The 7 Founding Dictations of The Summit Lighthouse
The Seven Founding Dictations of The Summit Lighthouse
Founding Dictations of The Summit Lighthouse: A Nucleus of these Seven Founding Dictations were delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Thursday, August 7, 1958.
Dictation by Archangel Michael «Protection for This Activity by the Sword of Blue Flame. A Nucleus of Seven» was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Thursday, August 7, 1958, at a corporation meeting held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Dictation by the Elohim of Peace «My Peace I Give to You. Mighty I AM Presence, Pour Out the Radiant Golden Oil of Peace!» was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Thursday, August 7, 1958, at a corporation meeting held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Dictation by Saint Germain «I Offer You the Cup of Liquid Love. The Purpose of This Activity Is to Fulfill God’s Will and to Externalize Love» was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Thursday, August 7, 1958, at a corporation meeting held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Dictation by the Maha Chohan «The Heart Center of a New Activity “Paraclete of Light, Descend!”» was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Thursday, August 7, 1958, at a corporation meeting held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Dictation by El Morya «With a Smile of Hope. “Thy Will, O God, Is Good!”» was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Thursday, August 7, 1958, at a corporation meeting held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Dictation by Gautama Buddha «Unconditioned Love. My Blessing at the Beginning of the Race» was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Thursday, August 7, 1958, at a corporation meeting held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Dictation by Godfre «Let Your New Activity Be a Happy Activity. You Are the Light of God, Which Cannot Fail!» was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Thursday, August 7, 1958, at a corporation meeting held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
1958 Pearls of Wisdom Hardbound Book
1958 Pearls of Wisdom hardbound book contains the 1958 Pearls, plus the founding dictations of The Summit Lighthouse, and an illustrated history of the organization.
Read More About The August 7th Anniversary
The Extraordinary Story
of The Summit Lighthouse
66th Anniversary Celebration
The Summit Lighthouse is the culmination of the dream of the Ascended Masters across many ages. Its inception lies in the mind of God, with glimpses and traces seen in all previous endeavors of the Great White Brotherhood.
The champion of the will of God, Master El Morya, Chief of the Darjeeling Council, contacted his messenger, Mark Prophet, at the age of eighteen and trained him for many years. In 1958, under the direction of El Morya, Mark founded The Summit Lighthouse in Washington, D.C.
Through the words of the Masters, which are alive and powerful, we become doers of the word, allowing the light to shine through us. These teachings crystallize the light of the diamond heart within us, singing a song of praise to the Creator.
After Mark’s ascension in 1973, his gifted wife, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, continued the mission, delivering thousands of lectures and dictations that carried powerful frequencies of light, awakening us to the highest truths we’ve ever experienced.
Join us as we honor this incredible journey and continue to embrace the teachings of the Ascended Masters.
Great White Brotherhood: The word “white” refers not to race but to the aura (halo) of white light surrounding their forms.
The Extraordinary Story of the Summit Lighthouse
60th Anniversary
An inspiring film “Forever in the Diamond Heart of El Morya” that takes you on a sacred journey with Mark and Elizabeth Prophet as they individually meet the Master El Morya and embark on their special mission. Created for the celebration of 60th anniversary of TSL. (1958-2018)
History of The Summit Lighthouse
Founding of The Summit Lighthouse
In 1958, the ascended master El Morya called Mark L. Prophet to Washington, D.C., to found The Summit Lighthouse and to publish the teachings of the ascended masters. Seven ascended masters—Archangel Michael, the Elohim of Peace, Saint Germain, the Maha Chohan, El Morya, Gautama Buddha and Godfre—gave the founding dictations of The Summit Lighthouse before the original board members on August 7, 1958, in Philadelphia.
By this time Mark was living in a brownstone house on Kentucky Avenue close to the heart of the nation’s capital. In a room on the top floor, which served as the first sanctuary for The Summit Lighthouse, Mark would sit at his manual typewriter under a 300 watt light bulb and receive the masters’ dictations for the Pearls of Wisdom.
Among the few furnishings in his room were a rug, a large picture of El Morya, a phonograph and one record entitled “Hearts and Flowers.” This phonograph record had been used so much that the needle would stick on a certain spot each time it was played.
One time when Mark was discouraged, he asked El Morya if he would please give him a sign. Immediately a beam of light shot out from El Morya’s picture, picked up the arm of the phonograph, moved the needle beyond the worn spot on the record and the music continued. Mark’s faith was reaffirmed by this startling demonstration, and he promised never to doubt the Master again.
Mother Finds Mark and The Summit Lighthouse
Elizabeth Clare Prophet met Mark, her twin flame, when she attended her first Summit Lighthouse meeting on April 22, 1961, in Boston. (In later years, her students came to call her “Mother” because of her devotion to God as Mother, just as a mother superior is called “Mother” or a priest “Father.”)
Soon after this first meeting, El Morya called Mother to Washington, D.C., to be trained as a Messenger. Mark told Mother that his tenure on earth was drawing to a close but he would stay till she was ready to carry on in his stead. Her knowing this was a heavy burden on her heart. The Messengers served side by side for just eleven years and ten months.
In 1962, The Summit Lighthouse bought its first printing press. It was delivered to Mother’s apartment in Arlington, Virginia, where she printed the Pearls of Wisdom in her living room. Later that year, the organization bought a house in Fairfax, Virginia, and called it Holy Tree House for the abundance of holly trees on the property. Holy Tree House was surrounded by woods and the staff sat on the screened in porch to eat their meals. Mother cooked and ran the press until Bill Harper, a pillar in the early church, joined staff and took over the basement print shop.
Mother and Mark were married March 16, 1963. The Messengers’ first child, Sean Christopher Prophet, was born at Holy Tree House May 9, 1964. In July, Saint Germain anointed Mother as Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood. The Great White Brotherhood is a spiritual order of Western saints and Eastern masters. (The term “white” refers not to race but to the aura of white light that surrounds these immortals.)
In 1964, Mark went on his first people to people tour. He traveled throughout the United States and contacted just about every person on the mailing list. Mother recalls that he was very touched to visit a black couple who were readers of the Pearls of Wisdom. Although they were not educated, they understood perfectly the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood. In fact, they so loved the Masters that they papered the walls of their little cottage with the Pearls of Wisdom.
Mark and Mother were profoundly impressed by the lesson that this dear couple demonstrated: If you have the Holy Spirit, you don’t need a college degree to understand the teachings of the ascended masters. And if you don’t have the Holy Spirit, a college degree will not help you.
Because the organization was bursting at the seams at Holy Tree House, Mark and Mother moved it to its second focus, in Vienna, Virginia, in January 1965. Morya named this lovely house Beacon’s Head.
The Summit Lighthouse®
Ascended Master Library
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- Over 4100 dictations by the ascended masters on the spiritual path and how to attain your mastery
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The Archives
For additional information please visit the Summit Lighthouse website. Learn how to become a Keeper of the Flame.