Ascended Master Teachings

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Liberty Tree – Song 726

Liberty Tree – Song 726

Plant the seed in our homeland, boys
Let it grow where all can see
Feed it with our devotion, boys
Call it the Liberty tree.


It’s a tall old tree
And a strong old tree
And we are the sons
Yes, we are the sons
The sons of Liberty.

Save it from the storm, boys
Water down its roots with tea
And the sun will always shine
On the old Liberty tree.

March along with the fifer, boys
Always pay the tyrant’s fee
Never give up the struggle, boys
Fight for the Liberty tree.

(Sing one step higher)
Stand for the rights of man, boys
Stand against all tyranny
Hang the lamps of freedom, boys
High on the Liberty tree.

Work together forever, boys
Don’t forget the enemy
Loyally watch forever, boys
Over the Liberty tree.

It will grow as we grow, boys
Don’t forget the enemy
We must cling to our faith, boys
Faith in the Liberty tree.

(Sing one step higher)
We have won us a battle, boys
We have won a victory
We have stood as one, boys
For the old Liberty tree.

Plant the seed in our homeland, boys
Let it grow where all can see
Feed it with our devotion, boys
Call it the Liberty tree.

What is the Liberty Tree?

Liberty Tree

The Liberty Tree (1646–1775) was a famous elm tree that stood in Boston, Massachusetts near Boston Common in the years before the American Revolution. In 1765, Patriots in Boston staged the first act of defiance against the British government at the tree. The tree became a rallying point for the growing resistance to the rule of Britain over the American colonies, and the ground surrounding it became known as Liberty Hall. The Liberty Tree was felled in August 1775 by Loyalists led by Nathaniel Coffin Jr. or by Job Williams.

Stamp Act protests

In 1765, the British Parliament introduced the Stamp Act, which was directed at Britain’s American colonies. It required all legal documents, permits, commercial contracts, newspapers, pamphlets, and playing cards in the American colonies to carry a tax stamp. The act was met with widespread anger in the colonies, and in Boston a group of businessmen calling themselves the Loyal Nine began meeting in secret to plan a series of protests against it.

On August 14, 1765, a crowd gathered in Boston under a large elm tree at the corner of Essex Street and Orange Street to protest the Stamp Act. Hanging from the tree was a straw-stuffed effigy labeled “A. O.” for Andrew Oliver, the lieutenant-governor of Massachusetts. Beside it hung a boot with its sole painted green. This second effigy represented two members of the Grenville ministry who were considered responsible for the Stamp Act: the Earl of Bute (the boot being a pun on “Bute”) and George Grenville (the green being a pun on “Grenville”). Peering up from inside the boot was a small devil figure holding a copy of the Stamp Act and bearing a sign that read: “What Greater Joy did ever New England see / Than a Stampman hanging on a Tree!”[5] This was the first public show of defiance against the Crown and spawned the resistance that led to the American Revolutionary War 10 years later.

The tree became a central gathering place for protesters, and the ground surrounding it became popularly known as Liberty Hall. A liberty pole was installed nearby with a flag that could be raised above the tree to summon the townspeople to a meeting. Ebenezer Mackintosh was a shoemaker who handled much of the hands-on work of hanging effigies and leading angry mobs, and he became known as “Captain General of the Liberty Tree.” Paul Revere included the Liberty Tree in an engraving, “A View of the Year 1765”.

When the Stamp Act was repealed in 1766, townspeople gathered at the Liberty Tree to celebrate. They decorated the tree with flags and streamers and hung dozens of lanterns from its branches when darkness fell.[5] A copper sign was fastened to the trunk which read, “This tree was planted in the year 1646, and pruned by order of the Sons of Liberty, Feb. 14th, 1766.” Soon colonists in other towns began naming their own liberty trees, from Newport, Rhode Island to Charleston, South Carolina, and the Tree of Liberty became a familiar symbol of the American Revolution.


Liberty Tree at the Magic Kingdom

When walking through the Magic Kingdom’s Liberty Square it is hard not to notice the Liberty Tree.  It is a massive Live Oak that has been a Magic Kingdom landmark since the park opened in 1971, but how many of you know its story?


I Believe in the United States of America – DVD

I AM America - The United States of AmericaWhats Next for America? Disintegration…or Moral Renaissance? A timely and penetrating look at America’s spiritual roots, its heritage and its future. A dynamic examination of the opposing forces that have created our current crossroads – a must for all who love America and Freedom.

You’ll see as never before the sharp contrast between the destructive policies of the power elite and the mystical vision of America that was shared by the Hebrew prophets, the Founding Fathers, and generations of spiritual revolutionaries up to the modern era.

What is the United States of America? How can we believe in it if we do not know what it is? It is my opinion that most people in this country no longer know what the United States is and, therefore, they no longer believe in it. – Elizabeth Clare Prophet

America is worth saving…her spiritual destiny is why! This album contains keys for a new generation of pioneers to discover the inner lodestone of your land and my land, and to experience anew the true spirit and vision of America.



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