Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


Dictation by Beloved Jesus Christ – February 18, 1973

Dictation by Beloved Jesus Christ
February 18, 1973

While the messenger Mark Prophet delivered a dictation by Saint Germain Sunday, February 18, 1973, at the Motherhouse in Santa Barbara, California, his twin flame, the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, who was in Colorado Springs, delivered this dictation by Jesus Christ. This date marks the final dictation through Mark Prophet and was delivered just eight days prior to his ascension on February 26, 1973.


The Alchemical Union of the Soul with the Spirit

Dominate the Planet with Light
and the Power of the Christ Mind

Disciples of the Christ who have trod the homeward path down through the ages, I am come this day to speak to you of the marriage of Cana.

When I attended that feast with my mother, Mary, it was to initiate the spiral of alchemy—the spiral of my mission that would culminate in the ritual of the ascension as a demonstration to all mankind of what man can do and of what man must do. And I shall outline for you, through this messenger, the thirty-three steps of the miracles and healings which are required of each one for the perfectionment of the life pattern of this planetary home and of many schoolrooms like it. This day I desire to speak to you of the marriage feast, and the knowledge of the other rituals will come to you in written and spoken form. For this is a cosmic day. It is a day of the celebration of the feast of the Cosmic Virgin and the marriage of the Cosmic Virgin to the Holy Spirit. This is the day when I set the pattern, for all mankind and for the Divine Woman, of the alchemical union of the soul with the Spirit, the marriage for which each of you long.

The yearning for wholeness is this day fulfilled in you by a pattern which you then may pursue and fill in because I have come and I have spoken. And in my words I have given the chalice of the golden-age victory over sin, disease and death. That blessed day, at the moment of the initiation of my mission, had been prepared for well in advance, for we knew what each step of the way would be. For we had received the training at Luxor and in the retreats in the Himalayas. Yet somehow there was that last thought of desiring to preserve the status quo of not being known, not being heard of. And so even I, when the time came, for a moment resisted the beginning of the spiral which I knew would take me through all the periods of trials and temptations and challenges and persecutions for the purpose of the glorious atonement, the at-one-ment with God.

The householder who was in charge of the marriage feast gave to his guests the wine that had been transmuted from the water. And he even commented that most people do not save the best wine for the last because people are drunken and they do not appreciate the good wine. And so, the best wine is reserved for the last because the best wine is the wine of the Holy Spirit, of the Holy Communion of the bride and the Christ.

The Archetypal Pattern of Marriage upon Earth

I say, then, to you, in that miracle was the mastery of substance, but more than that. It set forth the record of all time—the example, the archetypal pattern, of what marriage should be upon earth. Set forth as a human institution by the Brotherhood, it is the necessary unit of man and woman to bring forth the Divine Manchild. But it must be understood that each partner in the marriage is celebrating the union of the heart and the soul and the mind with the God Presence.

When two people come together to be blessed in holy matrimony, it is for the purpose of the consecration of the soul’s [union with her God Presence, when she wears] the wedding garment and [attends] the wedding feast—when the individual can sit down at the table with the Christ and receive the wine and the bread of Holy Communion. If all people would so consecrate their lives, whether they choose the celibate path or marriage, mankind would behold the fruits of the Holy Spirit in manifestation. There would not be cause for strife and discord in marriage or among members of holy orders, for man and woman would find their oneness in God, in the God Presence. Each one being whole, the manifest perfection of the Whole-I-Spirit then brings the divine wholeness to the marriage feast.

You recall the parable of those who came not with the wedding garment and the one that was cast into outer darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. And so when the hour comes for the celebration of your own wedding, you must have the wedding garment, which is the mantle of light that you have woven with the purity of your consciousness and your desire and with your manifest action of prayer and holy communion to become one with the Christ. The soul, then, is the feminine counterpart of your being, the bride that stands before the I AM Presence and is received into that holy union of divine Oneness.

A Descent of Light to Consecrate the Divine Feminine on Earth

Let us, then, this hour—O angels of victory, angels of illumination, angels of freedom—proclaim the freedom of the Divine Woman and of her Divine Manchild. Let us proclaim the freedom of the souls of all mankind. Let us wrap mankind not only in the swaddling garment of the infant babe but in the wedding garment of the Christ and of the bride adorned for her husband.

Let the jewels of the sacred fire now descend as a mighty shower of substance, of light, of the quickening power of the diamond-shining mind of God. White-fire and yellow-fire and blue-fire diamonds, descend! Descend from the heart of the City Foursquare and from Alpha and Omega to consecrate the energies of the Divine Feminine upon this earth, to purify and cleanse and seal the white-fire core of being, to seal the base of the spine and the crown as the Alpha and the Omega in man rise to meet the purity and wholeness of the Holy Spirit. So let the Holy Spirit, the cosmic consciousness foursquare of the Almighty, consecrate each one to the androgynous perfection of being. Let each one find this bliss and this joy in the alchemical union.

So do the waters of the wine of the Holy Spirit flow freely, and this wine now pours as a fountain of water in your midst. And the earth shall receive this hour the benediction of the Holy Spirit by the sacred purple fire accompanied by the golden liquid light. And so the purple and gold, focusing the power of the sixth ray of ministration and service, gives to mankind the illumination to be free, the freedom to be illumined—by the power of the Cosmic Christ consciousness and by the power of the God of Freedom—for the golden age now dawning.

The Fusion as the Torch Is Passed between Solar Hierarchies

I come, then, and my legions come with me. And I, Jesus, the Christ, stand before you to acknowledge this hour that mankind stand at the pinnacle of opportunity, that open portal to the divine unity that shall come to them by the hand of freedom, by the hand of wisdom, by the hand of service, loving service rendered—by the angels, by the Elohim, by the masters and by people to people.

Precious hearts, ride the crest, the golden wave of light that comes crashing upon the earth with the incoming of Pisces, the mighty hierarchy of water. And so the waters of light, the waters of fire, the golden liquid light floods the earth, washing man clean, scrubbing the pores of his consciousness, of his mind, preparing the way for the fires of freedom.

Hierarchies of Aquarius and Pisces rejoice in this alchemical union this day. For at each change of the solar signs, there occur the fusions of the mighty hierarchies as air becomes water, as water becomes fire, and fire becomes earth, and earth becomes air, and air becomes water.

And so the cycle goes around the Cosmic Clock. The torch is passed. And when the hands of the hierarchies grasp the torch, at that moment when both are holding the same torch, there is that fusion, there is that transmutation, there is that alchemy of the marriage of Cana.

Be the Peace-Commanding Presence

And so, precious hearts, my admonishment to you is to walk upon the waters of life as I did. Be the peace-commanding, masterful presence. Walk over the waves and be not moved. Do not fear. Do not doubt your calling.

For I will not let you slip. I will not let you sink beneath the waves. I will hold your hand each step of the way if you require it. But I prefer that you walk alone, all one with your Presence, to demonstrate the mastery as I did. But I will be there should you need me, should you desire to clasp my hand for a moment and say, “O Lord, save me or I perish.”

You will not perish, precious hearts. But when you feel that you might, remember that you have come face to face with those who think that they can challenge the power of God-mastery and the flame of Christ-dominion. But they have not the existence, neither the stronghold in the heart of the Creator, to sustain their darkness, their fears or their doubts unless you give to them a helping hand, unless you sustain those fears and doubts which they bring to you for your consideration.

I say, then, challenge the fear of the planet! Challenge the doubt! Challenge the night! Challenge death! And you will see it dissolve before you in a golden age of immortality, of enlightenment, of freedom and of peace to all nations.

I cannot take my leave of you without reminding you of a tremendous opportunity and power that is in your hands to work the works of God in this age. If you will but speak with the authority of the Christ, the Word that challenges darkness, a thousand legions will descend on your right hand and ten thousand on the left hand. These are legions of light, not darkness. These are legions of purity and perfection, and they will go forth to do your will.

Will you not try them? Will you not remember to be masterful, the peace-commanding presence, throughout the day, throughout the moments, throughout the tedious periods of density and the striving feeling of the world’s consciousness coming up for transmutation? Will you not walk the earth with me as sons and daughters of dominion during this cycle? I say to you, if you will remember to dominate the planet with light and with the power of the Christ mind, you will then be passing the torch with the hierarchies of Pisces to the hierarchies of Aries. And you will find that a great momentum of God-mastery will be fused with the momentum of God-control to expand the spiral of mankind’s victory this year. Will you not, then, remember to walk with me through the cycles of the solar hierarchies, through the entire spiral, to make this 1973 a glorious ascended Christ perfection on behalf of all mankind?

You can be so much more the master than you are if you will only give some forethought to your words, your deeds and to your thoughts and feelings. You can conquer. For all of heaven stands ready to infuse the power of your word with victory.

Prepare for Your Wedding Day

Try me. I AM your elder brother. I AM your Jesus. And I stand ready, at the hour when you have passed the necessary initiations, to come before you as the priest of the sacred fire to perform the marriage ceremony of the soul with the Spirit of God.

You have the pattern and you have the mantle. Now walk in the pathway of light. Be overcomers. And prepare for your wedding day. Prepare for the day when the crown of glory shall rest upon your head as the victorious overcoming of the crown of the twelve stars of the Divine Mother. Prepare for its physical, tangible manifestation within you. For right on earth, you can walk as ascended unascended beings.

Would you not like to be an unascended ascended master? An unascended ascended lady master? This means that you have the power and authority of an ascended being while you yet walk the earth in robes of flesh. This is possible in this age. Hasten, then, the balancing of your karma. Let not one opportunity pass to be sons and daughters of dominion. And then watch. Watch the great opportunities that the cosmic lords and hierarchies shall present to you to be victors over hell and death, to have the all-power of heaven and earth and to extend it unto the children of mankind.

Receive them into your arms as these little ones, for they are the hope of the future. Nourish their souls. Nourish their forms. Above all, nourish their hearts and minds.

And so the earth, a ball of golden light, shall ascend into the golden age and mankind shall know the victory of the fight!

I, Jesus, salute you in the bonds of the sacred fire and of the heavenly alchemy that shall become your own.


Who is Jesus Christ?

Beloved Jesus Christ by Charles SindelarThe Ascended Master Jesus Christ. The avatar of the Piscean age; the incarnation of the Word, the Universal Christ; the example of the Christ consciousness that was to have been outpictured by the children of God in the two-thousand-year dispensation of the Piscean age; one who realized the fullness of the Christ Self and was therefore called Jesus, the Christ. He came to reveal the individual Christ Self to all mankind and to show the works of the Father (the I AM Presence) that can be accomplished by his sons and daughters in and through the flame of the individual Christ Self.

Jesus holds the office in hierarchy of World Teacher, which he shares with the Ascended Master Kuthumi, who was embodied as Saint Francis.

The incarnation of the Word

Jesus of Nazareth was and is the living Christ because he was the fullness of the incarnation of the Word. In him the threefold flame of power, wisdom and love, the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, was God, a consuming sacred fire—three persons in one, a light to lighten all peoples.

In the average man and woman the threefold flame is one-sixteenth of an inch in height, reduced by the edict of the LORD God made at the time of Noah. Jesus Christ, the wayshower, teaches us how to expand the threefold flame within the secret chamber of the heart that we might follow his example and become the living incarnation of the Word. He shows us how to balance the energies of love, wisdom and power until we are enveloped by this threefold action of the sacred fire and we become the living witness of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

To become the flame of God is the goal of life. Jesus, the Saviour of mankind, is here today to teach us the way, to teach us that the I AM THAT I AM is the way, the truth and the life.


Jesus first came to the earth as a volunteer with Sanat Kumara, and he has had many embodiments on earth since that time.


Jesus, the Archetype of the Christed One

This excerpt from a lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet was delivered May 25, 1975, at the seminar The Buddha and the Mother, held in San Diego, California and published in the 2000 Pearls of Wisdom Vol. 43 No. 49.

Jesus resurrection flameThe definition of the Christ Consciousness is a perfectly balanced threefold flame, all plumes at the same height and the energies consecrated to the correct qualification of the sacred fire—pure love, pure wisdom, pure power. That means, for example, that all misuse of power as tyranny has to be transmuted into the pure action of the will of God. All misuse of the yellow plume in intellectual pride and the tendency of the ego to displace the Christ has to be surrendered. Selfish love, possessive love, all aspects of the misuse of the pink plume must likewise be transmuted.

We see in Jesus the Christ the archetype of the Christed one, or the anointed one. Jesus was the Christ and was known as the Christ because his threefold flame was in balance and his energies were qualified according to the sacred fire. He was born almost without karma and at the hour of his transfiguration he had increased the size of his threefold flame to the point that that flame was no longer only one-sixteenth of an inch in size but was larger than his physical form.


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