Introduction to the Ascended Masters – Lecture
Lecture: Introduction to the Ascended Masters
San Diego Stump Lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 23, 1988 at the Scottish Rite Memorial Center in San Diego, California.
In the name of the light of God that never fails, O thou living Word, descend into our hearts. Thy living flame does ignite in us the divine spark and a cosmos all inside. Thy living flame does ignite the New Age of Aquarius.
O God, unite us, as we seek to embody thy Law and thy truth. Holy Spirit, enlighten us. Realign us with our innermost being and mission on planet earth.
O Seven Archangels who come forth to initiate our seven chakras, hear our call in this hour. Come, Archangel Michael, Jophiel, Chamuel, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Zadkiel. In the name of the Divine Mother, Mary, we summon you to this city. Let tiers of angels form rings of light for the rescue of all who are thy beloved.
Let this city now receive the divine light of purging, of quickening, of transmutation of planetary karma. O angels of the violet flame of Aquarius, we summon you, and by the cosmic cross of white fire we stand, O God, and still stand thy vessels on earth waiting thy call.
In the name I AM THAT I AM, Amen.
Good evening, everyone. [“Good evening”]
I am so very happy to be here in San Diego with you, very happy to be in this place and very much in the joy of our sharing together the new vibration of Aquarius.
You have heard me call in this moment to the Seven Archangels who are your very personal and dearest friends, our teachers. I would like you to invoke them in the true science of the call that we have given to us in this New Age as we take the Mantra booklet and turn to page 12, “To the Seven Archangels.” We’ll remain standing and give this call to them [laughter] as we ask them to come and place their presence around us.
This is a call and an invocation that you make by the divine spark within you. It’s actually a very sacred ritual. Since God has appointed his emissaries and angels to serve his sons and daughters on earth he has told them that the call compels the answer, that therefore, when his children call they must come.
So this is not even a question or a question of belief; it’s a question of the science that the angels appear instantaneously when we invoke them. Please enjoy their vibration now. [song 282 (Mantra booklet #46):]
Michael, Michael, Michael
Prince of the archangels
From the grateful hearts of all
Do songs of praise arise.
For thy heavenly presence
All on earth adore thee
God from the Sun
In all the name implies.
Michael, Michael, Michael
May the guardian angels
From thy heavenly legions
Stand forth to set all free.
Purify, illumine
Manifest the glory
Of light’s perfection
That each one may be.
Jophiel and Chamuel
Gabriel and Raphael
Uriel and Zadkiel
And mighty hosts of light.
Cherubim and seraphim
From the realms of glory
Rend now the veil
That dims our human sight.
Blessed seven archangels
For illumination
We invoke thy presence
In hymns of praise to thee.
Keep us consecrated
To God’s plan fulfilling
In purity
Thy ministers to be.
Thank you, won’t you be seated. We take now number 43 on this same page 12. And this is a call that summons the Archangel Michael, who is the angel of protection and liberation and the angel who comes to announce the star of your destiny, your divine plan and mission in this life.
Whether it is meditation or yoga or prayer or supplication, whatever is the form of your religious path, whether it is from the age of Pisces, the age of Aries or the age of Aquarius, it is Archangel Michael who seals and protects the light that you invoke and the soul that desires to commune with Higher Consciousness. And so, before beginning that going within we call to Archangel Michael. We visualize him and we accept him before us, behind, to the right, to the left, above, below, wherever we go. This is a powerful mantra. It’s a mantra of the New Age and of the ancient days of Lemuria and Atlantis.
Let us begin our evening, then, by sending our love to him and calling him. Number 43. [decree 6.05 (Mantra booklet #43):]
Lord Michael before, Lord Michael behind,
Lord Michael to the right, Lord Michael to the left,
Lord Michael above, Lord Michael below,
Lord Michael, Lord Michael wherever I go!
I AM his Love protecting here!
I AM his Love protecting here!
I AM his Love protecting here! (given 3x)
Archangel Michael is one of your best friends, and I am very happy to reacquaint you with him if you have forgotten that wonderful fact about your relationship to the heavenly hosts.
When we enter the New Age we are entering a new vibration. A New Age raises us to a Higher Consciousness because ages are dispensations of light from the Great Central Sun. Ages reveal to us a new perception of ourselves against the backdrop of a new revelation about God. And the God that is revealed to us in Aquarius is the God of freedom. The God who is revealed to us is that flaming presence of the Holy Spirit, that God t, that is revealed to us is the inner flame within.
So I would like to talk to you about this New Age and about ages in general.
The term New Age is related to a phenomenon in astrology and astronomy that is known as the “precession of the equinoxes,” the “precession of the equinoxes”‑-the backward rotation of the Earth on the polar axis whereby the point of the equinox passes through the twelve signs of the zodiac in a period of 28,500 years. That means in one sign it takes about 2,150 years for us to pass through.
Ages are really not new. There was a New Age 2,000 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. It was the Age of Aries. And under that sign of Aries, which is actually the sign of the sun itself, a great revelation of God was given to us. Then came the Age of Pisces and the great revelation through the incarnation of God, Jesus Christ.
Today again a new revelation, a new vibration. We are at the end of Pisces and the beginning of Aquarius. They overlap. So the signs of our time is that we are experiencing the last days of Pisces, the end times of Pisces, and at the very same time the new vibration of opportunity of Aquarius.
So herein lies our perception of both our karma and what is coming in the future as opportunity. What we need to realize is that the age of Aquarius under the sign of Aquarius is the sign of a great freedom, the flame of freedom. And there is one who embodies that flame of freedom and that awareness of God as freedom, and his name is Saint Germain.
The beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain is the second friend that is a very dear heart, dear to your ou, dear to your own. Saint Germain has walked the earth in many lifetimes and we know him through those embodiments. We have known him, all of us have known him at least in one of those lifetimes.
Every lifetime he has lived he has been putting on and internalizing the light of freedom‑-freedom in science, in alchemy, in prophecy, freedom in government. His final incarnation was that of Francis Bacon, the greatest mind the West ever produced. Not too many people know this and some who have heard it don’t accept it but he was the true author of the Shakespearean plays. He was a great scientific mind and he envisioned a Great Instauration for the renewal in the New World. He envisioned the coming of this New Age and America as the land of the New Age who would pioneer it.
But that isn’t where he started with America. Saint Germain was already calling our souls to that New Age when he was embodied as Christopher Columbus. He came on a spiritual quest. He was looking to discover the Promised Land where it had been said that the lost tribes would gather again, they would reincarnate here, and when they gathered they would raise up an ensign to all the people of the world. An ensign is a sign.
What is the contribution, then, that we the people of this nation gathered from all of the nations of the earth are intended to give back to those nations of our he, heritage? It is the sign of a spiritual freedom and out of a spiritual freedom knowledge in the experiment of government.
The Ascended Master Saint Germain was there in Independence Hall when the Declaration of Independence was signed. The story goes that there was a hesitation and a delay, that he suddenly appeared in the room and gave an impassioned speech which has been preserved. And the final words of that speech were, “Sign that document!”
And the independence that he saw in that signing was the independence from tyranny and dictatorship of all outer forces outside of our soul’s union within with the divine spark and the inner presence, to be a free people not subject to the tyranny of Church or State. He inspired our Constitution, our flag and anointed our first president, initiating him as he knelt before his augner, inauguration.
Saint Germain is the living spirit of freedom in our nation. When we say we love America and we love the way it feels here and there’s no place on earth like America, especially when we’ve traveled everywhere else as I have, it’s the spirit of his flame, because Saint Germain as an Ascended Master determined to sponsor our nation and in sponsoring our nation he sponsored every single one of us to take embodiment here.
He lived as Saint Joseph, the husband of Mary, father of Jesus; as the prophet Samuel in the Old Testament. He’s that most beloved and curious figure Merlin who appears in the story of the court of Arthur and of Camelot, which archaeology and literary research has established was a very real place.
Merlin, then, the ever-present Merlin who wrote down his prophecies that were well read in the early centuries and then banned by the Church, returns once again to call souls who were embodied with him in a golden age that took place on the Sahara Desert, where that Sahara Desert now is, in a very fertile valley, fifty thousand years ago.
He has said that many Americans were there and the recollection of him as that emperor, that priest-king, that philosopher, that one who set the example for self-government by the inner light within, that remembrance has brought us together in the age that belongs to Saint Germain. That is his flame that he has sparked.
In this tremendous moment as we stand on the threshold of that age we also ee that there is prophesied war, rumors of war, problems in the economy, plague, mass starvation. We see manipulations of the ecology, the ecosystem. We see so many burdens, burdens that are either too hard to bear or impossible to bear because nobody has the key to their solution.
This evening, I am going to present to you a spiritual teaching that is basic to your self-knowledge, that has come out of the ages of Aries and Pisces and Aquarius. And this teaching regarding yourself is a universal teaching, a universal religion, if you will. It extracts the heart of truth, the penetrating mysticism that was discovered by all of the great revolutionaries of East and West.
The restoration of our divine inheritance, the legacy of these ages, is what today restores us to that inner divinity and empowers us and enables us once again to walk neath our God and to contribute to the mainstream of everyday life the light, in fact a mighty River of Life, as it becomes the moving together of the rivulets of consciousness of all of us.
Today, then, we stand on a threshold of immense opportunity. We live in a period of unique astrological configurations that portend tremendous events, astrological configurations that were there when Jesus Christ was born, when great innovations were made, and at the same time the most difficult soul testing and initiation. And that is because the whole world, with those of us who first sensed the light, has to be stepped up into the new wavelength of this divine revelation.
So, I would like to begin at the beginning and tell you about the three levels of your inner divinity that we see on this Chart. I would like to tell you that the freedom that we embody is the very means whereby there can be a golden age of Aquarius.
I am hoping that there will be seats for those of you who are standing. Can you tell me if that’s happening?
Student: We’re working on getting more chairs [inaudible] slow.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet: I am very sorry that it’s slow in getting chairs. If you can’t see the slides from there you’re also welcome to move to where you can see them. And I don’t mind if you are sitting right in front here. Anybody wants to sit on the floor in front is most welcome to.
I submit to you this evening that the dispensations of light and of God’s attempt to restore to us the inner light in the past 4,000 years have been misconstrued or denied by orthodox religion East and West. And I submit to you, then, by the heart and sponsorship of Saint Germain, of Jesus Christ and all the Ascended Masters and Archangels that God himself is determined in this hour to return to each and every one of us the full empowerment of our divine reality. And if we take that and understand its science and run with it, we will see how immediately we can change the course not only of our lives but of our entire planet.
So I must begin at the beginning, and the beginning is the upper figure in this Chart. This Chart of the three bodies of man also represents the revelations of God in these three ages we’re speaking of. It’s very interesting that these three bodies of incarnation are actually taught in Buddhism as well.
We look at the upper figure in the Chart and it represents that pulsating divine reality of absolute perfection, the Divine Monad that is called the I AM Presence, the Father figure, the Lawgiver.
The revelation of one God as opposed to many gods came through Ikhnaton the pharaoh of Egypt, thirty-three centuries ago. He brought to us an awareness of God as the sun, Aton. He drew the rays coming from the sun ending in hands, signifying that there is one God but many manifestations in form and that we are extensions of that One.
Moses identified the one God when he saw a bush that burned but was not consumed. And that is the beginning of the mystery of the divine fire that is burning in your breast in this very moment. It is the bush that burned but was not consumed and the reality is that we are that bush. We are that physical vessel. The vessel may be temporal and transient but there is a spiritual fire that burns in it that does not quench it, and that lives on after the bush has out, outlived its usefulness.
It was the angel of the Lord who spoke to Moses out of the burning bush and it was Archangel Michael. He came to announce to him his mission in that life, and his mission was to liberate the children of God out from under the tyranny of the Egyptian taskmasters. And so God tells him in the person of the Archangel, “Go into Egypt and set my people free. Go in and tell them that I will deliver them through you.”
Moses is mortified. He says, “They will never believe me. They will mock me. Who are you? Whom shall I say to them sent, that sent me unto them? What is thy name?”
Moses wants to know the name of God because he knows that it is the key to the identity of God and the key to his power. So God says to Moses, “I AM THAT I AM, tell them that I AM hath sent you unto them. This is my name for ever, and my memorial to all generations.”
Whether we realize it or not, this was the most exciting moment in the age of Aries, because in that moment God restored to us a lost divinity. That was the moment when once again we could call on the name of God as a state of being, the state of our own being.
And what is the meaning of I AM THAT I AM? It means “I am here below that which I AM above, I am in manifestation the living God Flame as I am that I AM Presence above.” Hermes Trismegistus and the early Christian Gnostics knew this eternal truth.
What was revealed to Moses is, one, this is God’s name forever that he has given to each and every one of us. The sacred name of God is an empowerment. And secondly, it is a memorial. God gave us the image of himself, the divine image, so that we would have a, the memory of his presence as we journeyed through these dense spheres of illusions on our mission to reunite with our twin flame, to fulfill our mission together, balance karma and transcend the lower octaves returning to higher spheres and golden ages we once knew.
God saw us in the plight of having forgotten where we came from, who we were, how we began in the beginning, so he sent us a memory of himself, a memorial. He sent to each one of us his I AM Presence, his being and consciousness.
Surrounding that I AM Presence are seven concentric spheres of light, and those are the colors of the rainbow in pastel. And those spheres of light denote seven planes of heaven, seven planes of God’s consciousness. And if you look at the cover of the Mantra booklet in your hand you will see seven chakras, spiritual centers on the body, and those spiritual centers correspond to the those seven rings of light. That’s very important to understand.
We’ll take a look at the chakra man right now in the violet flame. The fact of the matter is that you have here below seven spiritual centers; you have in your being seven ways to experience God every moment of every day. Those spiritual centers are in the counterpart body to the physical, which is called the etheric body or the etheric sheath, and they distribute the light of your I AM Presence through the nerve centers and through the central nervous system into the glandular systems, ultimately into the organs and into the bloodstream.
So those seven chakras tell us that there are seven wavelengths or vibrations that we can experience. These are so important and so profound that each one of those new ages, each one of those 2,000-year periods is an opportunity to develop and master just one of those planes of heaven in one of these chakras here below.
Now, going back to the Chart of your Divine Self, what we see in this revelation is the one God is revealed. Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD. Yet, this Infinite One multiplied one times one times one, over and over again, always remains one. And that is the mystery of God’s incarnation, the mystery of his Word, and it is an application of the Law of the One. And the Law of the One we’ll be talking about again and again this evening because it applies to many facets of our path in the New Age.
What this means is exactly what Jesus said to Mary Magdalene when he rose from that tomb. He said, “Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to your God and my God, to your Father and my Father.”
What the revelation to Moses gave us is our self-awareness in an individualized presence of God that has always been with us, that is above us as our pulsating divine reality. That I AM Presence above you now extends to your heart a crystal cord noted by Ecclesiastes as the silver cord. You can see it on the Chart as it descends from the heart of that Father person to the lower figure in the Chart, and that lower figure represents yourself.
Over that crystal cord is flowing perpetually throughout your physical life on earth the energy of God that is like the River of Life. It is a crystal-clear stream coming in through the top of the head, igniting the divine spark in your heart and feeding that inner light and that inner flame.
This means that you have a tie just like an umbilical cord to the heart of your I AM Presence who may be at this very moment sixteen feet above you as that same pulsing reality. Each and every one of us in this room has that divine higher being.
The name in Hebrew is YOD HE VAU HE. Somehow it got interpreted that this name wasn’t God’s name forever and to all generations, but it was reserved only for the priests. The people should not be given the name, they should not be allowed to recite the name because it is too holy. It is too holy to recite. So throughout the Old Testament the only time we read that name is in the moment it was revealed to Moses. Ever thereafter, you see written the word LORD, L with O R D capitalized.
So, we’ve lost the message that God is affirming his being through us every hour and every moment. And when we take the word I AM and affirm it, whatever we follow that word with becomes a reality in our world. If we make positive statements, “I AM the full perfection of my health now made manifest,” it is our I AM Presence that fulfills that in us. But if we say, “I am poor and sick and tired” the light that is crystal clear flowing through us will also obey that command.
So when we say, “I AM,” we are dealing with the ultimate power of God. And when we know it and apply it each time we use it in a prayer or a mantra, we are increasing the light here below, as Above. The light is descending in those seven chakras and we are being filled with the light that is our own native reality and Real Self.
Now, let’s take an affirmation of that I AM Presence in this very Mantra booklet. On page 6 you see number 24.
It is called “I AM Light,” but you see the “I AM” is all caps because those capital letters signify that you know that’s the name of God. So when you say “I AM Light” you are saying “God is in me, God is where I AM and that God is light! here in my physical atoms, cells, chakras, organs, mind and consciousness. The All-power of God is where I AM.”
The reason this becomes the reality now is you are exercising the chakra at the throat which you see on the cover of this booklet as the blue power center. Now, there are a lot of books around that color the chakras all different colors, but these are the colors of your chakras in the purified state of your Higher Self. And the power center is the center of speech. And by the power of the spoken Word God gave to us what he did not give to any of the species‑-the power to create. And so being co-creators with God, because we are his issue and we are his sons, when we speak and when we affirm it aloud then that power of the very sound itself coalesces the creation in our worlds.
I’d like us to try this decree, number 24, together. Think of it, all together, all of us invoking the same light at the same time with the multiplication factor of our own heart flame. Together. [decree 7.10A (Mantra booklet #24):]
I AM Light, glowing Light,
Radiating Light, intensified Light.
God consumes my darkness,
Transmuting it into Light.
This day I AM a focus of the Central Sun.
Flowing through me is a crystal river,
A living fountain of Light
That can never be qualified
By human thought and feeling.
I AM an outpost of the Divine.
Such darkness as has used me is swallowed up
By the mighty river of Light which I AM.
I AM, I AM, I AM Light;
I live, I live, I live in Light.
I AM Light’s fullest dimension;
I AM Light’s purest intention.
I AM Light, Light, Light
Flooding the world everywhere I move,
Blessing, strengthening, and conveying
The purpose of the kingdom of heaven.
Try the next page, number 26. Here are the I AM affirmations of Jesus the Christ that he gave to the inner circle of disciples. Remember he gave parables to the multitudes but inner teachings to the initiates who were with him. So, he taught the mystery of the divine incarnation, the mystery of each one’s divinity, and these are those affirmations. Let’s give them together. [decree 60.01 (Mantra booklet #26):]
I AM the Open Door which no man can shut
I AM the Light which lighteth every man
that cometh into the world
I AM the Way
I AM the Truth
I AM the Life
I AM the Resurrection
I AM the Ascension in the Light
I AM the fulfillment of all my needs and requirements
of the hour
I AM abundant Supply poured out upon all Life
I AM perfect Sight and Hearing
I AM the manifest Perfection of being
I AM the illimitable Light of God
made manifest everywhere
I AM the Light of the Holy of Holies
I AM a son of God
I AM the Light in the holy mountain of God
Very powerful isn’t it? One more and then I’ll give you the next level of this teaching. Page 5, number 19. This one is written by Saint Germain, “I AM the Light of the Heart.” This is the amplification of the divine spark within you, which I’ll put on the screen right now.
Your divine spark, as the early Christians were taught by Jesus, as the disciples were taught, is the seed of divinity and contains in it the very nature of God. This threefold flame is your divine spark, it exists in you right now in a place that is called the secret chamber of the heart. It is one-sixteenth of an inch in height. And as you begin to adore God through that flame and invoke the light, that flame increases. It can grow and become a quarter of an inch.
Do you know what would happen to you if your threefold flame doubled in size? The increase of Christ consciousness would be tremendous. You would have twice the power, the intelligence, the divine awareness, the embodiment of the mind of God. It is by this spark of divinity that you have all that you have now and it’s a lot.
The blue flame is the power of the I AM Presence of the Father. It is the Law, it is the strength and it is the will of God. It is the inner blueprint of our inner pattern. The yellow flame is the sign of wisdom, of the Son, the Universal Christ, understanding, intelligence, the intelling mind of God that enables us to think, to cogitate, to remember and to create. The third is the flame of divine love, of compassion and comfort and great intensity of the Holy Spirit.
So, this is a divine spark that embodies the Trinity of God. Isn’t that exciting that that potential of God is in our hearts? And when in balance that flame represents our Christhood. In fact, it’s called the Holy Christ Flame.
Now, we are going to affirm that flame as the light of the heart in this decree number 19 on page 5. Together. [decree 0.07A (Mantra booklet #19):]
I AM the Light of the Heart
Shining in the darkness of being
And changing all into the golden treasury
Of the Mind of Christ.
I AM projecting my Love
Out into the world
To erase all errors
And to break down all barriers.
I AM the power of infinite Love,
Amplifying itself
Until it is victorious,
World without end!
Let’s take it two more times.
*[Decree 0.07A (Mantra booklet #19), “I AM the Light of the Heart,” given 2x, led by Messenger.]
Let us now return to the image of the Chart and take up the middle figure in the Chart, which is the sign of Pisces and the sign of the teachings of Jesus Christ which today are truly lost teachings because they are not being disseminated through the avenues of the churches of the West. I think that’s probably why I am here and why you are here. There is no room in the churches for me to give this message and so I have found room in the Masonic Temple.
Saint Germain is responsible for having founded the Masons long ago. Usually I am welcomed in the hotels of the nation and I am glad that there is room in the inn for all of us to gather to give birth not only to the Universal Christ but this universal age of Aquarius.
I have felt called to bring those true teachings of Jesus to the world since a very small child. My first recollection of a past life took place when I was four, playing in the sand in my sandbox that my father had made for me in a little play yard all fenced in with white picket fence, and all of a sudden I was transported and I was playing in the sand on the banks of the Nile River. I was a child of the same age and I was doing the exact same thing, I was playing with the sand and the river was going by. I knew it was the Nile, and I don’t know how I knew it.
But after being there for some minutes I was taken by what an extraordinary event was happening to me and somewhat frightened. So I ran to find my mother and I said, “Mother, this is what’s happened to me. What is it?”
And she said, “You have remembered a past life.”
Now, that was an amazing thing for a mother to do, not to deny that memory and snuff it out. But my mother had grown up in Switzerland during the First World War. Soldiers were quartered in the homes, and the soldier that stayed in their house had the book of The Secret Doctrine of Theosophy. Quite an amazing event for a small town in Switzerland.
And so my mother would sneak in and read that book. And she decided that the teaching on reincarnation was the most logical conclusion to the injustices and inequities of life, that there was no other explanation to children born limited or maimed or harmed and others born into wealth and genius or to the other unequalities that we all experience in life.
By that experience, then, to me having lived before was a fact of life and I didn’t need to think of it again. I wasn’t preoccupied with it, it was simply a given. I always had a sense that th, the “I” that was thinking inside of me was a continuity of being, it had nothing to do with starting when this body began and it wouldn’t end when this body ended.
Well, you know, Jesus taught reincarnation. I was saying this to someone a few days ago who is a devout student of the Bible. But this isn’t brought out from the pulpits either.
It’s a very a special moment when this, the disciples have been on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus. They see him transfigured. His garment is glistering white and they observe him. He is talking to two Ascended Masters‑-Moses and Elijah. He is speaking with them as naturally as we are speaking together, in that exalted state.
So when this experience is over and Jesus is infused with that light (the transfiguration is en, an initiation that you are called also to experience on the path of individual discipleship unto the realization of that Higher Consciousness or Higher Self who is Christ), they’re walking down the mountain and the disciples curiously ask Jesus, “Well, what about the Old Testament prophecy which says before the coming of the Messiah, of the Son of God, before your coming, Lord, Elijah must first come? Where is Elijah?”
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