Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


The Forgiveness Mantra – Kuan Yin

The Forgiveness Mantra – Kuan Yin
Decree 1.30 Given 33x

An Easter Retreat at the Royal Teton Ranch – April 2, 1988
The Forgiveness Mantra – with Teaching on Kuan Yin’s Mercy.

I AM Forgiveness acting here,
Casting out all doubt and fear,
Setting men forever free
With wings of cosmic Victory.

I AM calling in full power
For Forgiveness every hour;
To all life in every place
I flood forth forgiving Grace.

NOTE: As you give the “Forgiveness” mantra, send your love and forgiveness to all whom you have ever wronged and all who have ever wronged you, releasing the situations into God’s hands.

Kuan Yin Before Dictation
King Arthur’s Court, Royal Teton Ranch

Teaching on Kuan Yin’s Mercy

Kuan Yin then encouraged us to give the simple mantra from El Morya’s “Heart, Head and Hand Decrees” to call the flame of mercy into action. Let us give, then, the call to mercy from the “Heart, Head and Hand Decrees,” 1.30, “I AM Forgiveness acting here.”

As you say, “I AM Forgiveness acting here,” Kuan Yin in this moment tells me to tell you that you are actually saying, “I AM Kuan Yin in action here, I AM Kuan Yin acting here.” If you will say that in your heart and remember it and visualize the statue of Kuan Yin over you and let it move back and forth as first Kuan Yin and then the Avalokitesvara, you will see how you and mercy become one on planet earth as a driving force for the salvation of all Lightbearers and then an entire world.

Kuan Yin Teachings:
Forgive and Forget – True Forgiveness  |  Using the Flame of Mercy and Compassion  |  The Sword of Mercy

To view and give the full decree please click the following link; The Heart, Head and Hand Decrees. Please click here the learn more about the Science of the Spoken Word and The Summit Lighthouse.

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