Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


Mighty Cosmos Secret Rays – Decree 0.03


Mighty Cosmos’ Secret Rays – Decree 0.03 (144x)


Saint Germain, Portia, Guru Ma, Lanello
Padma Sambhava, Kuan Yin and the Five Dhyani Buddhas
Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Jesus Christ

In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God,
I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, Holy Christ
Selves of all mankind, beloved Helios and Vesta and the Great Central
Sun Magnet, beloved God Harmony, beloved Mighty Cosmos,
beloved Guru Ma and Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White
Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water,
and earth! I decree:

Mighty Cosmos’ Secret Rays, (3x)
Expand thy Light through me always! (3x)
Mighty Cosmos’ Secret Rays, (3x)
Bless and heal, illumine and raise! (3x)
Mighty Cosmos’ Secret Rays, (3x)
Transmute, consume, release and blaze! (3x)
Mighty Cosmos’ Secret Rays, (3x)
For thy Love, O God, we praise! (3x)
Mighty Cosmos’ Secret Rays, (3x)
Raise the earth, thy flame expand! (3x)
Mighty Cosmos’ Secret Rays, (3x)
Thy balancing power I now command! (3x)

Take dominion now,
To thy Light I bow;
I AM thy radiant Light,
Secret rays so bright.
Grateful for thy rays
Sent to me today,
Fill me through and through
Until there’s only you!

I live, move and have my being within a glorious, victorious
focus of Mighty Cosmos’ Secret Rays from the heart of God in the
Great Central Sun focused through the Five Dhyani Buddhas and
Vajrasattva, my very own beloved individualized I AM Presence,
beloved Helios and Vesta and beloved Mighty Cosmos, which
blesses and heals, illumines and seals me and all mankind in the
Victory of the ascension in the Light.
Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!

Mighty Cosmos

Who is Mighty Cosmos?

Mighty Cosmos is a being whose self-awareness in God includes the all of cosmos—hence his name. He is commissioned by the Logos to ensoul the secret rays—energies of the fiery core of being, energies for initiation in the mysteries of the Christos.

The release of the secret rays to the earth

Embracing the cosmo-conception, the consciousness of the universe itself, Mighty Cosmos was commissioned by Alpha and Omega to come to the earth in 1939 with two of the five secret rays, which he anchored in a cosmic action and release of light in the North and South Poles.

Being aware of the cosmos, he is keenly attuned to the vibrational patterns of the evolutions of the earth to their original pitch, attuning them with the hum of creation. Holding the cosmo-conception of the light pattern and frequency of every lifestream, he enfolds the crystal cord of each one with the action of his own heart flame. As the light from the Presence descends into the individual forcefield of the evolving monad, Cosmos charges it with the divine pattern of the perfection of that lifestream. Thus, even before it enters the consciousness of man and before it can be misqualified, that energy is superimposed with the memory of the divine plan.

Mighty Cosmos has volunteered this service unto mankind in order that with each pulse beat, the individual may feel the pattern of his Electronic Presence and so desire to become that perfection. Mighty Cosmos is the scientist of all scientists, and he should be revered as the great mentor of our liberation through the knowledge of Universal Law in operation. In the field of science, he is unexcelled.

The action of the secret rays anchored by Mighty Cosmos at the Poles comes forth from two of the five bands in the center of the causal body where their colors and identity patterns remain unrevealed. The appearance of the two secret rays is a crystal-blue radiance, but this is only the reflection of the sheath in which these rays are sealed so that no destructive eye might probe their identity or action. These two rays, together with the seven represented to the earth by the chohans, the Elohim and the archangels, invoke the power of the three-times-three, or the magical number nine.

The secret ray anchored in the North Pole radiates beyond the equator along the longitudinal lines to the Tropic of Capricorn, focusing the masculine ray of the Godhead. The secret ray anchored in the South Pole radiates along the longitudinal lines past the equator to the Tropic of Cancer, focusing the feminine ray of the Godhead. Thus, there is an intense activity of the secret rays focusing the balanced action of Alpha and Omega in the tropical regions between the Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer.

A focus of the secret rays is maintained in the Temple of Peace over the Hawaiian Islands, balancing the masculine activity in the Northern Hemisphere and the feminine activity in the Southern Hemisphere. The attack on Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941) was an attempt by the dark forces to disrupt the action of the secret rays that are holding the balance as the earth enters the golden age.

The action of the secret rays

All five secret rays were released to the earth by Mighty Cosmos on April 8, 1973. This release marked the beginning of the initiation of the crucifixion for the earth and was the beginning of the great spiral of the transition from Pisces to Aquarius and the bringing in of the golden age. With that release, Cosmos explained the action of these secret rays:

Have you thought about the fact that there is a consciousness and awareness of God within the core of being that is the threefold flame and within the white fire that is the heart of every atom of man’s being? So then, I AM that consciousness; and you are that consciousness if you choose to ensoul the white fire.

I caution you not to leap into the flame without the realization that all that is human, all that is less than divine within you, must be consumed when you make that leap. I think of how mankind gingerly approach the waters of the sea, and they put in one toe and quickly withdraw it because it is too cold. Well, you might do the same because it is too hot. But the heat is only generated by the friction of your own consciousness in the flame.


Dictations by Mighty Cosmos

June 3, 1973 | November 18, 1973 Part 1 | November 18, 1973 Part 2
July 2, 1988 | July 1, 1995 | July 7, 1996 | October 14, 1996


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