Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


Song 228 – Purity (Repeated 9x)

Song 228 – Purity (9x)

Our Love to the Hierarchs of the Fourth Ray
From 1985 10-4 Axis and Dark Cycle of Taurus Clearance

With our love, glad voices we raise
Alpha/Omega, Central Sun:
Emblazon flame of Purity mighty
With Light sweep all the earth in Vict’ry
As the sun shines pure in his strength
The pure in heart our God shall see.

Elohim of Purity’s ray
Mighty Astrea, hear us pray:
Now blaze forth through the veil of all shadow
The pure radiance of Light from heaven
Purify and circle us all
Thy mighty sword and sphere of fire.

Gabriel, archangel of Light:
Announce to all the virgin birth
The concept, holy image of Purity
Immaculate the Light from heaven
Gabriel, angels of thy band
Purity’s Light release to all.

Lord of Light, our Serapis Bey
Chohan of the ascension flame:
Infire us with thy vision of Purity
Nobility inspire within us
O to thee, Serapis, we call
From Luxor’s flame ascend and free.

Holy one, now crowned of the Sun
Goddess of Purity, thy Light
Will raise us into heaven’s great glory
Where angels ever praise the Father
Singing “Holy, Lord of all Life
Praise to the Light, the name I AM.”

Melody: “Anges Purs” [“Holy Angels”], Faust, known as the “Angel Chorus” by Charles Gounod

What is the Ascension?

The ascension is the ritual whereby the soul reunites with the Spirit of the living God, the I AM Presence, through the acceleration by the sacred fire at the natural conclusion of one’s final lifetime on earth. It is the process whereby the soul merges first with the Christ Consciousness and then with the living Presence of the I AM THAT I AM, having balanced her karma and fulfilled her divine plan. Once the ascension takes place, the soul—the corruptible aspect of being—becomes the incorruptible one, a permanent atom in the body of God, free from the round of karma and rebirth.

In reality man is a flaming spirit who descended into physical form to master the conditions and trials of everyday life and his own lower self. When he has successfully overcome the human will, the human ego, the human intellect and has replaced them with their divine components, he can then ascend back to the heart of the Father-victor over time and space.

The ascension is the gift of God. It is given to us more by his grace than by our works, although both are necessary.


Who is Purity & Astrea?

Astrea and Purity

Purity and Astrea are the Elohim of the fourth ray (the white ray) of purity, perfection, hope and wholeness. It is the flame of the Mother and the flame of the ascension—the desire to know and be God through purity of body, mind and soul through the consciousness of the Divine Mother, which embraces the natural laws governing all manifestation in the earth plane.

Purity holds the divine pattern of the perfection of the Christ for all that is in manifest form, focusing the white fire that is in the heart of every sun and atom—the pure white light out of which emanate the seven “rays,” or aspects, of the Christ consciousness. Blue is considered the feminine aspect of white because the white fire of Purity coalesces as blue in the Matter plane.

Thus Astrea, the feminine complement of Purity, works twenty-four hours a day wielding the cosmic circle and sword of blue flame to free the children of the Mother from all that opposes the fulfillment of the divine plan held in the heart of Purity. Astrea personifies the Hindu concept of Kali, “the demon-slayer.”


Mystery of the Ascension – Part 1

WATCH VIDEO: Ascension Is Your Victory of Life With Elizabeth Clare Prophet – Enjoy the latest series on the ascension and what it means for your life on The Summit Lighthouse YouTube channel.


Mystery of the Ascension – Part 2

WATCH VIDEO: Serapis Bey and the Mystery Schools With Elizabeth Clare Prophet Elizabeth Clare Prophet on the path of the Ascension under the tutelage of the ascended master Serapis Bey and the Brotherhood at Luxor.


Ascension Class with Ascended Master Serapis Bey

Known as the great disciplinarian, Serapis trains candidates for the ascension at his retreat, the Ascension Temple, at Luxor, Egypt. This retreat is in the etheric octave, superimposed over the physical Temple of Luxor on the Nile.

Individuals are admitted to his retreat only after they have successfully passed certain initiations. These are given by other members of the ascended hierarchy who act as the sponsors and teachers of unascended initiates. He tutors your souls while your bodies are asleep at night and between embodiments.


Ascension Temple and Retreat at Luxor

The Ascension Temple is at Luxor on the Nile River in Egypt. The Temple is a part of the retreat at Luxor, which is presided over by Serapis Bey. Archangel Gabriel and Hope also serve here.


Who Is Serapis Bey?

Serapis Bey is the chohan of the fourth ray, hierarch of the Ascension Temple at Luxor, and the thirteenth member of the Council of Adepts of the Ascension Temple. He is also known as Serapis Soleil, Serapis of the Sun.

The fourth ray is the ascension flame, the white light of the Mother in the base-of-the-spine chakra. Out of this white light comes architecture, the principles of mathematics, the foundations of the building of the Matter temple and the pyramid of Self.

Click here to learn More about Serapis Bey | The Master Of The Ascension Temple | Past Embodiments


BOOK: Dossier on the Ascension | DVD/MP3: 1979 Seminar A Retreat on the Ascension | VIEW MORE

For additional information please visit the Summit Lighthouse website. Learn how to become a Keeper of the Flame.

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