Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


O Mighty Threefold Flame of Life – Decree 0.06


O Mighty Threefold Flame of Life (9x)

Decree 0.06 by Zarathustra – December 12, 1965

It is not enough to leave mankind to bask (so to speak) in the flame of self-effort, but we must somehow manage to convey more of the fire of heaven through to the individual’s consciousness so that inspiration will come forth as a well within the fount of individual identity.  To that end we provide herewith a prayer, charged with our radiance, and for the purpose of accomplishment in God’s name:

O Mighty Threefold Flame of Life,
Thou gift of God so pure,
Take my thoughts and energy
And make them all secure.

Under bond of Brotherhood
And understanding fair,
Send thee forth unto my soul
The gift of holy prayer.

Communication’s strands of love,
How they woo by heaven’s law
A tender blessing for the good,
Releasing holy awe

That draws me near the throne of grace
To now behold thy sacred face
And without fear dispense aright
The passions of pure God-delight
Which set me free from all that’s been
The sinful nature of all men.

Christ, raise me to self-mastery,
The living passion of the free.
Determination, now arise
And lift me ever to the skies!

Enfolding life and being all
With the God-command
“Amen!” that shatters human pall.

The free—no bondage holds me back;
I AM the fullness of Love’s law
Supplying every lack,
And consecration in full measure
Is my will and God’s own pleasure.

Saint Germain and Jesus dear,
Hold my hand with Morya’s here
And let the love of Mary then
Be the wings to raise all men.

Until they all unite in Love
To serve that purpose from above
That comes to earth at any hour
Responding to the call of Power;
Send thy shining Wisdom then
That is God’s love
Expanded for all men.

I thank thee and I accept this done right now with full
power. I AM this done right now with full power. This is the
full manifestation of the Law of Love that raises me to my
eternal Victory, now and forever!

Precious ones, use this prayer three times each day without fail, if you will; for the hierarchy has determined to charge into it a great God-release of assistance to all who will so do with sincerity.

Lovingly I AM, in the service of the living Christ,

Zarathustra, December 12, 1965

What is the Threefold Flame?

The Threefold FlameThe flame of the Christ that is the spark of Life anchored in the secret chamber of the heart of the sons and daughters of God and the children of God. The sacred trinity of Power, Wisdom, and Love that is the manifestation of the sacred fire.

The “divine spark”; also called the Christ flame and the liberty flame. The threefold flame is literally a spark of sacred fire from God’s own heart. It is your soul’s point of contact with the Supreme Source of all life.

The three plumes

The threefold flame is anchored in the hidden, or secret, chamber of the heart (Sanskrit Ananda-Kanda “the root of joy”). It has three “plumes” that embody the three primary attributes of God and that correspond to the Trinity.

The blue plume (on your left) embodies God’s Power and corresponds to the Father. The yellow plume (in the center) embodies God’s Wisdom and corresponds to the Son. The pink plume (on your right) embodies God’s Love and corresponds to the Holy Spirit. By accessing the Power, Wisdom and Love of the Godhead anchored in your threefold flame, you can fulfill your reason for being.

Also corresponding with the trinity of body, mind, and soul, the threefold flame supplies man’s needs for power to run the body (the faith and goodwill of the divine intent); wisdom to nourish the mind (illumination and the right use of the knowledge of the Law); and love to fulfill the destiny of the soul in conscious outer manifestation (a just and merciful compassion that is always rewarded by individual creative fulfillment).

The flame within the heart is your personal focus of the sacred fire. It is your opportunity to become the Christ. It is the potential of your Divinity waiting to burst into being within your humanity.


O Mighty Threefold Flame of Life Decree

Spiritual Decree and Visualization by Zarathustra

In December 1965, the ascended master Zarathustra gave the following teaching:

“It is not enough to leave mankind to bask (so to speak) in the flame of self-effort, but we must somehow manage to convey more of the fire of heaven through to the individual’s consciousness so that inspiration will come forth as a well within the fount of individual identity.”

To assist this spiritual aspiration, he dictated a decree, O Mighty Threefold Flame of Life. Decrees are more than mere poetry because they are charged with the radiance of the master.

The threefold flame is another term for the heart flame, composed of three intertwining flames: the blue flame of power, the yellow flame of wisdom and the pink flame of love. These three flames also correspond to the Trinity: Father (Brahma), Son (Vishnu) and Holy Spirit (Shiva).

The ascended master Zarathustra asked that his decree be given daily, six weeks prior to Christmas each year. In 1985 he said that while you give this mantra, he will place his electronic presence over you, realigning your chakras, assisting you to balance the threefold flame and to bring God-control into every aspect of your life.

Let us prepare for the celebration of the birth of the Christ in all Lightbearers on Christmas Eve.


Who is Zarathustra?

Zarathustra with swordThis office in hierarchy is presently held by one who was embodied as the founder of Zoroastrianism in ancient Persia. He is the highest initiate of the sacred fire on the planet and the governing authority of the energies of fohat. He is over the priests of the sacred fire and the priesthood of Melchizedek.

All members of the Great White Brotherhood serve in the Order of Melchizedek even as they serve the sacred fire, but only those who have reached a certain level of initiation may be called Priests of the Order of Melchizedek. Other members serve the purposes of the Order but do not bear the title of priest. Zarathustra has many disciples serving under him, and when the most advanced of these reaches a certain attainment, he will qualify for the office, and the teacher will go on to cosmic service.

The historical record

Zoroastrianism is the one of the oldest of the world’s religions. Zarathustra, its founder, was a prophet who spoke to his God face-to-face.

Mary Boyce, Emeritus Professor of Iranian Studies at the University of London, points out:

Zoroastrianism is the oldest of the revealed world-religions, and it has probably had more influence on mankind, directly and indirectly, than any other single faith.

According to R. C. Zaehner, former Spalding Professor of Eastern Religions and Ethics at Oxford University, Zarathustra was

… one of the greatest religious geniuses of all time…. [He] was a prophet, or at least conceived himself to be such; he spoke to his God face to face…. [Yet] about the Prophet himself we know almost nothing that is authentic.


Dictations by Beloved Zarathustra

June 8, 1962 | September 7, 1962 | December 12, 1965 | January 1, 1981
March 31, 1985 | October 11, 1985 | March 29, 1986
July 1, 1989 | July 1, 1992 | July 1, 1995

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