Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


The Mark of Candidates for the Ascension

The Mark of Candidates for the Ascension

Dictation by the Two Men Who Stood by in White Apparel

This dictation by The Two Men Who Stood by in White Apparel was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, April 19, 1976, during The Path to Attainment conference, held at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California.

TRANSCRIPT (From Pearls of Wisdom)

Sons and daughters of God who would bear witness to the ascension, we are privileged to address you this evening. We are privileged to come into your midst to mark some among you as candidates for the ascension.

We are emissaries of Luxor, and we have stood by to focus the light of Alpha and Omega on behalf of many sons and daughters whose fiery destiny it has been to ascend in time and space from the locale of their mastery.

You well know that it is usual for sons and daughters to journey to Luxor to make final preparations for the ascension at the conclusion of their final incarnation. Some spend a number of hours, days, weeks, months, or years before they are given the opportunity to take their ascension from inner levels.

Others, who have served the hierarchy and have balanced more than 51 percent of their karma and who have been associated with the holding of the balance of a certain geographical area, or of the transmutation of certain conditions of past records of great darkness from ancient civilizations, have been assigned to take their ascension from the very place where they spent their last days.

Such was the case with Jesus of Nazareth, of Mary the Mother, of your own Clara Louise Kieninger. Although she did not ascend bodily, yet her ascension took place in the atmosphere over Berkeley, California. Such was also the case with your messenger Mark, whose record of the ascension remains anchored over the Pikes Peak area.

Now, then, we would explain our mission here as we have come to mark candidates for the ascension. You see, it is necessary for you to pass certain episodes of service in your life, to walk through certain fiery trials, to have certain virtues expanded, to bring into balance the light of the Mother and the light of the threefold flame.

And when a certain alchemy of attainment has been manifested, then Serapis Bey (who periodically reviews the records of chelas of many of the ascended masters serving earth’s evolutions) apprises the Keeper of the Scrolls, as well as a number of us who serve as ascended ones in the retreat, that certain individuals may receive the mark as candidates for the ascension. This marking is a white fleur-de-lis, and it is the mark, the insignia, that is known by all of the ascended hosts, the angelic hosts, and the elemental builders of form.

The one who has earned this insignia, which itself is a focus of the white fire of the ascension flame, receives an extraordinary assistance from those of us who comprise the White Brotherhood. All who are in the octaves of Spirit go out of their way to watch and to pray for those who are making their way on the path of the ascension.

There are others who are chelas of the masters who have not quite yet earned the white fleur-de-lis. Nonetheless their devotion is very great but they are, as you might say, neophytes on the Path. For some it is just a question of having greater opportunity in time and space. They simply require more time to do what they are already doing—devoting their hearts and lives to the cause of the Brotherhood.

There are, then, candidates for the ascension in many of the nations of earth, most of whom are connected either with the disciplines of the way of Christ or the disciplines of the way of the Buddha. For these two paths, above all other paths, provide an outline for right living and walking with God, and the emphasis on individual attainment is perhaps greater in the path of the Buddha. Nevertheless the emphasis on personal devotion and personal service is ample opportunity for those who follow the Christ to come to the place whereby, through their sacrifice, their faith, their religious life, they receive the insignia.

Now, the purpose of two of us coming from Luxor to attend the ascension of Jesus was that we might hold for him in outer manifestation—even in the physical octave, which is why our bodies were lowered to that level—the focus of Alpha and Omega, the focus of the caduceus. For the ascension flame is the wholeness of the light of Father, Mother, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Therefore we attended the ascension even as those who receive the ascension at the ascension retreat receive the ministry of two attendants who guard that one as the one becomes one with the rising pillar of fire upon the altar and the sacred dais. It was, then, an effort of hierarchy, though we would never eclipse the attainment of the beloved Son of God. For truly the totality of his consciousness, immersed in the Creator of Life, was a wonder of wonders even to us who are often witnesses of souls ascending. Nevertheless, as the angels tarried in the tomb as Jesus was working out the flame of the resurrection and the victory over death, so the Law requires the holding of the balance.

You will recall the extending of the cup to David Lloyd by the now ascended master Godfre, and you will realize that Godfre himself was the focal point for the white light as he stood with us who stood at inner levels guarding the matrix as this son of God traversed from the plane of Matter to the plane of Spirit. And so the more you learn of the inner workings of hierarchy, the more you realize that truly the path of initiation is a joint effort of ascended and unascended servants of the Most High.

Perhaps you have had the experience in moments of great love and great communion with God where you experienced little difference between the flame within your heart and the flame within the heart of a master or the flame anchored in the devotees who surround you. And you who have served in the retreats on the etheric plane or in some of our ashrams on earth understand that as you live and serve and move with a body of devotees, you soon establish a rhythm, an understanding, a mutual awareness that transcends all aspects of separation. And truly you can say that you have known what it is to be a part of the body of God.

In truth God is one, Christ is one, and the caravan of souls ascending are one. It is as though the garments of ascending souls blended with the garments of others ascending upon the ladder of attainment. The joint effort of hierarchy in this age involves many souls—souls with weaknesses and strengths that balance one another out and make of them, as they are pieced together, very solid stones in the foundation of the pyramid of life.

We have carefully selected the rings of devotees as they proceed from the center of the flame, like the rings of the Great Causal Body of the cosmos itself. As you gaze upon the causal body, you would not consider that these concentric rings represent a stepping down in vibration or a stepping down in importance. But rather, you understand that the concentric rings of color/light represent necessary functions that proceed from the within to the without, even as it is necessary for the keeping of the flame in the fiery core, in the secret rays, and in the seven rays.

And so, offices in hierarchy never indicate that one is greater or one is lesser but that all are required to be the fulfillment of the inner blueprint. Some must hold the balance for certain levels of chakras, some must hold the balance in the world, while some can only perform the service needed in the retreat.

Let all who would come together for the building of the temple in the New Age, then, understand that God himself has cast the players in this great drama and it is of utmost importance that each individual go within to discover in one’s own core that blueprint of service that is uniquely that one’s to render.

It is important that you apply to the messengers and to the ascended masters for assistance in making contact with this blueprint. Otherwise you will find yourselves journeying here and journeying there and being impressed or entertained by these flowers or these individuals or this climate or that geography. And without even realizing it, you are planning your life based on externals.

When this occurs and you are more responsive to the external than the internal life, you will find yourself often rejecting the very guidance that comes from the Great Divine Director because that guidance is in conflict with the outer choices you have made. Anchoring your consciousness firmly, then, in the vibrations of the divine plan through the decrees to the Divine Director and to the will of God, you will find that when you receive the call of hierarchy you are responsive because there is a certain clicking within as the chart of life advances. There is a certain clicking within your heart and soul because you know that you have gone the next niche in the enfoldment of the plan.

Many times, as it is the joy of God and of the angels, the next assignment for the pilgrim in the way of life comes as a complete surprise, and it comes sometimes as the complete reverse of the course that has been followed for some time. This of course falls into the category of being an initiation in mobility and flexibility, as it was with the messengers who will have crossed from the East Coast to the West Coast, now, from the beginning of the mission.

Therefore ultimately the establishment of the Church in Los Angeles was truly not known to the messengers’ outer consciousness, although they had been given that assignment within from the beginning. And so you see, had the outer consciousness held sway, it could not have made the contact, the necessary contact with the within. And so the call from Darjeeling, the call from the Himalayas, must be received as an initiation in order to see if the chela is truly willing to respond and if service is the highest priority, or if service becomes a secondary convenience after the outer externals have been satisfied.

When individuals consider as requisites, as indexes for decision, so many other factors outside of the path of initiation, they are sometimes confused by the amount of facts that they line up together in order to confirm a decision or to find out where the weight of the decision should lie. It is best, then, when making a decision and embarking upon a new effort to fulfill the call of hierarchy, that you give equal time to a practical, outer examination and to an inner communion.

So many times the chelas will give perhaps 10 percent of their time to the inner communion and 90 percent to the weighing of externals, until finally the delicate thread of contact with the Presence cannot be made because there is such a ponderous concern for the pros and cons of moving on in the caravan of life.

Each step in the fulfillment of the blueprint brings the individual closer to important keys of initiation. And I think that as I observe the paths of disciples through the ages, one point that I have noticed is that in making a wrong decision and stepping outside of the fiery coil of the divine plan for months or years at a time, the greatest inconvenience of such a course is that it deprives the disciple of the step-by-step initiations that are planned by the Brotherhood.

People in the world who are not attuned to this Path, who have not set their feet upon the Path, who make their decisions based entirely upon their careers, their preferences, and the indexes of life, truly pass entire embodiments without initiations and especially those initiations that follow one by one, step by step, in logical sequence.

Now, then, the seraphim from Luxor descend with a taper of light of ascension’s flame, and they place over the heart chakra of the candidates here, who have recently come of age in the way of initiation, that insignia of the white fleur-de-lis.

I must report to you that there are some who in all respects have fulfilled these requirements of initiation but they have failed to be present at this dictation. Therefore they are in the wrong place in the right time, and they will wait another cycle to receive (if they maintain and progress on the Path) this insignia of the fleur-de-lis. Their waiting may be for a year or more or less.

This, beloved ones, is only a part of the rigors of the Path. After all, there is nowhere else to go after Luxor. When you come to Luxor, you are coming for the grand finale of hundreds of thousands of years. Shall we take candidates who know not who they are or where they are or where they ought to be? This, then, removes the definition of the candidate for the ascension.

And so the Path continues; the pilgrims continue on the Path. And we watch and we wait. And there will come a time for those of you who have now felt this fire in your heart and who feel it continuing to burn—a time when two of us, whether ourselves or others who serve in twos from the Retreat of Luxor, will come to you before your ascension, perhaps in a decade, perhaps more, to assist you in the flow of the currents in your physical, emotional, mental, and etheric bodies.

Some of you will recall several of the early dictations given through the messenger Mark in Washington, D.C., when the masters announced that a certain action of the ascension flame was being initiated within his form. This was the preparation of his four lower bodies well in advance of the final triumph over matter and over the limitations of mortality. And so you see, there are some who will be among you in the not too distant future whose preparation for the ascension, even in the physical body, was begun in the previous incarnation.

These blessed souls who are scheduled to incarnate among you will come, then, with bodies that have a unique vibration, and we trust that the parents will be aware of their children having this essence of light already anchored within their form. Some of you will give birth to children who have already received the Holy Ghost in a previous incarnation, and others among you will feel the Holy Ghost entering and filling that temple while the child is yet within the womb. These are sons and daughters of God of whom it is spoken—that they had the Spirit from their mothers’ womb.

We pray, then, that that extra care that is due the Christed ones will be taken, will be imparted, and that others who attend these lifestreams as teachers, as guides, as those who will instruct them in ascended master law will recognize the great responsibility of giving them an accurate, a loving, and a comforting presentation of the teachings.

We are, then, the two men who stood by in white apparel, and our white apparel was simply the condensation of the ascension flame. And when you wear your white [clothing] to the ascension service on Friday evening, keeping the flame of the Order of the Golden Lily for the Goddess of Liberty, will you remember that that golden lily is the symbol of the fleur-de-lis and the gold is the sign of the bodhisattvas, the great servants who have volunteered to remain with the evolutions of Terra until they are free?

And will you recall, then, that the golden lily can become, on your heart, the fire of the white fleur-de-lis, and will you remember that that white is also, by vibration, the condensation of the ascension flame?

Therefore, let your white robes that you wear to the service be consecrated to that service, and let them be used only for that service or other services at conferences, or when the dictations of the masters are played. But let not these garments be a part of your daily work in the world or even in the retreats.* They must be carefully set aside, for if you so care for them, then we will be able to add to these garments an extra charge of ascension’s light because you understand the meaning of forcefields.

Take care also that the shoes that you wear on the platform are not the shoes that you wear in the density of the world. For when you are serving as a conductor of light, you must realize that light can only be conducted through you physically, for it is the physical plane that we must reach. And therefore all that is physical, both the body and the garment, becomes the instrument of the sacred flow. This is why the Goddess of Purity and other beings of great light have admonished on physical cleanliness, especially when participating in sacred ritual.

Let it be, then, that all understand that coming closer and closer to the flame is a refinement through and through. You find your thoughts and feelings refined, your memory refined. Why, then, should you not find your bodies also refined as purity and refined as decency?

We are not prepared to receive into our dictations those who come barefoot. It is not because we object to the blessed feet of those who walk and preach the gospel of peace, but it is that the skin absorbs the substance of the world, the substance of your floors, and it is far more porous than the shoes themselves.

As a matter of respect to hierarchy, then, we ask that all things be considered and that you do not dress according to the ways of the world in order to please the world, but that you dress according to the chalice of consciousness that the masters require. We commend you for your love and your care and your understanding of these details.

Realize, then, that the path of the ascension is nothing but detail. It is the disciple who has the consciousness of detail, who leaves no stone unturned, who will discipline the self, who will realize that it is the small victories won in consciousness, inch by inch, that make the final Victory, just as the raindrops, one by one, make the streams and rivers of life.

As you approach, then, from the mastery of the seven rays, the mastery of the secret rays, realize that you are coming nearer and nearer to the fiery core of your ascension. In the seven rays of mastery you are concerned with conquering the world and forging the pathway of light. But the secret rays demand the very delicate awareness of threads and lines and the crisscrossing of threads and lines, for this is truly the weaving of the seamless garment.

We also hold classes in the weaving of the seamless garment, and you would be surprised how many times the initiates must start again and again because of the unevenness of the forcefield, of the lines and the threads, and the very threads themselves representing the consciousness, the thoughts, the feelings. Thoughts are the warp, feelings are the woof, and the fire of the etheric body is the smoothness of the cloth that is to drape as a forcefield of auric protection around the physical body and all of the bodies.

Some of you who have taken sewing classes, who have found yourselves sewing and then undoing and then sewing and then undoing, can well understand that this is the patience that is required when working on the seamless garment. And, you see, the masters of the Ascension Temple have a very sharp eye for the quality of the garment and they never, never let pass an imperfection in the weave.

So we have come to give you a certain insight according to our service to life and to you. We will not long be far from you, for we must come again when other candidates for the ascension are ready for this focus of light. And we must come again, as some of you draw nigh the hour of your transition, for the beginning of the charging of your forms with that current that will intensify and intensify and intensify until the great cloud of your causal body and the cloud of witnesses will receive you out of sight from mortals, from loved ones, from disciples.

Precious ones of the flame, we are privileged, then, to conclude this conference with a final release of the energy and the momentum of the Lord Christ in the hour of his ascension. For as we were the electrodes for that Alpha and Omega fire, so we focus it here.

We ask, then, that as we stand before you to transfer the feeling of the jubilation of his ascension, you will sing your song to the ascension** three times, which will mark the conclusion of our release of the sacred fire flow.

Our words to you at the conclusion of that singing will be spoken individually within the heart of each one, and not one of you who has come and tarried at this hour for this dictation will be without that individual message. The message will be recorded in your etheric body and in your soul. Some of you will hear it as it is spoken in the chamber of your heart, and others of you will have an awareness of the sense of the message as the days unfold.

You can be certain of this—that our message to you directly concerns your ascension, and since we are more concerned with your lacks than with your virtues, we will counsel you in the way of overcoming the most laggard of the tendencies of your lifestream. These tendencies may not be so very terrible when they are measured against the ways of the world, but they may be that little point of the Law or that little subjectivity that has either held you back or is totally unknown to you because it is so much a part of your outer personality. This message, then, we extend with all of the love of the hierarchy of Luxor.

In the name of Serapis Bey, guardian of the flame of the new birth, guardian of your Victory, we salute you in the light of God that never fails.


Who Are The Two Men
Who Stood by in White Apparel?

Two Men Who Stood by in White Apparel

The Two Men Who Stood by in White Apparel are mentioned in the Bible as standing by when Jesus “was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.” They appeared to the disciples and promised that those who had seen him go into heaven would also see him come in like manner.

The ascension of Jesus

These two witnesses are emissaries of Luxor. They “stand by” to focus the light of Alpha and Omega at the ascension of the sons and daughters of God. Their white apparel is the condensation of the ascension flame. These two masters have explained their role in attending the ascension of Jesus in this way:

The purpose of two of us coming from Luxor to attend the ascension of Jesus was that we might hold for him in outer manifestation, even in the physical octave (which is why our bodies were lowered to that level), the focus of Alpha and Omega, the focus of the caduceus, for the ascension flame is the wholeness of the light of Father, Mother, Son and Holy Spirit.

Therefore we attended the ascension, even as those who receive the ascension at the Ascension Retreat receive the ministry of two attendants who guard that one as the one becomes one with the rising pillar of fire upon the altar and the sacred dais. It was, then, an effort of hierarchy, though we would never eclipse the attainment of the beloved Son of God, for truly the totality of his consciousness immersed in the Creator of Life was a wonder of wonders even to us who are often witnesses of souls ascending.

Nevertheless, as the angels tarried in the tomb as he was working out the flame of the resurrection and the victory over death, so the Law requires the holding of the balance. And you will recall the extending of the cup to David Lloyd by the now ascended master Godfre, and you will realize that Godfre himself was the focal point for the white light. And he stood with us who stood at inner levels, guarding the matrix as this son of God traversed from the plane of Matter to the plane of Spirit.

And so the more you learn of the inner workings of hierarchy, the more you realize that truly the path of initiation is a joint effort of ascended and unascended servants of the Most High.

The Ascension Temple

Usually candidates for the ascension journey to Luxor to make final preparations for the ascension at the conclusion of their final incarnation. Some spend a number of hours, days, weeks, months or years before they are given the opportunity to take their ascension from inner levels.

However, others who have served the hierarchy and balanced more than 51 percent of their karma and who have been associated with the holding of the balance of a certain geographical area or the transmutation of certain conditions of great darkness from ancient civilizations have been assigned to take their ascension from the very place where they spent their last days. This occurred, for example, with Mother MaryClara Louise Kieninger and the messenger Mark L. Prophet, whose record of the ascension remains anchored over the Pikes Peak area in Colorado.

Serapis Bey periodically reviews the records of chelas of many of the ascended masters serving earth’s evolutions. When any of the students have manifested a certain alchemy of attainment, Serapis apprises the Keeper of the Scrolls and other ascended masters at Luxor that these individuals may receive the mark as candidates for the ascension. This marking is a white fleur-de-lis, an insignia that is a focus of the white fire of the ascension flame.

Jesus Ascending to HeavenThis insignia is recognized by all of the ascended hosts, angels and elementals, and the one who has earned this insignia receives an extraordinary assistance from the members of the Great White Brotherhood. All who are in the octaves of Spirit go out of their way to watch and to pray for those who are making their way on the path of the ascension. There are candidates for the ascension in many of the nations of earth, and most are connected either with the disciplines of the way of Christ or the disciplines of the way of the Buddha—two paths above all others that provide an outline for right living and walking with God.

These two masters speak of their service at Luxor:

We also hold classes in the weaving of the seamless garment, and you would be surprised how many times the initiates must start again and again because of the unevenness of the forcefield of the lines and the threads—the very threads themselves representing the consciousness, the thoughts, the feelings. Thoughts are the warp, feelings are the woof, and the fire of the etheric body is the smoothness of the cloth that is to drape as a forcefield of auric protection around the physical body and all of the bodies.

Some of you who have taken sewing classes who have found yourselves sewing and then undoing and then sewing and then undoing can well understand that this is the patience that is required when working on the seamless garment. And you see, the masters of the Ascension Temple have a very sharp eye for the quality of the garment and they never, never let pass an imperfection in the weave.



BOOK: Dossier on the Ascension | DVD/MP3: 1979 Seminar A Retreat on the Ascension | VIEW MORE

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