Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


The Ritual of Exorcism – October 8, 1984

The Ritual of Exorcism

The Ritual of Exorcism: Healing through the Emerald Matrix from October 8, 1984.


We’re going to stand for this invocation. And, in keeping with the masters’ desire for protection, we will give the tube of light three times. Then we will begin. Together.

[Decree 0.01, “Violet Fire and Tube of Light Decree,” given 3x.]

by the Ascended Master Saint Germain

O my constant, loving I AM Presence, thou Light of God above me whose radiance forms a circle of fire before me to light my way:

I AM faithfully calling to thee to place a great pillar of Light from my own Mighty I AM God Presence all around me right now today! Keep it intact through every passing moment, manifesting as a shimmering shower of God’s beautiful Light through which nothing human can ever pass. Into this beautiful electric circle of divinely charged energy direct a swift upsurge of the violet fire of Freedom’s forgiving, transmuting flame!

Cause the ever expanding energy of this flame projected downward into the forcefield of my human energies to completely change every negative condition into the positive polarity of my own Great God Self! Let the magic of its mercy so purify my world with Light that all whom I contact shall always be blessed with the fragrance of violets from God’s own heart in memory of the blessed dawning day when all discord—cause, effect, record, and memory—is forever changed into the Victory of Light and the peace of the ascended Jesus Christ.

I AM now constantly accepting the full power and manifestation of this fiat of Light and calling it into instantaneous action by my own God-given free will and the power to accelerate without limit this sacred release of assistance from God’s own heart until all men are ascended and God-free in the Light that never, never, never fails!

[“The LORD’s Ritual of Exorcism” given through “Hail, Mary.”]

I AM Lord’s Prayer
by Jesus Christ

Our Father who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy name, I AM.
I AM Thy Kingdom come
I AM Thy Will being done
I AM on earth even as I AM in heaven
I AM giving this day daily bread to all
I AM forgiving all Life this day even as
I AM also all Life forgiving me
I AM leading all men away from temptation
I AM delivering all men from every evil condition
I AM the Kingdom
I AM the Power and
I AM the Glory of God in eternal, immortal manifestation—
All this I AM. (3x)


Hail Mary

Hail, Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us, sons and daughters of God,
Now and at the hour of our victory
Over sin, disease, and death. (3x)

Now we will take “The Binding on Earth and in Heaven and the Naming of the Entity.” Following this, we invoke the presence of the hierarchy to deal with the archetypes of that consciousness which is not a part of God. All of these archetypes are listed in the Book of Revelation given to Saint John by Jesus. These are named in the seven numbers that begin on page 3.

The invocation preceding those numbers is the call to the hierarchy and the call for the judgment of these conditions, all of which are coming out of the Book of Revelation or other parts of the Old Testament.

Now, when we are beset by challenges and darkness and all of the various initiations that come to us as a great drama as though there was never a play like this written — it seems so different and no one else could have ever possibly experienced such a situation. In fact, it is like the rerun — in different forms, in different disguises, different costumes — of the same old, limited formulas of evil and darkness, all of which can be named in these things that are listed here.

In other words, there is no condition you can experience on earth or in hell that is not named in this section, when you understand that these naming of names is the naming of general conditions and vibrations and also specific types of personages that embody them.

So you are going to name your specific set of names in this space, and then we will come to the entire gamut because everything is related, everything is relative. So whatever entity you have, ultimately, it’s related to all other types of unreality.

My call will be at the altar and yours will be right where you are–out loud, spoken independently. It should sound like a mighty tumult of voices, not meek but in the full power of the Holy Spirit upon you. Together.

In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and in the name of the Mother, I AM the binding on earth and I AM the binding in heaven of the cause and core of this condition and consciousness of the Devil and his agents, embodied or disembodied, manifesting in and through this [conferees give their personal calls simultaneously]:

conspiracy of darkness, of abortion, of murder and mayhem, of violence and terrorism in Beirut, and the very cause and core of all fanaticism: Moslem, Jew, and Christian fanaticism and all betrayers of the Word and the discarnates and the spirits known, of malintent, of prayers of malintent, of voodoo and of fundamentalists and of Christians and those who move against the Light. Bind the spirit of evil manifesting now in the darkest of the fallen angels, all betrayers of the living Word, all who have brought their suits against the Divine Mother, and specifically those individuals, known or unknown, whom we now name. [interruption 3 sec.]

Mighty I AM Presence, we demand the naming again of these names by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are demanding the binding of these spirits, embodied or disembodied, manifesting in and through this action of–continue your calls, please [conferees continues their personal calls] — war and nuclear war and the threat of darkness on planet Earth; the drug conspiracy, the demons of heroin, the demons of nicotine, the demons of the cigarette industry and the advertising industry, and especially those discarnates and demons and the false hierarchy in the media; the demons of cancer, the demons and discarnates of every kind of disease, known or unknown, of MS and all those who come to the altar.

Bolts of blue lightning, I demand the binding of those demons and discarnates now! Blaze forth the light of God that never fails!

Burn through and bind those foul spirits in the earth of pollution and of mechanization man! Bind the demons of the Nephilim gods, the Watchers and their godless creation! Burn through and bind the Peshu Alga and his consort! Bind the very core of those evil spirits in the violet flame here and now! Bind the false hierarchy! Bind the fallen ones, all demons and discarnates working against a [unintelligible], moving against [unintelligible] and the light of Christ, moving against the Great Central Sun Magnet.

Bolts of blue lightning, I demand the action of the sacred fire! I demand the binding of the demons and discarnates in embodiment now!


[“The LORD’s Ritual of Exorcism” continued through page 7, the “Transfiguring Affirmations of Jesus the Christ.”]

Invocation of the Presence of the Hierarchy
of the Ruby Ray and the Great White Throne Judgment
of the Ancient of Days

By the full power and authority of the Lamb vested within me, by the light of the Ruby Ray, I invoke the Pres­ence here and now of the Lord God Almighty, the Holy Trinity and the Mother manifest in the Person of Lord Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days, Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Jesus Christ, the two witnesses, and the living saints; all of the hosts of the Lord’s hierarchy serving with them in heaven and on earth through the Threefold Flame of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brother­ hood and the great multitude of the children of the Most High God.

I call forth the judgment of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and the Mother through the Ancient of Days, who sitteth upon the great white throne, the four cosmic forces and the four and twenty elders, the Cosmic Council and the Karmic Board, the eternal Lamb and the embodied Lamb upon the entities of Evil-”the  beast that was, and is not, and yet is,” the personal and planetary dweller on the threshold-the cause/effect, record/memory of the seed of the Wicked One, their conditions, circumstances, and hate and hate creations:  War, Famine, Plague, Pestilence, and Pain; Death and Hell and whosoever is not found written in the Lamb’s book of life, their words and works of iniquity wrought through:

  1. The Devil in the person of the Antichrist and his anti-hierarchy of antichrists; Satan, his seed, and his fallen angels; the original murderer and his murder-who subvert the authority of the Son manifest in the Great White Brotherhood and usurp the office of the Man oc­cupied in Spirit by Jesus Christ and the hosts of his hierarchy;
  2. The Devil in the person of the Dragon; Lucifer, his seed, and his fallen angels, his clones and carbon copies of the carnal mind, his Watchers and their godless, soulless creation-who subvert the authority of the Father manifest in the Great White Brotherhood and usurp the office of the Lion occupied in Spirit by Lord Maitreya and the hosts of his hierarchy;
  3. The Devil in the person of the False Prophet and his false hierarchy of false prophets-who subvert the authority of the Holy Spirit manifest in the Great White Brotherhood and usurp the office of the Calf occupied in Spirit by Gautama Buddha and the hosts of his hierarchy;
  4. The Devil in the person of the Great Whore and the scarlet coloured beast full of names of blasphemy; the anti-Church and its anti-apostles and false pastors; the Adversary of the Ancient of Days and his hierarchy of ad­ versaries of our twin flames drunken with the blood*of the saints and the martyrs of -who subvert the author­ ity of the Mother, the eternal Lamb and the Lamb’s wife, the Great Guru and his ascended chelas manifest in the Great White Brotherhood and usurp the office of the flying Eagle occupied in Spirit by Sanat Kumara and the hosts of his hierarchy; *light
  5. The Devil in the person of the Serpent, his seed, and his fallen angels; the original liar and his lie; the em­ bodied seed of the Wicked One; the false Christs and false prophets in Church and State, the spoilers and the false witnesses-who subvert the authority of the Son and usurp the office of the Man occupied in Matter by the messengers of the Word, the two witnesses of the Second Advent of the LORD Our Righteousness, by the friends of God in Church and State, and by the true Christs and true prophets;
  6. The Devil in the person of the Accuser of the Brethren; the Laggards against the Light, the fallen ones, and the clock of betrayers; Abaddon, his fallen angels and the devils and beasts out of the bottomless pit that make war with the Lamb and his chosen and faithful-who subvert the authority of the Father and usurp the office of the Lion occupied in Matter by the saints who are the sons and daughters of God, the 144,000, and the remnant of the Woman’s seed who keep the flame in the white cube of the Church Universal and Triumphant;
  7. The Devil in the person of the beasts out of the sea and out of the earth and the dragon who gave them their power, seat, and great authority; the one named blasphemy: his image, mark, name, and number, 666; and their agents in the one-world government and economy, the international bankers and money changers and the capitalist/communist conspirators, manipulators of the Law of the Abundant Life, and the light of Alpha and Omega in the sacred labor of the children of God; the Archdeceivers of mankind; demons and discarnates work­ ing through the godless, soulless creation of the monstrous mechanization concept-who subvert the authority of the Holy Spirit and usurp the office of the Calf occupied in Matter by the great multitude who are the children of the Most High God;
  8. The Devil in the person of Babylon the Great; the anti-State and the anti-City; her sins and sorceries, her devils, and foul spirits; the Watchers and their godless creation, their fornication-misqualifying the light of theMother chakra, suffering the abuse and abortion of Her children; their cults of money and the money beast, of greed and gluttony, their beasts of sensuality and ma­terialism and their murder of the prophets and the saints; the False Guru and his false hierarchy of false gurus and their false chelas; the councils of black magicians and practitioners of the black arts and adepts of the left­ handed path; witches and warlocks and their covens of wit-craft and wish-craft, Death and Hell-and all who sub­ vert the authority of the Mother, the embodied Lamb, and the Lamb’s wife, The Guru Ma and her unascended chelas, and usurp the office of the flying Eagle occupied in Matter by the Woman clothed with the Sun and her Manchild em­ bodied in the initiates of the Ruby Ray who keep the flame of the Mystery School in the Community of the Holy Spirit;

Jezebel and her children, the fearful and unbeliev­ing, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremon­gers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars; all who blaspheme the name of God and his Son Jesus Christ and repent not of their deeds to give Him the glory; all demons, discarnates, laggard evolutions and fallen ones, with their mass entities and monstrous mechanization* of every type and form of the four beasts of animal magnetism and the little horn of aggressive mental suggestion focused in their astral grids and forcefields; and any thing that defileth, worketh abomination, or maketh a lie against the Holy City or the temple of the LORD Goo Almighty and of the Lamb.

I command it done in the name of the living Word. I command it done in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, in the name of the Woman and her seed, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World  Mother,  elemental  life  fire, air, water,  and earth!

It is done, it is finished, it is sealed!
It is done, it is finished, it is sealed!
It is done, it is finished, it is sealed!
For the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it!


Give ”They Shall Not Pass!” three times:

In the Name of the I AM THAT I AM,
I invoke the Electronic Presence of Jesus Christ:
They shall not pass!
They shall not pass!
They shall not pass!

By the authority of the cosmic cross of white fire
it shall be:

That all that is directed against the Christ
within me,
within the holy innocents,
within our beloved messengers,
within every son and daughter of God

Is now turned back
by the authority of Alpha and Omega,
by the authority of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
by the authority of Saint Germain!

I AM THAT I AM within the center of this temple
and I declare
in the fullness of
the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood:

That those who, then, practice the black arts
against the Children of the Light

Are now bound by the hosts of the  LORD,

Do now receive the judgment of the Lord Christ
within me,
within Jesus,
and within every ascended master,

Do now receive, then, the full return-
multiplied by the energy of the Cosmic Christ-
of their nefarious deeds which they have practiced
since the very incarnation of the Word!

Lo, I AM a Son of God!
Lo, I AM a Flame of God!
Lo, I stand upon the rock of the living Word
And I declare with Jesus, the living Son of God:
They shall not pass!
They shall not pass!
They shall not pass!
Elohim. Elohim. Elohim.    [Chant]

Conclude with the ”Transfiguring Affirmations of Jesus the Christ” three times:

I AM the Open Door which no man can shut
I AM the Light which lighteth every man that
cometh into the world
I AM the Way
I AM the Truth I AM the Life
I AM the Resurrection
I AM the Ascension in the Light
I AM the fulfillment of all my needs and
requirements of the hour
I AM abundant supply poured out upon all life
I AM perfect sight and hearing
I AM the manifest perfection of being
I AM the illimitable Light of God
made manifest everywhere
I AM the Light of the Holy of Holies
I AM a son of God
I AM the Light in the holy mountain of God

Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.


In the name of Jesus Christ, in the name of the Lamb incarnate, in the name of the beloved I AM Presence and Christ Self of all and by the full power of the Holy Spirit, we agree together on earth that this thing that we ask in thy name, O LORD GOD, Almighty–I AM THAT I AM, ELOHIM, EL SHADDAI–shall be accomplished according to the holy will of God, by thy wisdom, and by thy love, in time and space and in the eternal cycles of being.


Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, we agree together on earth, in the name of Jesus Christ, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, that every lightbearer on earth, every Keeper of the Flame, every soul who has descended from God’s heart shall be contacted by healing angels with the divine understanding and the physical understanding for the healing of all his diseases; and shall be contacted by angels of light with the knowledge, through the power of the Holy Spirit, of his own I AM Presence and Christ Self, of the violet flame, the power of the dynamic decree to be co-creators with God, and the power to work world change.

We agree together on earth, in the name of Jesus Christ, that there shall be the clearing of the way of the highway of our God, the clearing of the way for all souls of light on earth to receive the teachings of the ascended masters and the knowledge of the indwelling Presence and to be able to fulfill their divine plan, to save the earth from nuclear war and devastation, destruction, or the collapse of the economies, or any and all other situations which would thwart the divine plan of thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.

We agree together on earth, in the name of Jesus Christ, that the youth of America and the world shall be cut free from alcohol and nicotine enslavement, the enslavement of marijuana and the marijuana conspiracy, and demons and discarnates from cocaine and the false hierarchy of the cocaine suspi, conspiracy; entities and demons of greed and death and hell promoting the worldwide conspiracy of drugs for the collapsing of the systems of freedom and of the inner soul and the four lower bodies.

We agree together on earth, in the name of Jesus Christ, our youth shall be cut free from the taking in of all drugs and LSD and PCP and all other forms, and especially cut free now from the demons out of the pit, Abaddon and his angels, of rock music and every form of rhythm that degrades and lowers the vibration, causing a distending, a descending spiral of death, hell, violence, murder, and sensual indulgence.

Burn through, Almighty God!

We agree together, in the name of Jesus Christ, that all who represent thee on earth, including this church and every other movement on earth and all other disciples, shall be cut free in this hour from the anticult movement, for all movements against the light and freedom of freedom of religion; and that the truly false gurus and false disciples shall be bound, and the entire false hierarchy taking our children out of the way of truth shall be bound.

We agree together, in Jesus’ name, that all those individuals who have engaged themselves in the destructivity of the tearing down of true religion on earth shall find themselves engaged in constructive endeavors contributing to the welfare of all mankind.
We agree together on earth, in the name of Jesus Christ and the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, that the momentums of hate and hate creation, causative in the subconscious of so much mental disease and psychic disorders, disorders of the emotions, shall be bound, and the entire force of dix, discarnates be bound.

We agree together on earth that the causes and core of cancer and all terminal diseases and debilitating conditions shall be exposed, and the misuses of the light of the divine alchemy, by materia medica, shall be exposed; and the dishonesty of the drug companies shall be exposed; and the dishonesty of the fallen angels in the cigarette and alcohol industry shall be exposed!

Expose, them now and expose the manipulators of the wealth of the people in the economies of the nations. Expose, then, the manipulators and their conspiracies and their orders and their Illuminati.

Expose, bind, and bring to the Court of the Sacred Fire for judgment this night the entire momentum of evil on earth.

We agree together, in Jesus’ name, that it is done, it shall be done, it is done, and it shall forever be, and that the records shall be cleared.

We agree together in, on earth, in Jesus’ name, that we do now surrender the cause and core of all records of lesser manifestations in the evolution of this planet.

We agree together on earth that we are cut free from the Nephilim gods and their genetic manipulation, from every form of animal magnetism that does tear down the Christ within us.

We agree together on earth, in Jesus’ name, that we shall rise up now and come apart and be a separate people and set ourselves to the task of being the good shepherds and teachers and comforters to life, to place their hand in the hand of Almighty God and their I AM Presence, and to stand with them, therefore, in the dynamic decree and the call for their protection on earth as it is in heaven.

We agree together on earth, in Jesus’ name: (Now you may recite your prayers all together, in unison.) [Conferees recite personal calls as messenger continues with calls.]

We agree together, in Jesus’ name, for the binding of all darkness, for the binding of Death and Hell, for the resurrection and the life of the body of God, for the absolute building of the Royal Teton Ranch and North and South Glastonbury as our spiritual community.

And we agree together on earth that all forces, governmental and conspiratorial, psychic and astral, fundamentalists and otherwise, cult-watchers, shall be bound by the hosts of the LORD.

We agree together on earth, in Jesus’ name, for the sealing of the Heart of the Inner Retreat and the Mol Heron Creek Road. Blaze the light of Almighty God!

We agree together on earth, in Jesus’ name, the divine plan shall be fulfilled on planet Earth and at that ranch and every lightbearer who is to be there from the Great Causal Body of the Great Divine Director.

We agree together on earth, in Jesus’ name, for the healing of all those who have come for healing now. [Conferees calls continue 13 sec.]

And in full Faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full Power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!

The Lord’s Ritual of Exorcism
Sanat Kumara’s Teaching

Lord’s Ritual of Exorcism – Sanat Kumara’s Teaching

This video is from A Retreat on the Ascension Lecture given on August 11, 1979 in San Francisco, California.

The word in the last chapter of the Book of Mark is, “Go ye into all the world,” which is in every plane of consciousness, “preach the gospel to every creature.” And then it begins with five signs that will follow them who will accept that calling.

And the first sign is the casting out of devils. And Sanat Kumara has taken three entire Pearls of Wisdom to address himself to the subject of casting out devils. And he says, you can go nowhere until you determine to enter the ritual of exorcism, the ritual of casting out devils. The world is rampant with devils and discarnates and unseen forces, all the while we are taught a philosophy that they do not exist. And how are we taught to control these forces of possession that create psychological problems? Why, with chemical drugs.



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