Ascended Master Teachings

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Our Beloved Kuan Yin, Song 423

Our Beloved Kuan Yin, Song 423 (9x)

Our Beloved Kuan Yin, Song 423 was recorded on August 26, 1988 during the Ascension Service

Goddess of Mercy, lovely Kuan Yin
Guiding us on, our vict’ry to win
God’s great forgiveness, his mercy, too
In love unceasing flow forth from you.
We feel the pow’r of thy mercy flame
Through invocation, thy love we claim
To e’er outpicture thy great God-pow’r
Raising the earth in this cosmic hour.

To Mercy’s temple there in Peking
In adoration, praises we sing
Angels surround with beauty divine
All those who serve in thy holy shrine.
Sisters of Mercy, Brothers of Love
Each one directing Light from above
To bless earth’s children, set them all free
In the ascension—Love’s victory!

Kuan Yin, we love thee and in thy name
Enfold all life in thy mercy flame
Blest violet fire of God’s seventh ray
Blaze through the earth, bring in the new day!
Now elementals and angels, too
Shall with all men acquaintance renew
As they then God’s divine plan discern
Heaven to earth shall once more return.

Who is Kuan Yin?

Our Beloved Kuan Yin - Violet Flame mercyOur Beloved Kuan Yin is revered in Buddhism as the compassionate Saviouress, the Bodhisattva of Mercy. Beloved as a mother figure and divine mediatrix who is close to the daily affairs of her devotees, Kuan Yin’s role as Buddhist Madonna has been compared to that of Mary the mother of Jesus in the West. Throughout the Far East, devotees seek her guidance and succor in every area of life. Altars dedicated to Kuan Yin can be found in temples, homes and wayside grottoes.

The name Kuan Shih Yin, as she is often called, means “the one who regards, looks on, or hears the sounds of the world.” According to legend, Kuan Yin was about to enter heaven but paused on the threshold as the cries of the world reached her ears.

Kuan Yin is revered as protectress of women, sailors, merchants, craftsmen, those under criminal prosecution and those desiring progeny. There is an implicit trust in Kuan Yin’s saving grace and healing powers. Many believe that even the simple recitation of her name will bring her instantly to the scene. Kuan Yin’s Crystal Rosary contains her mantras and is a powerful means of invoking her intercession.

Today Kuan Yin is worshiped by Taoists as well as Mahayana Buddhists—especially in Taiwan, Japan, Korea and once again in her homeland of China, where the practice of Buddhism had been suppressed by the Communists during the Cultural Revolution (1966–69).

Traditions in the East

Beloved Kuan Yin - by Ruth HawkinsFor centuries, Kuan Yin has epitomized the great ideal of Mahayana Buddhism in her role as bodhisattva—literally “a being of bodhi, or enlightenment,” who is destined to become a Buddha but has foregone the bliss of nirvana with a vow to save all children of God. Kuan Yin has taken the bodhisattva vow to work with the evolutions of this planet and this solar system to show them the way of the teachings of the ascended masters.

Kuan Yin was worshiped in China before the advent of Buddhism and thereafter adopted by Buddhists as an incarnation of Avalokitesvara (Padmapani). Devotees invoke the bodhisattva’s power and merciful intercession with the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum—“Hail to the jewel in the lotus!” or, as it has also been interpreted, “Hail to Avalokitesvara, who is the jewel in the heart of the lotus of the devotee’s heart!”

According to legend, Avalokitesvara was born from a ray of white light that Amitabha, the Buddha of Boundless Light, emitted from his right eye as he was lost in ecstasy. Thus Avalokitesvara, or Kuan Yin, is regarded as the “reflex” of Amitabha—a further emanation or embodiment of maha karuna (great compassion), the quality that Amitabha embodies. Devotees believe that Kuan Yin, as the merciful redemptress, expresses Amitabha’s compassion in a more direct and personal way and that prayers to her are answered more quickly.


Kuan Yin’s Mercy

Kuan Yin then encouraged us to give the simple mantra from El Morya’s “Heart, Head and Hand Decrees” to call the flame of mercy into action. Let us give, then, the call to mercy from the “Heart, Head and Hand Decrees,” 1.30, “I AM Forgiveness acting here.”

As you say, “I AM Forgiveness acting here,” Kuan Yin in this moment tells me to tell you that you are actually saying, “I AM Kuan Yin in action here, I AM Kuan Yin acting here.” If you will say that in your heart and remember it and visualize the statue of Kuan Yin over you and let it move back and forth as first Kuan Yin and then the Avalokitesvara, you will see how you and mercy become one on planet earth as a driving force for the salvation of all Lightbearers and then an entire world.

Kuan Yin Teachings:
Forgive and Forget – True Forgiveness  |  Using the Flame of Mercy and Compassion  |  The Sword of Mercy

This is the Forgiveness portion of the Heart, Head and Hand Decree, number 1.30. To view and give the full decree please click the following link; The Heart, Head and Hand Decrees. Please click here the learn more about the Science of the Spoken Word.

Dictations by Beloved Kuan Yin
January 21, 1968 | December 15, 1974 | September 18, 1976
October 12, 1980 | July 3, 1981 | July 6, 1996


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