Ascended Master Teachings

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Fourteen Ascended Masters Who Govern the Destiny of America and Saint Germain

Dictation by The Fourteen Ascended Masters Who Govern the Destiny of America and Saint Germain

This dictation by the Fourteen Ascended Masters Who Govern the Destiny of America and Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter Sunday, March 31, 1991, during the five-day Class of the Resurrection Lightning held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana.

Class of the Resurrection Lightning IV
The Alliance of Almighty God
To Champion the Cause of Freedom and Defeat the Fallen Ones
Let the Shower of the Resurrection Lightning Descend!


On this day when nations have raised up the Christ in the Spirit of the Resurrection, we come to raise up the Christ and the Spirit of the Resurrection in all servants of God upon earth. For though they have glorified God in him, they have not glorified God in themselves.

You say, “Ah yes, they have, my Lord.” But I tell you, had they done so, they would not have crucified the Lord in his little ones or tolerated one single abortion upon planet earth. Had they glorified God in their bodies and their members, they would be transformed and walk the earth in his likeness.

It is sin and the sense of sin and world condemnation [put forth by] the fallen angels in Church and State that have wrought this devastation upon all souls of the people of earth save the very few who have resisted this tide of world condemnation.

Therefore, we come! And I am the spokesman for the Fourteen Ascended Masters who would govern the destiny of America. [28-second standing ovation]

We stand upon this platform as representatives of the Cosmic Council. Our point of origin is the God Star, Sirius. We have come today to take counsel together with you who are sons and daughters of earth–at least [you are such] yet for a little while. For shortly, as the centuries pass, you will also return to your home star.

Therefore while you and your children and your children’s children do occupy earth, we would explain what must be done if we are to succeed in directing the course and destiny of this nation and all nations. Therefore, fellow sons and daughters of Light, be seated.

Simultaneously as we meet, a meeting does take place in the Great Hall on the God Star. And the Four and Twenty Elders, who have sent us, take part in this session on this Easter Sunday 1991 as you reckon earth time.

We place before you the challenge, the challenge that you know, yet it must be so stated. It must be so written. And you must be so notified by the Cosmic Council that you have full awareness of that which Saint Germain himself has referred to as “the realm of the possible.”

If we are to direct the course of this nation as we were appointed by God to do–and summoned by Saint Germain, the great founder with the Goddess of Liberty of this dispensation, this grand experiment in freedom–then we must have in place those individuals who have attunement with the Mind of God, who are humble and will obey the inner calling and the direction.

At this date on planet earth we find entrenched in all nations, midst all peoples and, sadly, in the houses of worship and in organized religion those archdeceivers and fallen ones, the godless in whom there is no spark of Life, for they have long ago extinguished it by their denial of the living God.

Therefore, while you deliberate and speak plainly and hear the word that is reality upon earth and what is taking place, while you who would be called the “common people” yet who are an uncommon band of Lightbearers know what the decisions ought to be among the nations in war and in peace, those who direct and make decisions in positions of power in every nation neglect to do and to be what to the people is obvious.

Many ask why the “little people” of the nations believe in America and Americans as champions of freedom, of democracy, when the leadership does not defend them, does not deliver them from a Saddam Hussein or the many other [tyrants] on planet earth. This they cannot understand.

I will tell you, beloved, that this must cease! We have called upon the Messenger to deliver you even an outline of this century’s [doings] of the fallen ones in positions of power, their betrayal of the people, their loss of the peace, their ulterior motives, their “other agenda.”

Thus, beloved, as we stand this day we call upon you who have built the lifeline to the Presence, who have strengthened your crystal cord, who have access to great beings of Light through the Call, to not let the sun go down each day without imploring the Cosmic Virgin, your own blessed Mother, Mary, to let the right hand of her Son Jesus Christ descend upon what Saint Germain has called the International Capitalist/Communist Conspiracy–those who divide the spoils East and West, those who utter the words of the defense of life and freedom and yet have betrayed every people who have stood for that freedom in this and all centuries.

We have the key. It is quite simple. When you know the profile of the fallen angels incarnate, this “Establishment” of the power elite, you understand that it behooves them by their own inner alignment with Darkness to snuff out the candle of freedom in the heart of every freedom fighter on earth nation by nation, people by people.

Lest they pronounce their own judgment, they must eliminate [creative hearts], whether through abortion, whether through neglect, whether through allowing people to be fooled [into thinking] that they will be helped and then they are not helped; [for the power elite have no intention of helping them–they but give the appearance to mollify the rest of the people].

Look at the Afghans. Look at the Kurds. Look at the Iraqis. Look at the little peoples everywhere on earth year by year and decade by decade!

How are we to direct the course of this nation or any nation when you the people of Light have allowed these fallen ones to remain in positions of power?

Beloved ones, since the founding of this nation there have been in the White House scarcely a dozen, if that, of those who hold any Light.

The office of the President of the United States has been defiled again and again until Saint Germain would not place that mantle again upon the current [or any future] president [who does not have that Christ consciousness].

He has said:

Enough is enough! I have sponsored a nation. I have sponsored a people of God. And they have gone their ways and they have allowed themselves to be divided and they have not moved together in one fiery spirit to challenge the godless who take from them my dispensation of the age of Aquarius.

Go, then, ye Fourteen Ascended Masters. Tell them! Tell my people gathered on the Mount Zion in Montana!

Tell them that they must galvanize a people, not according to political alliances but according to the alliance of Almighty God!

Come apart, then, and be that separate people chosen unto God. Choose your election well, for this is the hour when the Liberty Bell shall either toll its death knell or resound with a mighty spirit of liberation to all peoples from here to China and back again!

Beloved Saint Germain

Peoples under the earth and on the astral plane, cast there by unjust wars, cast there by the abortionist’s knife, I, Saint Germain, speak to you through these God-free beings who hold in their hands yet the authority of God to use you to change the course and destiny of men and nations.

Far fewer [than ye are], as the instrument of the Almighty, have championed causes and defeated fallen ones. And you yourselves are the witness that you have seen with your inner eye and borne witness that by your call many of these fallen ones on the astral plane have been bound by the hosts of the LoRD and their powers are diminishing.

Faint not. Faint not! For I, Saint Germain, speak to you and I tell you, now is the hour to intensify! Now is the hour not to shirk responsibility! Now is the hour to enter into the Holy of Holies and to know that one with God is the all-power of a cosmos and you can defeat this entrenched Darkness!

Look now, beloved, for they tremble! They tremble in their boots, for they know that all people [of God] have risen up in judgment to challenge the one in the White House who [by his denunciation of Saddam Hussein] promised help but then withdrew it and left [the Shi’ites, Kurds and other Iraqis] to be massacred by the very one whom he has called another Hitler.

Blessed hearts, let the truth be known and let these ones [who use their] positions of power for their own vainglory be exposed! Be willing to call upon Cyclopea and see how the All-Seeing Eye of God will expose such a travesty upon the people of the earth.

We say, therefore, thus far and no farther! And not only do I, Saint Germain, send my Fourteen Messengers to you but I [myself] am also here with Portia. And we have seen enough of the defense of the oil and moneyed interests and these representatives of Darkness who run Kuwait and the abandoning of those of Light whose fire of the eye does glisten for all the world to see in their children, in their poor, in their helpless; for that one [in the White House] does not allow our troops to help them.

Blessed hearts, let the judgment descend upon the seed of the wicked in every nation and let it descend because you call for that judgment! Let it descend because you are so close to the heart of Mother Mary that she does respond and allow the right arm of her Son to descend in judgment upon this seed of the wicked, who if left unchecked by you, I tell you, will only increase and continue to subjugate the children of my heart!

I, Saint Germain, say to you on this day: How long will you allow my sons and daughters to be crucified again and again and again, lifetime after lifetime? I plead with you, beloved! Give one life, this life, to me and we will yet save planet earth and her people! [39-second standing ovation]

The Fourteen Ascended Masters
Who Govern the Destiny of America

Blessed ones, we are a representative body. Ten thousand-times-ten thousand servants of God move with us to guide and direct the destiny of this nation under God as an experiment in freedom.

[Citizens of America:] You were dedicated and did receive the divine approbation and the opportunity to teach the way of Christ-freedom to all nations, to defend the poor and to use the power of God to overcome these Nephilim. As Moses, as Joshua, as the great patriarchs of old, as the Lord Jesus Christ did challenge them, so may you go and do likewise!

May you set aside the folly of leaving your sword and armour at home. May you know that if angels need to wear armour, you [also need to wear it], doubly and triply so, for you have bodies of flesh that weary and hearts that can be snuffed out by many subtle means of the sinister force in embodiment.

Therefore, with armour and shield, with the momentum of your decrees to Archangel Michael, fear not. For Jesus, your Lord, our Lord, will keep his promise to be with you.

Now then, beloved, there must be a systematic exposure. We call to all hearts who will hear to answer the prayer of this Mother of the Flame and put her back on cable television that this message might be heard by all the people, that the true message and the exposure of these fallen ones might be known, that the people might have the instrument to divide Right and Wrong, Good and Evil, Light and Darkness and know that there is indeed “embodied Evil” and that those who appear to be saviours, such as this president, are not saviours but agents of Death and Hell itself !

These are archdeceivers, beloved ones, and you must be careful and protect your movement and your right to be. Yet you can no longer withhold that exposé that will show these plots of the fallen ones and the international moneyed interests and what they have done with the free enterprise system and the money of the little people, of the shopkeepers and of the farmers and of those who truly sweat by the brow to earn their daily bread.

We come to tell you that the people must know and be warned of what is the condition of karma, why America is “America the vulnerable.” All this must be spoken! I can tell you, beloved, to do this demands of you as well as of the Messenger a new level of commitment, a new level of determination and a courage that you must borrow and then fully integrate with from the Goddess of Liberty herself.

I can assure you that to hold such high office in the Mystical Body of God, in the Great White Brotherhood, this being of Light did have to go forth in the defense of liberty in untold areas of this nation, of this planet and other systems of worlds. To be the undefeated champion of liberty, beloved, means to defeat all those who would “take thy crown,” all those who would trample upon liberty as well as the Mother Flame.

Therefore the Goddess of Liberty, sponsor of this nation, great saint of God as she is, is also the sponsor of woman and child in the womb, [is also] sponsor of illumination, sponsor of education, sponsor of the children who must know their history and the truth of how this nation came forth as a dispensation of Almighty God truly from the heart of Saint Joseph.

Truly the father of Jesus would not leave all of his children comfortless and therefore did provide them with a home of Light. And you are here this day, I remind you, because many Cosmic Beings stood with him, ourselves included, and determined that they would take their stand at inner levels against these fallen angels once and for all that earth might return to a golden age and to a “paradise lost” and the kingdom of heaven come on earth again.

For many peoples of the world today, America is still heaven on earth, beloved ones. With all of the crime and degeneration and all of the burden upon her youth, yet that flame of Christ does burn and it is for the faith of the people in that Christ: it is for their faith despite the doctrine that binds them to a lesser manifestation.

Blessed ones, we will not set aside our vow. Therefore have we come in person that you might feel our presence, that you might draw from our strength, our wisdom and our garments and each one of you serve as ten for the purity of your heart’s love in this cause.

My gratitude to you for filling this hall; for were it an empty court, we should not be here this day. Each one of you has paid a price, as Jesus Christ has paid the price for you. Know this: that we understand what you have passed through, what you have endured, what you have overcome. And we report to you that the flame of God-mastery is rising upon your spines.

Let yourselves not weary, but when you see a victory and a certain victory over yourself, then rejoice! Seal that victory and go after all others because you know you can because you believe in yourself as the extension of Almighty God upon earth, as his hands and feet and no less.

Therefore, I wipe away sin and the consciousness of sin! Let it be no part of you! Your sins are forgiven when they are forsaken. Make the resolve! Walk out of that old snakeskin and move on in the realms of glory.

This opportunity, beloved, comes also through the mighty heart of Portia. And Portia’s presence is the all-pervading presence of Cosmic Justice. May you invoke it, for Divine Justice is due you. May you, as the Messenger has told you, sense and affirm and vow your worthfulness, your worthiness, your deserving of Divine Justice.

You do not deserve injustice. You do not deserve to be treated unjustly. Therefore know that. And if you think you deserve it, remember that the Spirit of the living God abides in your temple and God does not deserve this injustice that you have suffered from all quarters of Church and State.

Therefore, let the shower of the resurrection lightning descend this day! Let it descend as the light of the Ruby Ray and the white fire, truly the Body and Blood of Christ of which you have partaken!

Because his essence is in you and you are of it and it is now of you, beloved, you have a resonance within you for receiving that resurrection lightning. To this end we have come, to the breaking up of those old recalcitrant conditions of the mind and body.

Blessed hearts, we come also with a gift of the God Star, of Sirius, but you must consider well whether you will accept this gift. It is the opportunity, beloved, to receive more karma as well as a greater Light to balance that karma.

Now, if you accept the gift of karma but neglect to invoke the Light to transmute that karma, then, beloved ones, you may find yourselves taking some backward steps. The gift of karma is a great gift, for it includes positive karma and good momentums of the past that you may draw forth from previously inaccessible pockets of your Causal Body. But it also includes negative karma, which must pass into the flame if you would have your total victory in these causes to which you are called, which you must now champion.

Therefore, unless you can promise yourself, and keep [that promise], that you will increase your calls to the violet flame and call on the law of forgiveness and cast that karma into the flame immediately that it not stick to you as static sticks (for karma is truly static)–if you cannot do this, do not accept the karma. If you will do it, then accept it and you will see yourself stepping into new boots of freedom and a new freedom of opportunity to go forth.

Therefore we say to you, give us your minds and hearts and bodies! Give us your life, your persons and your purse. Give us, beloved, yourselves. For you have minds to understand what the course of education must be in America, what the course of freedom must be, what the course of peace must be and what the course of the armies of the LORD coming out of this nation must be in the defense of all peoples who are oppressed by the tyranny of World Communism and the world capitalist conspirators with them.

Yes, beloved, you see it! We see it! Let others see it! But may you see it from a new level of the peace of the living God. Elohim Peace and Aloha are present this day to give you that momentum of Christ-centered peace, that you do not go forth in your human consciousness to challenge Absolute Evil but that you understand that all who have so tried have failed, have been devastated and discouraged.

Be not devastated! Be not discouraged, beloved! But know that the forces of the fallen ones do represent the anti-God, the anti-Christ, and they are absolute in their stand against the Light and that is why what they are and what they do is Absolute Evil. It is not relative in any sense of the word. For they commit the unforgivable crimes against humanity and their day is soon through. And they come with a ferociousness in this hour that only those who carry the sword of Archangel Michael may deal with.

Your countrymen and -women, your compatriots, beloved, have lost heart in many quarters. They feel they cannot deal with the system. They see clearly but they have not adopted the means of Saint Germain for problem solving and therefore they are beset by their karma and their psychology.

Blessed ones, may we see you therefore liberated. May we see you therefore taking that stand but doing so from the standpoint of Absolute Good–the Absolute God-Good of your I AM Presence.

Call upon the LORD, your Mighty I AM Presence, and he will descend into your temple with thunder and lightning and the rushing of a mighty wind! Call upon the Lord, your Holy Christ Self, and he will descend into your temple and you will be shining like that Son of God and your words will carry the authority of your personal Christhood.

Do not deal, therefore, with this Evil [by means of] your human consciousness but always pray. Always seek the cosmic honor flame. Always be “hid with Christ in God.” Always call on the law of forgiveness daily for those things you know of and those things you know not of [in yourself] that may be an offense to your God or to your neighbor.

Therefore each day receive forgiveness, absolution, and be one with the heart of Christ and therefore have the full protection of Archangel Michael. Be honest with your God. Be honest with yourself. Be honest with your Messenger! And come clean of “all these things” and move forward with courage and no longer as cowards, slinking back into your old garments.

Time is very short. Yet so long as there is day and life and the living Christ and hope and opportunity, there is a way. You may think it is too late to arm, too late to put in position the defenses America has needed for so long. Well, look again, beloved! For the LORD God does also have his solutions and his reason is not the reasoning of the human consciousness. Faint not, but fight while the day is at hand and your strength is in you.

We are determined to turn this nation around. What we have spoken through the Messenger must be known. The people are ready to hear it! And the rotten apples are ready to fall from the trees! Let them fall by the right hand of the Son Jesus Christ and you will see how much the people really know about their leadership, about “spiritual wickedness in high places.”

And if they do not know it, they will know it soon. For suddenly in the quickening and in the twinkling of the eye of God and in the descent of the LORD, the Holy Ghost on Pentecost, many eyes will be opened, many inner ears will be unstopped and the people shall yet gather. They shall yet rally, but they need the rallying point and it is the standard of Truth.

Let it be proclaimed! Let it be heard! And see how you will discover what American patriots of all ages, of all sexes and races will do in defense of Saint Germain and freedom.

We, the Fourteen Ascended Masters who would and, we trust, who will govern the destiny of America and the nations once again, remain here with Surya. For we have come for the triumph of this Church, this Community, this Messenger and this Truth in the hearts of chelas. We stand for your triumph, beloved! Now you stand for yours and America’s!

[59-second standing ovation]


Fourteen Ascended Masters - Grinnell Lake Glacier National Park Montana

Who are The Fourteen ascended masters who govern the destiny of America?

The fourteen ascended masters who govern the destiny of America are great beings of light from the God Star, Sirius, which is the seat of God-government in this galaxy. These masters have been appointed by God to direct the course of the United States of America and to assist in the establishment of God-government in America.

Their service today

These same fourteen masters are here again as the fourteen ascended masters who govern the destiny of America, and they offer their assistance, if we will only invoke it:

Do not treat us as though we were from distant stars and relatives who come now and then to visit! We are here! We will help you in answer to your call!

Remember, when we hear those fiats so fiercely given, we respond. We call for reinforcements. And you have the victory. And the fallen ones are totally defeated. They have no power! They have no power! They have no power over you!

Wherefore, call upon the LORD! Rise in his dominion! And remember that the archangels do battle for you. Never enter in to a direct confrontation with aliens or fallen ones but turn them over in your decrees to the hosts of the LORD. This is the formula, beloved. It works. I ask you for the sake of all evolutions of this planet, make the formulas of the Great White Brotherhood work in your life every single day!


Additional Dictations by
The Fourteen Ascended Masters Who Govern the Destiny of America

November 22, 1975July 1, 1996


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