My Country Tis Of Thee – Song 684
Song 684 – My Country, ’Tis Of Thee (3x)
From the Harvest Class with Sanat Kumara on October 11, 1992.
My country, ’tis of thee
Sweet land of liberty
Of thee I sing.
Land where my fathers died
Land of the pilgrims’ pride
From ev’ry mountainside
Let freedom ring!
My native country, thee
Land of the noble free
Thy name I love.
I love thy rocks and rills
Thy woods and templed hills
My heart with rapture thrills
Like that above.
Let music swell the breeze
And ring from all the trees
Sweet freedom’s song.
Let mortal tongues awake
Let all that breathe partake
Let rocks their silence break
The sound prolong.
Our fathers’ God, to thee
Author of liberty
To thee we sing.
Long may our land be bright
With freedom’s holy light
Protect us by thy might
Great God, our King!
Words by Samuel F. Smith (hymn tune “America”)
Goddess of Liberty
The Goddess of Liberty is spokesman for the Karmic Board and representative of the second ray on that Board. She is the hierarch of the Temple of the Sun, her etheric retreat over the island of Manhattan, New York. She holds the God consciousness of liberty for the earth.
The Goddess of Liberty personally liberated millions of souls on a number of planets prior to her ascension.
She was also embodied as a member of the Amazonian Race, a people of great stature whose women ruled an ancient civilization where the Amazon Basin now is.
During her embodiment upon Atlantis, she erected the Temple of the Sun where Manhattan Island now is, patterning it after the Solar Temple in the Great Central Sun. The central altar was dedicated to the threefold flame of the liberty of the Christ, which proceeds from the white-fire core of Being focused by beloved Alpha and Omega. This shrine was surrounded by twelve lesser shrines attended by representatives of the solar hierarchies who, together with the Goddess of Liberty, invoked on behalf of the evolutions of the earth the spiritual radiation of the Sun behind the sun.
Just prior to the sinking of Atlantis, the Goddess of Liberty transported the liberty flame enshrined at the temple to a place of safety in another retreat of the Great White Brotherhood, the Château de Liberté in southern France. When Atlantis went down in cataclysm, the Temple of the Sun was withdrawn to the etheric octave. The activities of the Brotherhood of Liberty continue at the etheric plane where the physical temple once stood.
Her service following her ascension
So great was her momentum of dedication to the Spirit of Liberty embodied in the threefold flame of the heart, that after her ascension, this lady master was called upon to bear the title of Goddess of Liberty, denoting her office in hierarchy as the authority for the cosmic consciousness of liberty to the earth.
The Spirit of Liberty inspired the early American patriots to found a new nation “under God” and to frame a constitution based on the Brotherhood’s plan for the emerging Christ consciousness that would come to maturity on virgin soil under the direction of Saint Germain, the God of Freedom for the earth.
A considerable number of Americans at that time accepted the presence and divine intervention of heavenly intercessors as a natural part of life. The art and literature of the period frequently depicted angelic beings, gods and goddesses, and clouds of glory. The Goddess of Liberty, patroness of the “sacred cause” espoused by the patriots, was perhaps the most revered of all the heavenly hosts. In 1775, Thomas Paine honored her in a ballad called “Liberty Tree.”
The Goddess of Liberty appeared to General Washington during the winter of 1777 and revealed to him America’s destiny, giving him the strength and the courage to complete his own mission as the liberator of the thirteen original colonies. [See Washington’s vision.]
The Statue of Liberty
It is no wonder that the Statue of Liberty, a gift of the French people, was erected on Bedloe’s Isle. The flame of liberty drew the focus of the Statue of Liberty as an outer symbol of hope for liberation from all forms of tyranny to the “tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”
The Goddess of Liberty wears a crown of seven rays, focusing the power of the Elohim and their implementation of the seven rays in form, in Matter (Mater), the mother aspect of Divinity. Her crown is also a focus of the seven rays anchored in the forehead of every son and daughter of God. The Goddess of Liberty represents the “Lady with the lamp” whom Henry Wadsworth Longfellow prophesied would “stand in the great history of the land, a noble type of good, heroic womanhood.”
The Goddess of Liberty represents the archetypal pattern of the World Mother who carries the Book of Divine Law, the Book of Illumination containing the knowledge that will show mankind the way out of the night of human error. At the base of the Statue of Liberty are broken chains, symbolizing a being free from the bondage of human creation, stepping forth to enlighten the world. Her torch is the flame of cosmic illumination.
In July 1986, four days of festivities marked the hundredth anniversary of the dedication of the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor. Presiding at the relighting ceremony of the Statue on July 3rd, President Reagan proclaimed: “We are the Keepers of the Flame of Liberty. We hold it high tonight for the world to see.”
On July 4th, millions around the globe witnessed the largest fireworks extravaganza in U.S. history as America celebrated Lady Liberty’s presence in our land. As part of the celebration, Chief Justice Warren Burger administered the oath of citizenship to over 15,000 new citizens gathered at various sites across the nation.
I Believe in the United States of America – DVD
Whats Next for America? Disintegration…or Moral Renaissance? A timely and penetrating look at America’s spiritual roots, its heritage and its future. A dynamic examination of the opposing forces that have created our current crossroads – a must for all who love America and Freedom.
You’ll see as never before the sharp contrast between the destructive policies of the power elite and the mystical vision of America that was shared by the Hebrew prophets, the Founding Fathers, and generations of spiritual revolutionaries up to the modern era.
What is the United States of America? How can we believe in it if we do not know what it is? It is my opinion that most people in this country no longer know what the United States is and, therefore, they no longer believe in it. – Elizabeth Clare Prophet
America is worth saving…her spiritual destiny is why! This album contains keys for a new generation of pioneers to discover the inner lodestone of your land and my land, and to experience anew the true spirit and vision of America.
- I Believe in the United States of America – DVD
- Great White Brotherhood – Book – In the Culture, History and Religion of America by Elizabeth Clare Prophet
- The Greater Way of Freedom – Book – Ascended master dictations and the lecture, The Prophecy of the Soul of America, by Elizabeth Clare Prophet from the 1976 Freedom conference.
- Hail, Freedom Flame – CD – twenty classic freedom songs, compiled by the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet. 1 hour 18 minutes
- The Call of Helios (Freedom 2024) – 4 DVD’s & 2 MP3 Audio CDs
- The Flame of Freedom Speaks to a New Generation – DVDs/MP3s (Freedom 1984)
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