Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


Elohim Astrea – Lecture Excerpt from L.A. Service


February 18, 1991 at L.A. Hilton & Towers, Los Angeles, California

Elohim are the full manifestation of God.  Elohim is the Hebrew plural noun for God.  It means Father-Mother God.  And so Purity and Astrea represent God on the Fourth Ray.

Elohim are vast beings of Light.  They can ensoul and encompass, a cosmos.  It is Elohim who created in the beginning.  It is the Hebrew noun Elohim that is used in Genesis and 2500 other times in the Old Testament.  And it simply says, “God,” so you don’t know that that is the word being used.  So here is a plurality in unity and we go back to the Father-Mother God.

Astrea is famous for her circle and sword of blue flame.  We visualize that circle around us, the sword parallel with the spine.  She comes to us to demagnetize us of all things of this world that are less than our individual Christhood.  When you live in a city that is burdened with records, discarnates, momentums of darkness and you give your calls to Astrea, you can daily be cut free and really feel how your forcefield, your consciousness is your own.  And you will find your home cleared out of all that is astral.  And in its place you will find angels of Light occupying wherever you are, accompanying you wherever you go.

Elohim of the Fourth Ray – Purity and Astrea

Circle and Sword of Astrea

Purity and Astrea are the Elohim of the fourth ray (the white ray) of purity, perfection, hope and wholeness. It is the flame of the Mother and the flame of the ascension—the desire to know and be God through purity of body, mind and soul through the consciousness of the Divine Mother, which embraces the natural laws governing all manifestation in the earth plane.

Purity holds the divine pattern of the perfection of the Christ for all that is in manifest form, focusing the white fire that is in the heart of every sun and atom—the pure white light out of which emanate the seven “rays,” or aspects, of the Christ consciousness. Blue is considered the feminine aspect of white because the white fire of Purity coalesces as blue in the Matter plane.

Thus Astrea, the feminine complement of Purity, works twenty-four hours a day wielding the cosmic circle and sword of blue flame to free the children of the Mother from all that opposes the fulfillment of the divine plan held in the heart of Purity. Astrea personifies the Hindu concept of Kali, “the demon-slayer.”

The circle and sword of Astrea

You can make the circle and sword of blue flame practical in your life as Jesus Christ did to exorcise the boy possessed of a demon—the one who lay on the ground frothing at the mouth, whom the disciples could not heal. As Astrea has explained:

The disciples had attempted, again and again, to cast out the demon from that boy, and I tell you they exerted themselves to the fullest. But they lacked the faith and they lacked the knowledge of our octave of light. If my cosmic circle and sword of blue flame had been invoked around that boy by any one of those disciples, they would have found that that demon would have left on the instant and would not have remained for a second. This was the power of light that Jesus himself invoked. He invoked that energy of the blue flame, and it immediately fulfilled the destiny that God intended it to do.

The circle of blue fire invoked from the heart of Astrea is a dazzling blue-white fire that oscillates as two concentric rings of fire—the blue of Astrea, the white of Purity—interchanging frequencies at such a rapid rate so as to appear as the action of blue-white lightning flashing around souls, planets, solar systems, galaxies—wherever there is a need for the reinforcement of the will of God in the divine blueprint held in the white-fire core of being.

Whenever and wherever there is discord in any form, in any of its aspects, you should call in the name of the Christ to the Elohim Astrea: “Lock your cosmic circle and sword of blue flame around the cause and core of that condition.” Then see this circle of the sacred fire lock around the individual at the waist, around entire groups of individuals, around buildings, around entire cities, states, nations and even around the earth at the equator. See this in your mind’s eye as a ring of brilliant sapphire and diamond-flashing fire—its regular, almost geometric flames cutting away, like a buzz saw, layers and layers of discord and density. Then visualize the sword of blue flame as a pillar of blue fire perpendicular to the circle of blue flame, breaking the matrices of darkness, shattering forcefields of disease, decay and death. And above all, see the Elohim standing over each individual for whom you are praying, holding the sword of blue flame two inches from the spine and parallel to it.

Etheric Retreat of Astrea & Purity

Etheric Retreat of Astrea and Purity

► Main article: Purity and Astrea’s retreat

The retreat of Purity and Astrea is in the etheric realm over the Gulf of Archangel, the southeast arm of the White Sea, Russia. The retreat focuses the energies of the base-of-the-spine chakra of the planet. The etheric focus interpenetrates the physical plane in the nearby plains. Legions of white fire and blue lightning serve with Purity and Astrea and will assemble at any given point on the globe in answer to a call for help made in the name of your mighty I AM Presence.



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