant the transfer of the Holy Ghost, the power of the Holy Ghost, to reach down into the subconscious, awaken the soul, wrestle with it while it gets feisty and says, “Don’t wake me up!” draw it forth, bring it to the inner temple of the heart, place the hand of that soul in the hand of its Christ Self, and guard that alchemical marriage, and protect it until the soul is strong enough to maintain its own contact with its own inner Christ Self.

The Ascended Masters are the true shepherds of the people, who come to guard that process and bind the hordes of entities that prevent the individual from contacting his own free will. People are not in possession of their free will, when they murder, when they lie, when they cheat, when they steal, when they indulge themselves and gorge themselves and rebel against God or Church or religion in some form. That is not the free will of the soul, that’s the free will of a miseducated carnal mind functioning with all kinds of discarnates.

A discarnate may be someone who has been in embodiment, who’s now functioning on the astral plane, who’s passed through death, who doesn’t have enough light to go into the higher octaves. And the world and the cities are filled with discarnates. Those who die and cannot accelerate, remain just about where they were when they died. When you see traffic accidents on the highway, a day later you can see people who died trying to find their bodies. They don’t really go anywhere special. People think they go off into heaven. Well, the few make it who have light and devotion. But those who are in the mass-consciousness stay in a very low level, and they gather around people with whom they affinitize. So when you have a bad habit, a bad habit becomes a magnet for discarnate entities who had the same habit when they are in embodiment.

This is why it becomes such a tremendous struggle to wage a war, let’s say, against the sugar entity. This craving for sugar is increased by the presence of discarnates and demons. It becomes an enslaving habit. And we have an entire generation of children enslaved to the sugar entity. I have seen that entity. It is a deadly entity. It needs to be replaced. You can’t just take away sugar from people’s diets. So you have to begin to give them things like honey or maple syrup, or fresh fruits or fructose, and translate and reeducate the taste buds, and let them begin to realize that all of the vegetables and even the sprouted grains have their own natural sweetness, and that the body really doesn’t need all of that sugar.

Why is it so deadly? Because it imbalances the bloodstream and the body temple, and prevents the soul from direct contact with the Mighty I AM Presence just like alcohol, just like nicotine, just like drugs. That is why it is such a subtle force. And when these habits are present and you feel they are overwhelming, you’re not just dealing with yourself, you’re dealing with hordes of entities that want to keep you enslaved because they are depriving you of life, keeping you from that God-mastery, because when you get God you’re going to have the all- power of heaven and earth in your temple, and you’re going to count for world salvation, you’re going to make a difference to this planetary body. And the hordes of the night are going to tremble when many sons and daughters rise up with this flame.

So as a point of victory, it is necessary to put them down and say, “Well, it doesn’t really matter that I have this habit, it’s really not harmful.” or “I only do it once in a while.” It’s the factor of whether you really can stop smoking if you want to. After you’ve smoked, it’s always easy to say, “Well, I don’t really have to smoke.” because you’ve satisfied the entity.

The casting out of demons cannot be done unless you have personal contact with the legions of angels and of Elohim. Remember it is your office to speak the Word. But it is the office of the hosts of the Lord to engage in Armageddon. You do not have to personally annihilate those demons. All you have to do is say, “In the name of Almighty God, I call to beloved Archangel Michael! Beloved Archangel Michael, stand in this room! Come into my house! Bind this discord! Bind this division in our family! Bind this drug habit! Bind the marijuana entity! BURN through and set the captives free!”

Sanat Kumara gives a very precise formula for exorcism, and he takes it from the passage of Jesus, which is in the eighteenth chapter of The Book of Matthew and in the sixteenth chapter, where it is written that Jesus gives to the apostles the power to bind, the power to bind. And he says, “Whatsoever you bind on earth, it will be bound in heaven. Whatsoever you bind in heaven, it will be bound on earth.” And then he says, “And wherever two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst thereof. And if two of you agree together on earth as touching anything, it shall be done.” Those three points of scripture are three steps in the Ritual of Exorcism.

First comes the call for the binding Jesus says we should give. Sanat Kumara says we should give Jesus’ I AM Lord’s Prayer three times, give the call to the Hail Mary three times, and then give the Judgment Call. Before the Judgment Call is given, you give to the Ascended Masters in you own words either the name of the demon or discarnate, or you describe its condition and the state of its consciousness. If you perceive in yourself a habit of human selfishness and self-indulgence, you so describe it and you demand it be cast out. And then give the Judgment Call for the judging of both the person and the principle of that manifestation.

Remember, I spoke to you of Alpha and Omega. All manifestations of God have a person. They also have an energy or a power. The essence of God is the impersonal spirit of Alpha. The person of God is in the personal manifestation of Omega. So whenever you have an imitation of the Godhead or a perversion of the Godhead, you have an imitation of those two forces. So you will have a demon that has become the person of a drug entity. You can see it; it has eyes; it is very ugly; it is terrifying to look at it. In addition to the demon, it has a forcefield just like you have an aura. And that forcefield is an accumulation of energy.

And what is that energy? It’s an accumulation of a cesspool, a momentum of energy that has been generated by that demon, getting you to misqualify energy. The demon gets you to smoke a cigarette. When you smoke a cigarette, you are misqualifying energy. The demon takes it, adds it to his forcefield. He gets power.

So there are two kinds of entities. There’s the discarnate that is the personal entity. And then there is the floating grid or forcefield that is called a mass entity. Now war is the means of the building up of vast reservoirs of war energy, of hatred and of bloodshed. These mass forcefields collect in the atmosphere of the astral plane over the planet. And when the fallen ones desire to create murder or war or mayhem, they actually move those forcefields over the physical place where they desire to womp up the people into a war.

So people go to war and they are agitated and aggravated by this tremendous force of war and by the war entity. You have a mass war entity that looks like a great beast or a great dragon, and then you have millions of individual demons of war. Now war is something that must be cast out of the earth. It hasn’t been overcome in thousands of years. But the Prince of Peace has come, and he has said, “I came not to send peace, but a sword.” And the sword is a sword of living truth, and it divides asunder the real from the unreal. What you do not know, is the sword that he came to send, he has placed in your right hand.

And your teachers have not taught you how to wield that sword. And therefore, they are found wanting. They may be well-meaning, but they are found wanting, because they have not given you what you need to fight the battle on the threshold of consciousness–the threshold where the conscious mind must deal with subconscious and unknown forces; the threshold where the conscious mind must reach up into the superconscious mind, the Mighty I AM Presence, become one with it, and therefore have the power to slay that demon and his entire forcefield. You cannot do it alone.

I am continually amazed at the pride of politicians who daily announce themselves for candidacy for President or any other office. Right and left they come. “Choose me. I can do it. I can save America. I can save the economy.” What folly! The only son of God who is going to make a difference in this country, is the son of God who says, “I of mine own self can do nothing. It is the Father in me who doeth the work.”

These are fools who rush in where angels fear to tread. You do not rush into the midst of a seething vortex, of a nicotine entity or a cancer entity or a dope entity and think that you alone are going to somehow save a soul. This is folly. You must call upon the name of the Lord, and with that name the names of his Saints, his Hosts, his Archangels, his Ascended Masters. Those names have been given to us as Messengers for the Great White Brotherhood, because we need the names. Jesus had to know the names of the demons to cast them out. So you need to know the names of the Archangels and the Ascended Masters to invoke their presence.

When you invoke Saint Germain, no other name will do. And don’t believe those psychic impostors who tell you, he, or Jesus Christ have changed their names, because they haven’t. Those are the names of psychic impostors and they want to be called in place of the real and living Ascended Masters. The name of Jesus Christ is the name whereby you are saved, and there is no other name. And you have to know that that is a true word when it is understood. Isaiah says, that God calls his Saints by name, and these are the angels.

There is a very blessed brother on the path. His name is Ernest Angly. He’s in Akron, Ohio. And he calls his ministry the Ministry of Angels. He’s a very sweet child of the light imbued with the Holy Spirit. He has seen the Lord Jesus Christ face to face, and his Holy Spirit and his angels. He calls them angels. They’re Ascended Masters. But it’s a new word in the lexicon. It’s not in the Bible, but it more accurately describes the sons and daughters of God who descend from heaven, embody and go through the process of overcoming and ascend.

And when they ascend, they are beings of light and they look like angels. But angels are a different order of evolution. They were created by God to serve his sons and daughters. And before the great fall of Lucifer, none of them had embodied in these Matter spheres. Since that time they have embodied and volunteered to save the souls who were lost by the rebellion of Lucifer.

So the angelic hosts, when they are appearing in their light bodies look very much like Ascended Masters. So although he would repudiate, perhaps and perhaps not, this teaching, yet, by the Holy Spirit, he is one with those very angels. Well, you need those angels, you need those Ascended Masters. And when you say, “In the name of Saint Germain, BE THOU REMOVED!” and you speak to that mountain of adversity, it is removed. This is what Sanat Kumara teaches in these three steps of the Law.

First, begin with the Lord’s Prayer that seals you in the Father and the Son. Give the Hail Mary for it is Mother Mary herself who carries the authority for intercession and for judgment. When the judgment descends, it descends through the Son of God and through the right arm of the World Mother, Mother Mary. The naming of the demons, the naming of its condition and its consciousness; if you don’t know the name, Sanat Kumara says, call to the twin flames of the Two Witnesses. Call to our twin flames, to Lanello and to me, as we have been given the office of naming the demons.

And when you call to our Mighty I AM Presence, to our twin flames, we stand with you at inner levels and we will pronounce the name of the fallen one that must be bound for the healing of your loved one, the healing of your child or yourself. So the name is pronounced, you describe it, you ask us to pronounce the name, we do and you give the judgment call. You can give it once, three times, twelve times, whatever the momentum that you desire to give it.

Now that is the ritual of the binding. You pronounce the Word, but it is God, God, God and his emissaries and the Archangels and the Elohim who doeth the work. And you never, never, never forget ‘I of my own self can do nothing. It is the Father in me who doeth the work.’ And the Father includes all of his hosts of light and legions. He has created them in the service of the light.

The second step. “Wherever two shall come together on earth and agree as touching anything, it shall be done unto them.” This is the action of illumination. Well, you come together. You seek out chelas who have perhaps a greater understanding of the Law, or you seek our ministers. You seek the Ascended Masters and you take counsel with the sons of God. And you arrive at the best understanding of a course of action.

And then you pray to God the Father in the name of the living Christ, that it shall be done. And when you pray, you ask that this call be adjudicated according to the will of God, and that if it is not the will of God, it be accelerated and that your own consciousness be transformed in the understanding of the will of God.

Now where two agree together that a certain thing should occur, it will be done; it is the promise. It must be done fervently, and it must be done as a part of this ritual. You’ve given the Judgment Call; now you are in deep prayer and you pray to God on your knees with all of your heart that your son or your daughter shall be healed of this particular condition that you are praying about.

The third step. That second step is the step of the office of the Son of God. The first step, the action of the calling of the judgment is the step of the Father, the person of the lawgiver and of power and the authority. The second is the illumined action of the sons of God counseling together as to what is the best course in manifestation that is needed. The third step of your exorcism is the action of the Holy Spirit. And this is where it is written, “For wherever two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst thereof.”

The gathering together of two or more in the name of God is for the affirmation of that name, I AM THAT I AM. And whatever follows that affirmation is multiplied by the person of Jesus Christ who has promised–‘There am I in the midst.’ And when you come together in the name of Jesus Christ, Saint Germain, El Morya, Serapis Bey, and finally you say the Entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, the World Mother, elemental life–fire, air, water and earth, then you have the entire company of the hosts of the Lord multiplying the Word.

Now the third step, then, coming together in the name of God, is coming together for the grand ritual for the recitation of the Word. And Sanat Kumara gives to us the tremendous teaching that the recitation of the Word of Jesus Christ or the Avatars is the greatest praise that we can give them. When we recite their word, we become one, congruent with their person. The person of Jesus Christ is the Word; your Christ Self is the Word. And when you ascend into the Presence of God, you have become the Word.

The Word, then, is not just the speech of God that goes through you, but when you speak in the name of God, and when you speak the words of Jesus Christ, the I AM affirmation, “I AM the Way, the truth and the life.” it is not merely his words, but the person of the Word that manifests through you. And he said, “My word shall not return unto me void.” And so Sanat Kumara shows the rhythm of the stars, the rotation of the planets, the running of worlds, the cells, the movement of the electrons. And he shows how this is a ritual of life in which the Holy Spirit through the Seventh Ray constantly repeats the affirmation of the Word.

He says there is a Word that is heard, the Word that has sound, and there is the soundless Word, but in actuality there is a sound to all movement of life that is the Holy Spirit. And that sound is the sound that goeth forth like the dynamic decree. You can hear the sound of electrons.

Keppler had the hypothesis that the planets turning around the sun created the music of the spheres. He wasn’t far from right. There is a sound and there is a harmony. And when the word flows through your lips, giving the mantras, the dynamic decrees and the prayers and repeating them, you are placing yourself one with a cosmic tone. The cosmic tone begins to sound through you. You build a momentum when you do this every twenty-four hours without fail, and you find that when you repeat the names of the Masters, not only their word, but their person lives in you, Jesus Christ can actually live in your temple, Serapis Bey can live in your temple.

Why, I used to see Mark Prophet–sometimes I used to listen to his footsteps coming down the hall, and I could tell by the footstep what Master was walking with him. I would know the footsteps of the Masters and the footsteps of Mark would be the same. I would see the Masters in their dictations. I would see his face dripping with the light of their presence, each one distinct and unique, and I realized that the Holy Spirit is the person of the Ascended Masters. They have become one with that Spirit, and this is something which gives us the understanding of how it is the Holy Spirit that is speaking to us, when the Ascended Masters are speaking.

It is the portion of the person of Paul the Venetian, that became the Holy Ghost, that communicates the teaching, because it’s the office of the Holy Spirit to be the teacher and the comforter and to bring all things to our remembrance whatsoever Jesus has taught us. Everyone who ascends back to God becomes the fullness of the Holy Ghost.

Is it so hard to understand that the Holy Ghost may manifest as a living person, a million times or once? If you suddenly become the cover girl of The Ladies’ Home Journal, or your face appears on Time Magazine, how many images appear throughout the world? A million copies? Does that make you a million persons? Are you so superstitious as to think, as they do in the jungles, that you mustn’t allow your picture to be there, because if it is there, you yourself are multiplied and you yourself are wherever the picture is, and become vulnerable to your enemies?

Well, are you so superstitious as to think that the Holy Spirit cannot manifest once or twice or a million times and not still remain one? If you are still one person and can have a thousand pictures of yourself, why can’t the Holy Spirit be one person and have a thousand manifestations or a million in all octaves and planes of being and be in the Ascended Masters and be in their disciples? Is anything too hard for the Lord? Has he kept himself as three persons only, concrete?

Let us raise up three statues and say, “Here they are and nevermore can they be anywhere else in the whole universe. Come and worship here at these three statues.” Isn’t that what the disciples wanted to do when Jesus was transfigured? How long will we live among this idolatrous generation? I will tell you how long–just so long as we fail to exorcise those devils that are perpetuating this ignorance of the living Word. It is sheer ignorance and it is exposed by the truth that you bring. But that is not enough. The teaching is not enough.

It must be preached, and the word passing through you will be accompanied with the sign following, that those demons flee. They’ll flee before they’re exorcised. I’ve seen it happen. But you don’t want to let them go. No, you’re not going to let them go, because they’re going to flee and go somewhere else, to torment some other poor soul who lacks the power of the Holy Spirit.

The power of the hosts of the Lord in the ritual of exorcism is not merely to rearrange the dust of this planet. The power of these hosts of the Lord is to bind them on earth, bind them in heaven, take them to the Lake of Fire, which is an intense sea of living liquid light, the universal solvent that dissolves them and their creation. That’s the Lake of Fire. It’s nothing to be feared, it’s where all miscreation goes when you invoke it in the name of God. And when a demon is bound in the name of Almighty God, in the name of the Son, that demon is no more upon the earth. There may be others, and people by their evil may create others.

Demons are created by anger tantrums, they are actually formed by misuses of energy, but they can just as well be uncreated when you rise to the wisdom of your actions. The cleaning up of the earth is not some endless process that has no end, like the little mother squirrel, whose offspring were swallowed up by the ocean, deciding to get even with the ocean and take that tail and remove the ocean from its bed.

No, the cleaning up of the astral plane has an end. It is prophesied, it is sealed, it is in scriptures and the day appears when the Ancient of Days and the hosts of the Lord swallow up the last vestiges of these rebels against the light. And that day is at hand and we all know it. We know it is at hand and that’s why we come together. We know that there is a power of Almighty God that is right here, it is so here we could reach out and touch it. It’s the imprisoned lightning and it comes forth by the Word of God in you.

So the three steps are the giving of the Lord’s Prayer, the Hail Mary, the Judgment Call.

The second is agreeing together on earth, in prayer, heartfelt, deep prayer of that which is the desired result.

And the third step is the coming together and giving the glorious ritual of the Seventh Ray, the repetition of the dynamic decrees.

Now  Sanat Kumara said, that this ritual should be repeated for whatever purpose you are working on once or more every day, until the desired results are fulfilled. The Elohim took seven days for the creation. Those seven days were seven ages or seven days, however your perspective is. The point is, it took cycles, whether millions of years or the twinkling of an eye. Some people would rather think of millions of years, but millions of years can also be seen on the head of a pin. It’s a point of relativity.

But the point is, that there is a process. There is a process involved. And just because the first time you open your mouth and begin to work on this condition and it doesn’t happen, by no means, is that an indication that the science of the use of the Trinity in the Ritual of Exorcism does not work. It does work. I’ve watched souls freed from all kinds of impositions. I’ve seen people walk through the halls of Summit University, come in bondage and walk out free sons and daughters of God. And I’ve said in my heart, wherever they go, they will be free if they maintain the light they have gained. This is my great reward and my only desire, is to see you free.

Now we are going to do this Ritual of Exorcism, so that you can have an opportunity to see exactly how it works. So first of all, we’ll take Jesus’ I AM Lord’s Prayer. We’re going to repeat it, and we’re going to sing it. And we’re going to take the Hail Mary and repeat it and sing it. And then the Judgment Call.

[20 second pause]

Sanat Kumara has introduced to us in his Pearls of Wisdom, the original teachings of the Ruby Ray that were intended for the children of Israel. You may recall that when Moses first went on the mountain, he came down and saw that they had builded a golden calf, and their sin was that they would have their ritual without Moses, without the guru. They decided he wasn’t a God-man, but he was ordinary like themselves. Why should they follow him, take orders from him?

They would have their ceremony, which is a very ancient symbol of God out of Hinduism–the concept of the calf is in Ezekiel and in Revelation: the Four Cosmic Forces are illustrated as a lion, a calf, a man and a flying eagle. So the calf is symbolical of that upon which the Lord God rides. It’s the symbol of the altar. But their symbol of the calf descended to the consciousness of the Canaanite fertility rites and sensuality and rebellion.

So Moses came down and broke those tablets, and what was written on these tablets was never written again. When Moses went up the mountain the second time, he received ten commands. Those commandments were given for the bridling of the outer self. They are do’s and don’t’s of human living. They are not the great mysteries of the path of initiation. Those mysteries that were originally written on these first tablets have never been given since, because the Children of Israel proved themselves not ready for the path.

Sanat Kumara says, not until the Age of Aquarius and the assembling of the lightbearers on this golden shore, the West Cost of the United States, would it have been possible to bring forth once again those mysteries. They are the mysteries of the path of the Ruby Ray, and this is what he is presenting in his Pearls of Wisdom.

I can only tell you, it is the most humbling and beautiful experience I’ve ever had, to sit in the presence of Sanat Kumara and write these down. The light and the glory and the beauty of his person, the intense love of his being for you–this offering is so great, none of you should be without them, and these Pearls are your daily bread. As you read and reread them, you discover that all mysteries are spherical and all mysteries are accompanied by music. You begin to hear the inner music of the mysteries, they are spherical.

And so, as you read, you reread and you go back and you read again, and you find that all these pieces are like stones in the pyramid, and you see things that come together, and you begin to see the dimensions, and yet the writing is linear, it’s on a line–one thought comes after the other, and yet the thoughts are all spherical. And as I am seated, receiving those messages and feeling a sphere of consciousness that is going to have to finally come one grain at a time through the nexus of my being, it seems like the supreme challenge, and yet I know that it is God who is equal to the challenge.

So in this mystery of the Ruby Ray. He explains that there is an order of hierarchy of the Ruby Ray. And so when you make the call on the exorcism, it is important that you address the individuals who are holding the offices for the Ruby Ray, beginning with Sanat Kumara, Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Jesus Christ. And then we come to the earth, we come to the Two Messengers and all of the Saints, and finally the great multitude who will follow the Saints.

We are in the era, in the dispensation today, of the Two Witnesses, setting forth the prophesyings that are told us would come in the eleventh chapter of The Book of Revelation. When that witnessing and that prophesying is set and taken up by the Saints, the Saints being the advanced initiates and the chelas, there comes a moment when the Saints transfer the teachings and the mysteries to the vast multitude who are the sheep on the hillsides of the world waiting for that daily bread.

On the subject of the World Teachers. this summer we have given a two-week seminar which will be repeated in the Teaching Centers for those who are seeking the initiation of receiving the mantle of World Teacher. They will be at Summit University this fall with Lord Maitreya and with the Goddess of Liberty. And so that seminar will be given again. It is a seminar that is a transfer of light, it is an initiation.

Now the action of the Ruby Ray is, then, the teaching that the World Teachers’ representatives must teach, and that teaching can only be learned by meditating and studying and becoming active in the preaching of the Word, the transmittal of the message. And that we are doing in our Mission Amethyst Jewel, in our stumping, in our teams of students going forth two by two, going through the United States and through the nations. Now the Ruby Ray must be invoked in order by those who hold it, because it is held and it is stepped down. And it is a geometry of the Great Pyramid itself. So it begins with Sanat Kumara, Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya and Jesus.

The Ascended Masters have explained that those four beings represent all other beings. In other words, when you say Jesus Christ, you are actually speaking to all the Ascended Masters, all who are with him in the same vibration, all the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood.

When you are directing your attention to Lord Maitreya, you are speaking to all of the bodhisattvas and those on the path of becoming the Buddha and following the flame of the White Goddess.

When you are speaking to Gautama Buddha, you are addressing all those who are on his band or frequency of consciousness, Lords of the World, Solar Logoi, Twin Flames, beings of the elements.

And finally, with Sanat Kumara, you get cosmic beings as well as Elohim, and you get the Eternal Gurus.

So it is not that there are only four Ascended Masters who embody the Ruby Ray. There are four Masters who are the keys to the unlocking of the Ruby Ray in your heart. And so they are always named in the invocation.

Then the Two Witnesses who bring forth the message and the Saints who receive it. The Saints who receive it– their hearts are already a part of the release of the Ruby Ray, and therefore, we call in the name of  their Christ Self and the light within their hearts. So that is the descent, and when I make the invocation now for this exorcism, I will do it in that order and you will hear it.

[10 second pause]

The first thing that I do when I come before the altar for this ritual, is that I kneel in prayer and I ask Almighty God what shall I pray for, what is your desire, what is it that you desire to have me pray for?

Prayer Given By Elizabeth C. Prophet:

In this moment of our oneness, O God, I am so grateful for your Presence, that thou hearest every call, that thou dost answer my every call. I ask you to tell me then, what is the great need of souls upon earth in this hour, and how shall I dedicate this invocation. [10 second pause]

Invocation Given by Elizabeth C. Prophet:

In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I call forth the light of the living Word. I call forth the light of God that never fails. I call for the descent of Elohim, the Seven beloved Archangels and the Chohans of the Rays. I call to God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. In the name of Sanat Kumara, Lord Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Lord Jesus Christ, the twin flames of the Two Witnesses and the hearts of the Saints, I summon now the full power of the Ruby Ray. I call for the light and the action of that ray. I call for the legions of the Lord, beloved Mighty Victory, the legions of the Seven Archangels.

Go forth now in the name of the Word, in the name of the I AM THAT I AM. Go forth now. I demand the exorcism within this planetary body. I demand the casting out of those devils that are the devils of the impostors of the Holy Spirit, those devils that perpetuate their false doctrine and dogma, and those working in Church and State to prevent the true light, the light of every son and daughter of God from coming into full manifestation in every nation upon earth. I demand the binding of those devils. I demand the binding of the wolves in sheep’s clothing. I demand the binding of the fallen ones who have invaded the temple of the people and the temple of our God.

I call thee forth, O Elohim. I call thee forth O Living Word. Bind now all that opposes the light of the Archangels and the Ascended Masters coming into the hearts of the children of God upon earth. Bind that which would prevent the Word from descending in the true spirit of prophecy from Almighty God, into the hearts of the Messengers, into the hearts of the Saints and into the hearts of the great multitude. Blaze forth your light. Blaze forth your light. Blaze forth your light.

In thy name, O God, in the name of the Father, the Mother, the Son and the Holy Spirit, we pray the Lord’s Prayer for the confirmation of our word.

[Messenger and audience repeat the Lord’s Prayer three times. Messenger and choir sing the Lord’s Prayer.]

The second step is the giving of the Hail Mary three times. This is the salutation to the Mother light within you, to the white light. It is the all-power of God in Matter. In Matter, God has created the Mother-flame as the polarity of the Trinity. It is absolutely necessary that you resolve your relationship to Mother. Mother within you as the light, Mother as the person who bore you in this life, Mother who comes in the person of Guru. The teacher, whoever that teacher is, is always the figure of Mother.

Many people have very great problems with the person of the woman or with the Mother. These problems are psychological, they go through many incarnations. They must be resolved. The resolution is through the recitation of the Hail Mary of the Mother light, the white light of purity. We give our devotion to her because she represents the Universal Mother. She is not the only Mother, but she is the great Avatar of the Piscean Age, who is Mother. If we do not see the Mother in her, we will not see it in ourselves.

So we say her name, but we understand it is not confined in her. Mary means Mother-ray, universally manifest, individually manifest in her, and particularly manifest in you where you are. When you give devotion to the white light, the white light gives devotion to you. You send your heart flame to it, it will not fail to give you an answer. And the answer is the loving of your soul, the wrapping of your soul in the swaddling garment, the caring for the newborn child.

And in this particular Ritual of Exorcism, it is the right hand of Mother Mary, who occupies the Office of the Judgment with the Son Jesus. So this is the one before whom Sanat Kumara says the very demons tremble. And if you desire intercession for a loved one, you must give this Hail Mary not merely three times in this ritual, but we have our daily rosaries that you must not omit, because each time you give them, the ascension flame rises in you. So we give it together.

[Messenger and audience recite the Hail Mary three times, then sing it with the choir three times.]

The Lord’s Prayer and the Hail Mary are an immense protection. You need protection and that oneness with these flames as you begin the call of judgment, ‘They Shall Not Pass.’ If you don’t know it by heart, you can take your decree in the yellow section, 20.07.

Jesus gave us this call in a dictation and he told us how to give it. He told us to stand and raise the right hand, using the mudra of fearlessness, the right hand forward. And through the chakra of your right hand flows the power of God, to turn back–it doesn’t matter if it’s one demon or a horde of millions, the power of God is able. He said we should place the left hand on the heart, making contact with the heart chakra, and therefore the flow from the heart through the head, the spoken word, through the hand, the Trinity in action in you.

Now, if you’re not involved in the Ritual of Exorcism, and just giving this decree day by day as it is given, you would make your invocation right with the ‘They Shall not Pass.’ And I’m going to make the invocation again as we are separating this ritual with periods of instruction, and I want to reinforce my call.

Invocation Given by Elizabeth C. Prophet:

In the name of Almighty God, I call to the hosts of the Lord. Beloved Archangel Michael, beloved Sanat Kumara, I call forth the Entire Legions of the Great White Brotherhood. I demand the binding in the earth and in the heavens of all those hordes and forcefields, persons embodied or disembodied, moving against the children of the light and the transfer of the Word of God and the true teachings of the Lord Christ in this age.

I demand the binding of all demons and discarnates, binding the children of God choosing to be in the light, choosing the path of the ascension in this life. Bind them in the earth. Bind them in the heaven. Bind them by the authority of the Word.

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Mother, in the name of Sanat Kumara, Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Jesus Christ, the Two Witnesses and the Saints, I decree:


*[Decree 20.07, “The Judgment Call,” given, led by Messenger three times.] Won’t you be seated.

[Ten second pause]

*[Decree 20.07, “The Judgment Call,” sung by choir.] [Applause]

You can do it too! [laughter] Get out your decree and sing it. If you don’t have these decrees, you’re welcome to secure them in the foyer. And for the moment share them with your neighbor.

*[Decree 20.07, “The Judgment Call,” sung by Messenger, audience and  choir.] Thank you. Won’t you be seated.

[Ten second pause]

We’ve completed the first step. There are two more steps.

The first step is the invocation and the declaration of that which is to be bound–the Lord’s Prayer three times.

The second step is that two of us or more have come together to agree on earth as touching this particular call of exorcism. We have counseled with the sons of God, we have prayed to know the will of our ritual, so now we’re going to join hands wherever you are, simply join hands with the people near you. We’re going to feel this oneness. We’re going to agree together in very deepest, concentrated prayer. Go into your heart now and pray with me as I pray.

Invocation Given by Elizabeth C. Prophet:

Our Father-Mother God, Alpha and Omega, we are assembled together on earth in the name of Jesus Christ and every son of God whom he has initiated in the path of true sonship. We have come together in the name of Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Sanat Kumara, the Saints and the Two Witnesses serving the Ruby Ray.

In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, we agree together on earth in this hour that there shall be the binding of the seed of the wicked who have prevented the souls of light from contacting Almighty God and the living Word within them. We agree together for the binding of the demons and the discarnates that have invaded the temple of God, the impostors of the Holy Spirit, the impostors of the Father, of the Son and of the Mother.

Go forth, O Lord God Almighty, by thy invincible Word, by the Word of God, by the faithful and true and by legions of light. Now bind that force and forcefield on the astral and physical planes. We demand the staying action of the Lord God this day of all seed of the wicked in Church and state who are determined to take from the children of God their rightful inheritance of the abundant life in spirit and Matter.

This is our prayer. We have come together in thy name, O God, and in thy name we trust the fulfillment of our call according to the will and in the name of the Entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother. Amen.

This then is the prayer, the second step.

The third step is two or three gathering together in my name. And this is for the repetition of the Word.

This afternoon after we have taken our break for lunch and a little bit of fresh air, we will come back and we will give a sounding of the word for the anchoring in Matter of what we have called.

Dynamic decrees give your energy to the hosts of the Lord to implement God’s will in Matter. It is the law of octaves that not a single angel may come into your life and help you, unless you ask, unless in some form of your being you pray and it is your desire to enter into conscious cooperation with God. The Ascended Masters will not touch your life unless you ask them. This asking becomes the command of Isaiah, the ‘command ye me’, the dynamic decree.

So we will give calls to Astrea for the binding of this force of antichrist in the world. We will give calls to Archangel Michael. We will give the Violet Flame. And each of these will be explained to you as to why we are giving them. And all of them clear the way for your temple to be the instrument of light.

When the disciples could not cast out the possessing demons, Jesus rebuked them for their little faith and invoked the power of Elohim. He has told us that. Astrea has told us that. Astrea is the Elohim of the Fourth Ray, the very same ray that is serving the ray of Serapis Bey. The Fourth Ray of purity, the power of the Mother, the power of the sword of Kali, the power to bind all the demons that assail the children of the Mother and prevent them from expressing their true freedom. So that will be the third phase, it is the Holy Spirit phase.

How do we understand that it is true and right? It is prophesied in the tenth book of, chapter of The Book of Revelation that the Seventh Angel will come to finish the mysteries of God as he has declared them to his servants, the prophets. That Seventh Angel is the ascended Master Saint Germain, the Lord of the Seventh Ray and the seventh age. He is finishing the mysteries.

The mysteries that were lived by Jesus Christ, they were spoken in the Upper Room to his disciples. But they were not written down. The finishing of those mysteries comes two thousand years later as he prophesied.

How do you know that the Word is true? You know it by the Holy Spirit within you. The Holy Spirit will testify in you of me and of Almighty God. And there is no other way that you can know the truth. So to get the Holy Spirit, you need to cleanse the temple and judge righteous judgment.

So we have explored the first phase of the path of the ascension. The path is straight and narrow, but it is spherical. There are many processes and initiations that go on simultaneously. So we have taken up this one today because it is so key as we look at the needs of our friends, family and our neighbors.

Won’t you stand.

Benediction Given by Elizabeth C. Prophet:

O beloved Mighty I AM Presence, bless and seal each heart. Seal these hearts with thy living Word and Presence. Let it be so in thy name I AM. Amen.

A Retreat on the Ascension

For more dictations and teachings on the ascension, please click here or on the title above to view eight videos from this Retreat on the Ascension Lecture given August 1979 in San Francisco, California.

Who is Sanat Kumara – The Ancient of Days?

Sanat Kumara - The Ancient of Days

Sanat Kumara is known in Western scriptures as the Ancient of Days, in Hindu scripture as Karttikeya, and in Buddhism as Brahma Sanam-kumara. He is the Great Guru of the seed of Christ throughout cosmos, hierarch of Venus and one of the seven holy Kumaras (Lords of Flame who represent the seven rays on Venus). He initiates us on the path of intense love, the ruby ray, which he sets forth in his book The Opening of the Seventh Seal.

He has held the hierarchical position of the Lord of the World since the darkest hours of earth’s history when her evolutions fell to the level of cavemen and lost contact with the God flame and the mighty I AM Presence. When the earth was at the point of being dissolved because there was no one who was keeping the flame of the Christ consciousness alive, Sanat Kumara came to earth, a voluntary exile from his planet Venus, to keep the flame until sufficient numbers among mankind would respond and begin once again to maintain the focus on behalf of their brothers and sisters. One hundred and forty-four thousand souls volunteered to assist Sanat Kumara in his mission and accompany him with legions of angels.


Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus

The Ancient Story of Sanat Kumara

You call me Sanat Kumara, and you know me as the one who stood before the cosmic council known as the Council of the One Hundred and Forty and Four.

You know me because you were witnesses to my plea made for and on behalf of the evolutions of earth who no longer knew the presence of the Lamb, who by disobedience were cut off from the living Guru.

You know me as the one who volunteered to embody the threefold flame within the earth unto the evolutions evolving within the seven planes of being–fire, air, water, and earth.

The Cosmic Council had decreed the dissolution of earth and her evolutions because the souls of her children no longer worshiped the Trinity in the threefold flame of life burning upon the altar of the heart.

They had become the sheep gone astray.

Their attention fixed upon the outer manifestation, they had willfully, ignorantly abandoned the inner walk with God.

They knew not the hidden man of the heart, that blessed Ishwara, and the seven candles no longer burned in the seven windows.

Men and women had become hollow, their chakras black holes in time and space; and their vacated temples became the tombs of the dead; and the spirits of the dead took up their abode within their hollowed-out houses.

Thus they received the judgment of the One Hundred and Forty and Four even as their descendants would hear the denunciation of the Son of God.

And the Council of the One Hundred and Forty and Four, forming a single solar ring around the great white throne, intoned the Word with the great beings of light, forming the inner circle round about the throne and saying,

Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.

And I heard the echo of their chant of the “Holy, holy, holy” all the way home to the morning star, to my twin flame whom you know as Venus, and to the sons and daughters of the Love Star.


The Ritual of Exorcism

The Ritual of Exorcism

The Ritual of Exorcism: Healing through the Emerald Matrix from October 8, 1984.

Dictations by Sanat Kumara

June 23, 1968 | April 28, 1974 | May 5, 1974 | May 12, 1974
October 28, 1979 | November 4, 1979 | November 11, 1979
November 18, 1979 | November 25, 1979 | December 2, 1979



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