Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters



Song 556 (9x)

Flame of Freedom Speaks – Victory on October 8, 1984

Victory, O Victory
From the mighty Central Sun
Thou celestial Spirit-Son
Victor of the Three-in-One
O to thee we raise our voices.
As all heav’n and earth rejoices
For your vict’ry, Eternal One
Mighty being from out the Sun.

For thy service to the earth
In the ages of the past
Saint Germain did make the call
For all mankind, one and all.
From thy home in lovely Venus
Thou didst hear the call and answer
Now our gratitude we bestow
And all praise from our hearts does flow.

Victory and Lords of Flame
Blest Kumaras in thy name
Help the planet Earth today
To God-vict’ry in the Light.
Blaze your flames, your mighty power
Lady Venus, bless with beauty
Sacred pattern in man divine
His reality all refine.

Victory, O Victory
Help us keep the flame with thee
Help us glimpse the infinite
And our cosmic future see.
Anchor then thy mighty flame of
Victory within our foreheads
Power universal see
Power universal be.

O beloved Victory
Children of the Sun are we
Yearning now for victory
From all shadow to be free.
We now call for thy momentum
O to be an overcomer
With the Real to identify
Thy invincible honor flame.

I AM Vict’ry, I AM Light
Spark of freedom, truth, and right
I AM action, I AM might
Of Creation’s holy Light.
O be still and know your Presence
Focus of the Star within you
Mighty light rays descending pow’r
Mastery for the victor’s hour.

God’s my vict’ry, God the Sun
Holy Threefold Flame in One
God’s my vict’ry, blessed Son
Plan divine for everyone.
God’s your life, your very being
Look! His kingdom is within you
O to him we our praises sing
Heavenward every heartbeat ring.

Mighty Victory!

Who is Mighty Victory?

Mighty Victory is a cosmic being from Venus whose devotion to the flame of victory for more than a hundred thousand years has given him the authority over that flame through vast reaches of cosmos.

His love of the victory of the Christ and the potential victory of those evolving upon earth was the keynote of his response to Saint Germain’s call for cosmic assistance to the earth in the 1930s.

The new dispensation

Coming forth to stand behind the Master of Freedom and to lend his momentum of victory to Saint Germain’s projects, he announced the dispensation of the Lords of Karma to set aside the old occult laws for the evolutions of this planet. As a result, it was possible for individuals to ascend with only 51 percent of their karma balanced; to enter the retreats while their bodies slept at night, although their karma might not warrant it; and to be taught the instruction of the I AM in the world at large rather than have this information withheld for those who were not able to make the treacherous journeys to the retreats of the masters in their physical bodies.

Because so many cosmic beings came forth to assist Saint Germain, his petitions to the Lords of Karma for mercy on behalf of the mankind of earth were granted, and thus we are privileged today to have and to use this powerful instruction on behalf of our own freedom and that of the entire planet. We salute Mighty Victory and his love of victory in our devotions to the pink plume on Monday, for truly the star of victory is the star of our own causal bodies, and our individual victory is the victory of love.

The star of Victory

Mighty Victory has twelve masters serving with him, in addition to legions of victory angels. Standing in the center of the Great Sun Dial with his twelve disciples taking their places on the twelve points of the clock, Mighty Victory issues the command for the formation of the six-pointed star. The masters standing on the one, three, five, seven, nine and eleven o’clock lines step forward midway between the center and the periphery of the circle. Thus, the star is formed by the action of the flame of Mighty Victory and his twelve, showing that as Above, so below the threefold flame is in balance and victorious in the being of man.

The name Victory

When he first became known to the people of earth, Victory was referred to as the “tall Master from Venus.” In one of his dictations through the messenger Guy Ballard, the master explains how he came to be known as Victory:

I was given the Name of “Victory” by the ascended masters who have made the ascension from your Earth, because all that I have attempted to do, has been victorious! There is no such thing as the memory of a single limitation in my consciousness, or world of activity, and has not been for a tremendously long period!… I have known only victory for thousands of centuries.



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